This DFD sample was created on the base of the figure from the NASA website. [ ATBD/ DFD.html]
"Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES).
EOS-Terra: Understanding Earth's Clouds and Climate.
The Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) instrument is one of several that will be flown aboard the Earth Observing System's Terra spacecraft, scheduled for launch in late1999. The data from the CERES instrument will be used to study the energy exchanged between the Sun; the Earth's atmosphere, surface and clouds; and outer space.
The CERES EOS-Terra instrument will be the second CERES instrument in Earth orbit. The first CERES instrument is currently orbiting the Earth aboard the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission observatory, which was launched in November 1997. Early results of the TRMM mission show that the first CERES has provided better measurement capabilities than any previous satellite instrument of its kind.
What CERES Will Measure.
CERES will measure the energy at the top of the atmosphere, as well as estimate energy levels in the atmosphere and at the Earth's surface. Using information from very high resolution cloud imaging instruments on the same spacecraft, CERES also will determine cloud properties, including cloud amount, altitude, thickness, and the size of the cloud particles. All of these measurements are critical for advancing our understanding of the Earth's total climate system and further improving climate prediction models.
The CERES instrument is based on NASA Langley's highly successful Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) which used three satellites to provide global energy budget measurements from 1984 to 1990." [ centers/ langley/ news/ factsheets/ CERES.html]
The DFD example "CERES data flow diagram" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Data Flow Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
"Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES).
EOS-Terra: Understanding Earth's Clouds and Climate.
The Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) instrument is one of several that will be flown aboard the Earth Observing System's Terra spacecraft, scheduled for launch in late1999. The data from the CERES instrument will be used to study the energy exchanged between the Sun; the Earth's atmosphere, surface and clouds; and outer space.
The CERES EOS-Terra instrument will be the second CERES instrument in Earth orbit. The first CERES instrument is currently orbiting the Earth aboard the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission observatory, which was launched in November 1997. Early results of the TRMM mission show that the first CERES has provided better measurement capabilities than any previous satellite instrument of its kind.
What CERES Will Measure.
CERES will measure the energy at the top of the atmosphere, as well as estimate energy levels in the atmosphere and at the Earth's surface. Using information from very high resolution cloud imaging instruments on the same spacecraft, CERES also will determine cloud properties, including cloud amount, altitude, thickness, and the size of the cloud particles. All of these measurements are critical for advancing our understanding of the Earth's total climate system and further improving climate prediction models.
The CERES instrument is based on NASA Langley's highly successful Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) which used three satellites to provide global energy budget measurements from 1984 to 1990." [ centers/ langley/ news/ factsheets/ CERES.html]
The DFD example "CERES data flow diagram" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Data Flow Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
LLNL Flow Charts
These flow charts help scientists analysts and other decision makers to visualize the complex interrelationships involved in managing our nation x2019.
IDEF0 Diagrams
IDEF0 Diagrams visualize system models using the Integration Definition for Function Modeling (IDEF) methodology. Use them for analysis, development and integration of information and software systems, and business process modelling.
IDEF3 Standard
Use Case Diagrams technology. IDEF3 Standard is intended for description and further analysis of technological processes of an enterprise. Using IDEF3 standard it is possible to examine and model scenarios of technological processes.- Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
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