How to Create Flowchart Using Standard Flowchart Symbols
Flowcharts are used to display an algorithm for consistent execution of certain steps. Flowchart is probably the easiest way to make a graphical representation of any process. Flowcharts use the set of standard geometric symbols and arrows to define relationships. ConceptDraw PRO allows you to create professional flowchart quickly and easily. The ability to create flowcharts is contained in the Flowcharts solution. The solution provides a set of special tools for creating flowcharts.HelpDesk
How to Make a Workflow Diagram Using ConceptDraw PRO
With the help of a workflow diagram you can visually describe the tasks, documents, people responsible for execution at each stage of workflow. Modern workflow diagrams have a specific focus on quality control. This can apply to the quality of inputs and outputs related to a process, or to the actual efficiency of the workflow itself. Different sectors of business use different diagramming techniques, and this has given rise to a number of methods that have become recognized in their own right as industry standards. ConceptDraw PRO, with the Workflow Diagrams solution, is ideal for creating diagrams of this type. Its RapidDraw technology takes the strain from diagram arrangement, allowing users to create their process steps with a single click, ideal for generating the many repeatable tasks that can make up a workflow. The Workflow Diagrams solution complements this feature with a library of selected icons to represent various steps.HelpDesk
How to Perform a Dynamic Presentation
Every ConceptDraw?PRO document can be?viewed as?a?presentation. Dynamic Presentation option enables you to make an interactive on-line presentation of ConceptDraw PRO documents. You can edit documents during the Dynamic presentation directly, add notes and feedback making it accurate and up to date in a moment. ConceptDraw PRO allows you to save presentation as a slide show that opens immediately in a full-screen. Any ConceptDraw presentation can be performed in three ways; manually, automatic slide-show, and cyclic-playing mode.HelpDesk
Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) Diagram Software
An EPC diagram is a type of flowchart used in business process analysis. It shows different business processes through various work flows. The workflows are shown as processes and events that are related to different executes and tasks that allow business workflow to be completed. An EPC diagram shows different business processes through various workflows. The workflows are seen as functions and events that are connected by different teams or people, as well as tasks that allow business processes to be executed. The best thing about this type of enterprise modelling is that creating an EPC diagram is quick and simple as long as you have the proper tool. One of the main usages of the EPC diagrams is in the modelling, analyzing and re-engineering of business processes. With the use of the flowchart, businesses are able to see inefficiencies in the processes and modify to make them more productive. Event-driven process chain diagrams are also used to configure an enterprise resource plaHelpDesk
How to Create a Timeline Diagram in ConceptDraw PRO
A Timeline is a chart which displays a project plan schedule in chronological order. A Timeline is used in project management to depict project milestones and visualize project phases, and show project progress. The graphic form of a timeline makes it easy to understand critical project milestones, such as the progress of a project schedule. Timelines are particularly useful for project scheduling or project management when accompanied with a Gantt chart. It captures the main of what the project will accomplish and how it will be done. making a project timeline is one of the most important skills a project manager needs have. Making comprehensive, accurate timelines allows you getting every project off in the best way. ConceptDraw PRO allows you to draw a timeline charts using special library.Process Flowchart
The main reason of using Process Flowchart or PFD is to show relations between major parts of the system. Process Flowcharts are used in process engineering and chemical industry where there is a requirement of depicting relationships between major components only and not include minor parts. Process Flowcharts for single unit or multiple units differ in their structure and implementation. ConceptDraw PRO is Professional business process mapping software for making Process flowcharts, Process flow diagram, Workflow diagram, flowcharts and technical illustrations for business documents and also comprehensive visio for mac application. Easier define and document basic work and data flows, financial, production and quality management processes to increase efficiency of your business with ConcepDraw PRO. Business process mapping software with Flowchart Maker ConceptDraw PRO includes extensive drawing tools, rich examples and templates, process flowchart symbols and shape libraries, smart connectors that allow you create the flowcharts of complex processes, process flow diagrams, procedures and information exchange. Process Flowchart Solution is project management workflow tools which is part ConceptDraw Project marketing project management software. Drawing charts, diagrams, and network layouts has long been the monopoly of Microsoft Visio, making Mac users to struggle when needing such visio alternative like visio for mac, it requires only to view features, make a minor edit to, or print a diagram or chart. Thankfully to MS Visio alternative like ConceptDraw PRO software, this is cross-platform charting and business process management tool, now visio alternative for making sort of visio diagram is not a problem anymore however many people still name it business process visio tools.
