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This healthcare economics infogram example was redesigned from the Wikimedia Commons file: Medicare spending per capita.png.
"Research by The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice in the Dartmouth Atlas showed that in 2006, Medicare spending varied significantly by state. Other research quoted by the CEA Report indicated that up to 30% of Medicare costs could be saved if the middle- and high-cost states spent at the level of the lower-cost states.[1] Bear in mind that this is a Medicare comparison, so all the persons in the population analyzed are over 65.
1. White House Council of Economic Advisors (CEA)-The Economic Case for Health Care Reform-June 2009-Page 19."
[ wiki/ File:Medicare_ spending_ per_ capita.png]
The healthcare management thematic map sample "U.S. Medicare spending per capita" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Management Infographics solition from the area "Business Infographics" in ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Healthcare management infographics example
Healthcare management infographics example, ribbon arrow callout, management infographics background, arrow text block, Wyoming, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Washington, Virginia, Vermont, Utah, United States, America, USA, Texas, Tennessee, South Dakota, South Carolina, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Oklahoma, Ohio, North Dakota, North Carolina, New York, New Mexico, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Nevada, Nebraska, Montana, Missouri, Mississippi, Minnesota, Michigan, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Louisiana, Kentucky, Kansas, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Idaho, Georgia, Florida, Delaware, Connecticut, Colorado, California, Arkansas, Arizona, Alabama,

How to Draw a Circular Arrows Diagram Using ConceptDraw PRO

The cyclic recurrence is a fundamental property of multiple systems. The cycle is a process which consists from elements (phases, stages, stages) following each other. Many processes in astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, etc. have a cycle properties. It is also widely used in information technologies and marketing analysis. Graphical representation of cyclic processes can have many forms. It can be a circle, parabola, hyperbola, ellipse and others. A Circular Arrows Diagram is used as one of the statistical charts in the business, mass media and marketing. ConceptDraw PRO provides its users tools for making easy drawing Circular Arrows Diagrams.

map of england, map of scotland, united kingdom map, uk map, map of uk, great britain map, map of great britain, map of united kingdom, map of wales UK Map

map of england, map of scotland, united kingdom map, uk map, map of uk, great britain map, map of great britain, map of united kingdom, map of wales
The Map of UK solution contains collection of professionally designed samples and scalable vector stencil graphics maps, representing the United Kingdom counties, regions and cities. Use the Map of UK solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park as the base fo

segmented cycle diagrams, basic circular arrows diagrams, circular flow Basic Circular Arrows Diagrams

segmented cycle diagrams, basic circular arrows diagrams, circular flow
This solution extends ConceptDraw PRO v10 (or later) with samples, templates, and a library of vector stencils for drawing circular arrow diagrams.

segmented cycle diagram, marketing diagrams, circular arrows diagrams Circular Arrows Diagrams

segmented cycle diagram, marketing diagrams, circular arrows diagrams
Circular Arrows Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw PRO v10 with extensive drawing tools, predesigned samples, Circular flow diagram template for quick start, and a library of ready circular arrow vector stencils for drawing Circular Arrow Diagrams, Segmented Cycle Diagrams, and Circular Flow Diagrams. The elements in this solution help managers, analysts, business advisers, marketing experts, scientists, lecturers, and other knowledge workers in their daily work.

How to Create a Fault Tree Analysis Diagram (FTD) in ConceptDraw PRO

Fault Tree Diagram are logic diagram that shows the state of an entire system in a relationship of the conditions of its elements. Fault Tree Diagram are used to analyze the probability of functional system failures and safety accidents. ConceptDraw PRO allows you to create professional Fault Tree Diagrams using the basic FTD symbols. An FTD visualize a model of the processes within a system that can lead to the unlikely event. A fault tree diagrams are created using standard logic symbols . The basic elements in a fault tree diagram are gates and events.
This ecology infographic example was created on the base of the infographics "Greenhouse gas emissions in the EU" from the Debating Europe website. [ wp-content/ uploads/ 2013/ 06/ TH_ 2_ social.png]
"A greenhouse gas (sometimes abbreviated GHG) is a gas in an atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared range. This process is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect. The primary greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Greenhouse gases greatly affect the temperature of the Earth; without them, Earth's surface would average about 33 °C colder, which is about 59 °F below the present average of 14 °C (57 °F)." [Greenhouse gas. Wikipedia]
The ecology infographic example "EU greenhouse gas emissions" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Management Infographics solition from the area "Business Infographics" in ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Ecology infographics example
Ecology infographics example, trash bin, wastepaper basket, title text block, ribbon arrow callout, power plant, pointed up text block, nature, vegetation, horizontal bar chart, factory, industry, power plant, education diagram, cloud, circle callout, car, motor car, passenger car, callout with divider, bullet symbol, braces callout, curly brackets, squiggly brackets, arrow text block, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Slovenia, Slovakia, Serbia, Romania, Portugal, Poland, Montenegro, Malta, Macedonia, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Latvia, Kosovo, Italy, Ireland, Hungary, Greece, Germany, France, Finland, Estonia, Denmark, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Croatia, Bulgaria, Bosnia & Her., Belgium, Austria, Albania,

sales process map, sales process flowchart, sales steps, sales process management Sales Flowcharts

sales process map, sales process flowchart, sales steps, sales process management
The Sales Flowcharts solution lets you create and display sales process maps, sales process workflows, sales steps, the sales process, and anything else involving sales process management.

