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telecommunication networking, networking and telecommunications, telecommunications network, computer systems networking and telecommunications Telecommunication Network Diagrams

telecommunication networking, networking and telecommunications, telecommunications network, computer systems networking and telecommunications
Telecommunication Network Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with samples, templates, and great collection of vector stencils to help the specialists in a field of networks and telecommunications, as well as other users to create Computer systems networking and Telecommunication network diagrams for various fields, to organize the work of call centers, to design the GPRS networks and GPS navigational systems, mobile, satellite and hybrid communication networks, to construct the mobile TV networks and wireless broadband networks.

How to Add a Telecommunication Network Diagram to a PowerPoint Presentation Using ConceptDraw PRO

Telecommunication network diagram represents a system consisting of computers, servers, telecommunication devices, switches, satellites, wireless transmitters, antennas, cables, etc., that link a set of remote nodes. It is also describes a telephone exchange, that connects calls between landlines. ConceptDraw PRO allows you to easily create telecommunication network diagrams and then make a PowerPoint Presentation from your network documentation in a few clicks. Telecommunication network diagrams are used to show components and connections in a telecommunications network: how they are interacted between each other and with end-users. The PowerPoint presentation on concept of telecom network can be very informative and helpful. ConceptDraw PRO allows you to make a MS PowerPoint Presentation from your telecommunication network diagrams in a few clicks.
"Media (singular medium) are the storage and transmission channels or tools used to store and deliver information or data. It is often referred to as synonymous with mass media or news media, but may refer to any means of information communication. ...
Analog telecommunications include some radio systems, historical telephony systems, and historical TV broadcasts.
Digital telecommunications allow for computer-mediated communication, telegraphy, and computer networks.
Modern communication media now allow for intense long-distance exchanges between larger numbers of people (many-to-many communication via e-mail, Internet forums, and teleportation). On the other hand, many traditional broadcast media and mass media favor one-to-many communication (television, cinema, radio, newspaper, magazines, and also facebook)." [Media (communication). Wikipedia]
This communication medium diagram example was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Telecommunication Network Diagrams solution from the Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Telecommunication network diagram
Telecommunication network diagram, tree, satellite dish, satellite, radio waves, office building, mountain, house, car,

cross-functional flowchart template, flowchart, example business process flow Cross-Functional Flowcharts

cross-functional flowchart template, flowchart, example business process flow
Cross-functional flowcharts are powerful and useful tool for visualizing and analyzing complex business processes which requires involvement of multiple people, teams or even departments. They let clearly represent a sequence of the process steps, the order of operations, relationships between processes and responsible functional units (such as departments or positions).

network layout, network floor plan, network visualization, network topologies, network topology mapper Network Layout Floor Plans

network layout, network floor plan, network visualization, network topologies, network topology mapper
Network Layout Floor Plans solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software functionality with powerful tools for quick and efficient documentation the network equipment and displaying its location on the professionally designed Network Layout Floor Plans. Never before creation of Network Layout Floor Plans, Network Communication Plans, Network Topologies Plans and Network Topology Maps was not so easy, convenient and fast as with predesigned templates, samples, examples and comprehensive set of vector design elements included to the Network Layout Floor Plans solution. All listed types of plans will be a good support for the future correct cabling and installation of network equipment.
"Interactive voice response (IVR) is a technology that allows a computer to interact with humans through the use of voice and DTMF tones input via keypad.
In telecommunications, IVR allows customers to interact with a company’s host system via a telephone keypad or by speech recognition, after which they can service their own inquiries by following the IVR dialogue. IVR systems can respond with prerecorded or dynamically generated audio to further direct users on how to proceed. IVR applications can be used to control almost any function where the interface can be broken down into a series of simple interactions. IVR systems deployed in the network are sized to handle large call volumes.
IVR technology is also being introduced into automobile systems for hands-free operation. Current deployment in automobiles revolves around satellite navigation, audio and mobile phone systems.
It is common in industries that have recently entered the telecommunications industry to refer to an automated attendant as an IVR. The terms, however, are distinct and mean different things to traditional telecommunications professionals, whereas emerging telephony and VoIP professionals often use the term IVR as a catch-all to signify any kind of telephony menu, even a basic automated attendant. The term voice response unit (VRU), is sometimes used as well." [Interactive voice response. Wikipedia]
The interactive voice response (IVR) diagram template for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the Interactive Voice Response Diagrams solution from the Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
IVR diagram template
IVR diagram template, phone call, opened letter, menu block, main menu block, customer male, IP phone,

marketing diagram, marketing chart Marketing Diagrams

marketing diagram, marketing chart
This solution extends ConceptDraw PRO with samples, templates and library of design elements for drawing the marketing diagrams.