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This telecom diagram sample illustrates the call shop solution. It was designed on the base of the Wikimedia Commons file: Call shops.jpg.
[ wiki/ File:Call_ shops.jpg]
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. [ licenses/ by-sa/ 3.0/ deed.en]
"A call shop is a business providing on-site access to telephones for long-distance calling in countries without widespread home long-distance service. Calls may be prepaid or postpaid." [Call shop. Wikipedia]
The telecommunication diagram example "Call shop solution" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Computers and Communications solution from the Illustration area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Telecom diagram
Telecom diagram, monitor, keyboard, laptop, global communication, network, digital phone, data center, web hosting, cable connector,

fishbone diagram, Ishikawa diagram, cause and effect analysis Fishbone Diagrams

fishbone diagram, Ishikawa diagram, cause and effect analysis
The Fishbone Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw PRO v10 software with the ability to easily draw the Fishbone Diagrams (Ishikawa Diagrams) to clearly see the cause and effect analysis and also problem solving. The vector graphic diagrams produced using this solution can be used in whitepapers, presentations, datasheets, posters, and published technical material.