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How to Open MS Visio® 2013/2016 Files on a Mac®

Powerful business graphics and diagramming tools are the norm and not the exception for today’s businesses. For years the de facto standard file format for business has been Microsoft Visio™. Many people involved in visual communication need software tools that will read and write using the Visio file format. With the introduction of Visio 2013 Microsoft has changed the native file format used in earlier versions of Microsoft Visio. ConceptDraw PRO v10 file import and export works round-trip with the new Visio VSDX file format.

How to Create Data-driven Infographics

Data-driven infographics are used in wildly disparate areas of business and commerce. To make effective Data-driven infographics, it's useful to have a wide variety of graphical elements — icons, clipart, stencils, charts and graphs — to illustrate your diagram. ConceptDraw Data-driven Infographics solution provides all the tools you need to present data as described by this article — as well as the charts mentioned previously, you can find histograms, divided bar charts, ring charts, line graphs and area charts — meaning you can find the perfect medium for displaying a certain type of data. It allows you to draw data driven infographics quickly and easily using the special templates and vector stencils libraries.It can be used to quickly communicate a message, to simplify the presentation of large amounts of data, to see data patterns and relationships, and to monitor changes in variables over time.

accounting flowchart, accounting cycle Accounting Flowcharts

accounting flowchart, accounting cycle
Accounting Flowcharts solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with templates, samples and library of vector stencils for drawing the accounting flow charts.

What Constitutes a Project?

Separated into categories of Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced categories, the new instructional videos about ConceptDraw PROJECT cover a huge breadth of topics. Users new to ConceptDraw PROJECT will find the Basic lessons an essential platform for familiarizing themselves with the programs′s functions. This video lesson is the first in Basic lessons series.
what is software project management
what is software project management