How to Plan and Allocate Resources in Your Project on Mac
CoceptDraw PROJECT provides easy ways to project Resources Management: Create a list of project resources and assign the right people to tasks, as well as the necessary materials to be used.HelpDesk
What Information to be Displayed in the ConceptDraw PROJECT Gantt Chart View
What information can contain the project task list? Gantt Chart view is a graphical representation of a project outline that allows one to allocate tasks. You can customize a project’s tasks list view to include the columns you need to meet your information requirements. The columns of the ConceptDraw PROJECT Gantt view contain the information you want to capture about each task in your project. The following article details what information can be contained in the columns of a project outline:<HelpDesk
How to Plan and Allocate Resources with ConceptDraw PROJECT on PC
Effective resource management is a key factor in the successful project implementation. The common types of resources for which the project manager has an impact, include material resources (materials, energy), staff (work) and equipment. CoceptDraw PROJECT provides easy ways to project Resources Management: Create a list of project resources and assign the right human resource, as well as the necessary material, or equipment to be used.HelpDesk
How to Create a Gantt Chart for Your Project
Instruction on how to create Gantt chart using ConceptDraw PROJECT software. Gant Chart is a graphical representation of tasks as segments on a time scale. It helps plan or overlapping.How to Create Gantt Chart
To begin managing a new project, you will need to define the individual Tasks that must be completed to deliver it. The default view for a new project in ConceptDraw PROJECT is the Gantt Chart.Gantt Chart Diagram
Gantt Chart is a popular type of bar charts and widely used projects planning method. It helps to illustrate the plan for some project, the progress of tasks, the resources planning, the schedule of works and working time. The Gantt Chart contains a set of intervals (bars) located on the time axis and reflects the use of resources by objects. Each bar represents a separate task in the project, its length is a duration of the work. The vertical axis of the graph represents the list of tasks. Besides, the chart can contain additional data, such as the percents of complete, the total tasks, the tasks dependencies, the key points (milestones), etc. The use of Gantt Chart greatly simplifies the project management and enables to visualize in visual and compressed view the most important information of the project, what resources are used for execution the certain tasks and which must to be the speed of their execution. ConceptDraw Office suite applications help to cope perfectly the project management tasks, to construct easily the basic structure of your project and create a Gantt Chart Diagram. PM Easy solution allows you to plan and execute the projects using the mind mapping technique, to implement planning using mind mapping, and track tasks using ConceptDraw Project.HelpDesk
How to Add a Color Marker to Project Task on a Gantt Chart
ConceptDraw PROJECT Server allows adding color markers to scheduled project tasks. A color marker is used to show whether a task is marked for further action or identification of some kind. You can use markers if you want to select certain tasks for further viewing, filtering, formatting, or editing in the offline mode.Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (abbr. PERT) is a method developed by Ministry of Defense of the USA in 1958 for the project of creation the missile system Polaris. PERT diagram is one of the tools for project management that lets greatly simplify the planning and scheduling of large and complex projects. PERT diagram provides evaluation of project run-time and labor forces, it helps to analyze the time necessary for execution each of project tasks and the whole project, and to calculate the project critical path. PERT chart depicts the set of tasks connected each other in order of their execution and is constructed according to one of definite rules - AOA (activity on arrow) or AON (activity on node). It doesn't give you ready concrete decisions, but helps to find them. Design easy the PERT diagrams in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software enhanced with Seven Management and Planning Tools solution from Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. You have a possibility to build the PERT chart of any type, but AON variant is easier for building and perception.How to Create Presentation of Your Project Gantt Chart
During the planning, discussing and execution of a project you may need to prepare a presentation using project views such as the Gantt Chart, Multiproject Dashboard or Resource Usage View. It’s easy do with ConceptDraw PROJECT!Project — Working With Tasks
A full-featured project management solution with all the necessary functions right at your fingertips. Generates an extensive variety of reports on project and task statuses. These videos provide a series of lessons that will enhance the understanding of all our users, from people just starting out with the software, through to expert users.- Sample Task Assignment Template
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