This example of a Top Level Context Diagram for an information system management process was redesigned from the Wikipedia file: IDEF Top-Level Context Diagram.jpg. [ wiki/ File:IDEF_ Top-Level_ Context_ Diagram.jpg]
"Graphical notation.
IDEF0 is a model that consists of a hierarchical series of diagrams, text, and glossary cross referenced to each other. The two primary modeling components are:
(1) functions (represented on a diagram by boxes), and
(2) data and objects that interrelate those functions (represented by arrows).
... the position at which the arrow attaches to a box conveys the specific role of the interface. The controls enter the top of the box. The inputs, the data or objects acted upon by the operation, enter the box from the left. The outputs of the operation leave the right-hand side of the box. Mechanism arrows that provide supporting means for performing the function join (point up to) the bottom of the box.
The IDEF0 process.
The IDEF0 process starts with the identification of the prime function to be decomposed. This function is identified on a “Top Level Context Diagram,” that defines the scope of the particular IDEF0 analysis. ... From this diagram lower-level diagrams are generated." [IDEF0. Wikipedia]
The IDEF0 diagram example "Top-level context diagram" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the IDEF0 Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
"Graphical notation.
IDEF0 is a model that consists of a hierarchical series of diagrams, text, and glossary cross referenced to each other. The two primary modeling components are:
(1) functions (represented on a diagram by boxes), and
(2) data and objects that interrelate those functions (represented by arrows).
... the position at which the arrow attaches to a box conveys the specific role of the interface. The controls enter the top of the box. The inputs, the data or objects acted upon by the operation, enter the box from the left. The outputs of the operation leave the right-hand side of the box. Mechanism arrows that provide supporting means for performing the function join (point up to) the bottom of the box.
The IDEF0 process.
The IDEF0 process starts with the identification of the prime function to be decomposed. This function is identified on a “Top Level Context Diagram,” that defines the scope of the particular IDEF0 analysis. ... From this diagram lower-level diagrams are generated." [IDEF0. Wikipedia]
The IDEF0 diagram example "Top-level context diagram" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the IDEF0 Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Pyramid Diagram
Pyramid diagram is a chart used to visualize the data in a hierarchical (pyramid-like) structure and depict the foundation-based relationships. Pyramid diagram looks like a triangle divided by lines into several sections (layers) and can be oriented up or down, and represented in 2D or 3D view. 2D Pyramid diagrams are a great way to illustrate the hierarchical structure, 3D Pyramids are equally good to represent the class stratification and hierarchy. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software with included Pyramid Diagrams solution from Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is a powerful application which contains templates and library of vector design elements for instantly drawing three level Pyramid model, four level and five level Triangle charts. All predesigned objects are easy for changing color style and resizing according to your needs, and ConceptDraw documents with Pyramid diagrams can be easy exported in various formats for further using in marketing presentations, for effective analyzing hierarchy levels and illustration your data and ideas.Block Diagram
The vector stencils libraries: Block Diagrams, Blocks with Perspective, Callouts, Connectors, Raised Blocks from the solution Block Diagrams contain specific block diagram symbols such as arrows, input/output symbols, start/end symbols, processing symbols, conditional symbols, commenting symbols, callouts, connectors, etc. for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software. The Block Diagrams solution is contained in a "Diagrams" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. Use the libraries from the Block Diagrams solution to draw block diagrams for your business documents, presentations and websites in a few minutes.Star Network Topology
Star is a basic computer network topology in which all nodes (computers and peripheral devices) of the network are connected to the central hub or switch with a point-to-point connection, forming a physical network segment. Such network segment can function separately or as a part of complex network topology. The switch is a server, the peripherals are the clients. The large workload and functions of network management are entrusted on the central computer, all information exchange goes through it, so it must to be obligatory the most powerful. The star network topology is a simple topology for design and implementation. Its advantages are high performance, flexible administration capabilities, simplicity of adding additional nodes and search of faults, the fact that a failure of one workstation doesn't affect the work of entire network. But the failure of central hub will result the failure of whole network or network segment - it's the main disadvantage. Use the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM with Computer and Networks solution to designing Star Network Topology Diagrams fast and easy.
Pyramid Diagram
A five level pyramid model of different types of Information Systems based on the information processing requirement of different levels in the organization. five level pyramid example is included in the Pyramid Diagrams solution from Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.Types of Flowcharts
A Flowchart is a graphical representation of process, algorithm, workflow or step-by-step solution of the problem. It shows the steps as boxes of various kinds and connects them by arrows in a defined order depicting a flow. There are twelve main Flowchart types: Basic Flowchart, Business Process Modeling Diagram (BPMN), Cross Functional Flowchart, Data Flow Diagram (DFD), IDEF (Integrated DEFinition) Flowchart, Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) Diagram, Influence Diagram (ID), Swimlane Flowchart, Process Flow Diagram (PFD), Specification and Description Language (SDL) Diagram, Value Stream Mapping, Workflow Diagram. Using the Flowcharts solution from the Diagrams area of ConceptDraw Solution Park you can easy and quickly design a Flowchart of any of these types. This solution offers a lot of special predesigned vector symbols for each of these widely used notations. They will make the drawing process of Flowcharts much easier than ever. Pay also attention for the included collection of ready Flowchart examples, samples and quick-start templates. This is business process improvement tools. If you are looking for MS Visio for your Mac, then you are out of luck, because it hasn't been released yet. However, you can use Visio alternatives that can successfully replace its functions. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is an alternative to MS Visio for Mac that provides powerful features and intuitive user interface for the same.
Pyramid Diagram
Pyramid chart example is included in the Pyramid Diagrams solution from Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.Data Flow Diagram
Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is the part of the Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM), which is intended for information systems projection and analysis. Data Flow Diagrams allow graphically represent the data flows in information system and analyze the data processing during the structural projection. This type of diagrams lets visually show a work of information system and results of this work, it is often used in connection with human processes and can be displayed as Workflow diagram. Data Flow Diagram visualizes processes and functions, external entities, data depositories, and data flows connecting these elements and indicating direction and data character. Each of these elements used for DFD has its own graphical notation. There are two notations to draw DFDs - Yourdon & Coad and Gane & Sarson. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM extended with Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) solution from Software Developmant area is ideal for designing professional looking DFDs, which can be then easily exported in various formats.
IDEF0 Diagrams
IDEF0 Diagrams visualize system models using the Integration Definition for Function Modeling (IDEF) methodology. Use them for analysis, development and integration of information and software systems, and business process modelling.
Pyramid Diagram
ConceptDraw Pyramid Diagram software allows drawing column charts using predesigned objects or drawing tools.- Top - level context diagram | Use Case Diagrams technology with ...
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- Library System Top Level Diagram
- Process Context Diagram
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