network topology diagram software, network icons, network diagram template, networking icons available, how to draw a network diagram Computer Network Diagrams

network topology diagram software, network icons, network diagram template, networking icons available, how to draw a network diagram
Computer Network Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with samples, templates and libraries of vector icons and objects of computer network devices and network components to help you create professional-looking Computer Network Diagrams, to plan simple home networks and complex computer network configurations for large buildings, to represent their schemes in a comprehensible graphical view, to document computer networks configurations, to depict the interactions between network's components, the used protocols and topologies, to represent physical and logical network structures, to compare visually different topologies and to depict their combinations, to represent in details the network structure with help of schemes, to study and analyze the network configurations, to communicate effectively to engineers, stakeholders and end-users, to track network working and troubleshoot, if necessary.

usa map, map of usa, map of usa states, usa map states, usa maps, us map with cities, usa states map, us interstate map, usa map with capitals, printable us map USA Maps

usa map, map of usa, map of usa states, usa map states, usa maps, us map with cities, usa states map, us interstate map, usa map with capitals, printable us map
Use the USA Maps solution to create a map of USA, a US interstate map, printable US maps, US maps with cities and US maps with capitals. Create a complete USA states map.

Baseball Diagram — Baseball Field — Corner View — Sample

Explaining basics of Baseball is practically impossible without drawing a diagram. If you need to do this more than once you have to choose an appropriate tool allows you to change diagrams easily. ConceptDraw PRO extended with the Baseball Solution is the best choice for this case.

Process Flowchart

The main reason of using Process Flowchart or PFD is to show relations between major parts of the system. Process Flowcharts are used in process engineering and chemical industry where there is a requirement of depicting relationships between major components only and not include minor parts. Process Flowcharts for single unit or multiple units differ in their structure and implementation. ConceptDraw PRO is Professional business process mapping software for making Process flowcharts, Process flow diagram, Workflow diagram, flowcharts and technical illustrations for business documents and also comprehensive visio for mac application. Easier define and document basic work and data flows, financial, production and quality management processes to increase efficiency of your business with ConcepDraw PRO. Business process mapping software with Flowchart Maker ConceptDraw PRO includes extensive drawing tools, rich examples and templates, process flowchart symbols and shape libraries, smart connectors that allow you create the flowcharts of complex processes, process flow diagrams, procedures and information exchange. Process Flowchart Solution is project management workflow tools which is part ConceptDraw Project marketing project management software. Drawing charts, diagrams, and network layouts has long been the monopoly of Microsoft Visio, making Mac users to struggle when needing such visio alternative like visio for mac, it requires only to view features, make a minor edit to, or print a diagram or chart. Thankfully to MS Visio alternative like ConceptDraw PRO software, this is cross-platform charting and business process management tool, now visio alternative for making sort of visio diagram is not a problem anymore however many people still name it business process visio tools.
How To Create a Process Flow Chart (business process modelling techniques)
How To Create a Process Flow Chart (business process modelling techniques)

Workflow Flowchart Symbols

The Workflow diagrams are the specialized type of flowcharts which allow to visualize any sorts of step-by-step processes. They are usually created as flowcharts, with objects that represent in a simple visual manner the steps in the process connected by arrows that indicate the next step. The ability easily create Workflow diagrams visually describing the tasks, documents associated with the tasks, people which are responsible for execution at each stage of workflow is made possible with Workflow Diagrams solution. This solution extends ConceptDraw PRO with a Workflow Diagram library that contains large collection of predesigned workflow flowchart symbols.

network security tips, cyber security degrees, it security solutions, network security, network security devices, secure wireless network Network Security Diagrams

network security tips, cyber security degrees, it security solutions, network security, network security devices, secure wireless network
The Network Security Diagrams solution presents a large collection of predesigned cybersecurity vector stencils, cliparts, shapes, icons and connectors to help you succeed in designing professional and accurate Network Security Diagrams, Network Security Infographics to share knowledge about effective ways of networks protection with help of software and network security devices of different cyber security degrees, Network Plans for secure wireless network, Computer Security Diagrams to visually tell about amazing possibilities of IT security solutions. The samples and examples reflect the power of ConceptDraw PRO software in drawing Network Security Diagrams, give the representation about variety of existing types of attacks and threats, help to realize their seriousness and the methods to deal with them.

draw pie chart, draw donut chart Pie Charts

draw pie chart, draw donut chart
Pie Charts are extensively used in statistics and business for explaining data and work results, in mass media for comparison (i.e. to visualize the percentage for the parts of one total), and in many other fields. The Pie Charts solution for ConceptDraw PRO v10 offers powerful drawing tools, varied templates, samples, and a library of vector stencils for simple construction and design of Pie Charts, Donut Chart, and Pie Graph Worksheets.