How to Design an Interface Mock-up of an Android Application
Uses Interface prototyping is much convenient when you can work through a diagram similar to the device design. ConceptDraw PRO allows you to develop Android User Interface (UI) prototypes using the special templates and vector libraries of the specific user interface elements. Using ConceptDraw PRO you can mock-up an Android UI system so that you can figure out how best to represent user interface (UI) elements for the development of a new mobile Apps.HelpDesk
How To Create a MS Visio Workflow Diagram
A workflow diagram shows a working process as a set of related events that follow each other in a particular order.They are usually created as flowcharts, with shapes that represent steps in the process connected by arrows that indicate the next step. Making a business process diagram involves many elements that can be managed using ConceptDraw PRO. The ability to design workflow diagrams is delivered by the Workflow Diagrams solution. ConceptDraw PRO allows you to easily create workflow diagrams and then make a MS Visio file from your diagrams. Using ConceptDraw PRO, you can export your workflow diagrams to MS Visio VSDX and VDX files.HelpDesk
How to Create a SysML Diagram Using ConceptDraw PRO
Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is designed to use for system engineering. It is similar to UML, but much easier to learn. used by to system engineers what UML is to software engineers. Smaller in content and simpler to learn than UML. SysML is focused on standardizing the language used to describe engineering systems. SysML covers a broader range of systems, than can involve personnel, facilities, hardware or electrical components. SysML depicts system using the SysML diagrams. Making a SysML diagram involves many elements that can be managed using SysML solution for ConceptDraw PRO.HelpDesk
How To Make a PowerPoint Presentation of Flowcharts
ConceptDraw PRO allows you to create professional flowchart quickly and easily. The ability to create flowcharts is contained in the Flowcharts solution. To submit flowcharts for the audience, you can use export to MS PowerPoint.HelpDesk
How to Create a Concept Map in ConceptDraw PRO
Graphical technique of knowledge representation in a form of structured networks of concepts (ideas) is called concept mapping. Concept network consists of shapes that represent concepts and connectors representing relationships between concepts. The difference between mind maps and concept maps is that a mind map has only one object depicting a main idea , while a concept map may have several. Concept mapping is used to structure ideas, to communicate complex system of knowledge, to help learning process, etc. ConceptDraw PRO allows you to draw concept maps using the Concept Map solution.HelpDesk
How to Create Data-driven Infographics
Data-driven infographics are used in wildly disparate areas of business and commerce. To make effective Data-driven infographics, it's useful to have a wide variety of graphical elements — icons, clipart, stencils, charts and graphs — to illustrate your diagram. ConceptDraw Data-driven Infographics solution provides all the tools you need to present data as described by this article — as well as the charts mentioned previously, you can find histograms, divided bar charts, ring charts, line graphs and area charts — meaning you can find the perfect medium for displaying a certain type of data. It allows you to draw data driven infographics quickly and easily using the special templates and vector stencils libraries.It can be used to quickly communicate a message, to simplify the presentation of large amounts of data, to see data patterns and relationships, and to monitor changes in variables over time.HelpDesk
How to Draw a Pyramid Diagram in ConceptDraw PRO
Pyramid diagram (triangle diagram) is used to represent data, which have hierarchy and basics. Due to the triangular form of diagram, each pyramid section has a different width. The width of the segment shows the level of its hierarchy. Typically, the top of the pyramid is the data that are more important than the base data. Pyramid scheme can be used to show proportional and hierarchical relationships between some logically related items, such as departments within an organization, or successive elements of any process. This type of diagram is often used in marketing to display hierarchical related data, but it can be used in a variety of situations. ConceptDraw PRO allows you to make a pyramid diagram, quickly and easily using special libraries.HelpDesk
How to Create an IDEF0 Diagram for an Application Development
IDEF0 methods are intended to model the functions of a process, creating a graphical model that displays: what controls the function, who makes it, what resources are used and how they are connected with other functions. The IDEF0 tool is used to model the decisions, actions, and activities of a software system during the development process . IDEF0 diagram graphically depicts a model of a desired version of the application. ConceptDraw PRO allows you to create and communicate the IDEF0 diagrams of any complexity.HelpDesk
How to Draw a Circular Arrows Diagram Using ConceptDraw PRO
The cyclic recurrence is a fundamental property of multiple systems. The cycle is a process which consists from elements (phases, stages, stages) following each other. Many processes in astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, etc. have a cycle properties. It is also widely used in information technologies and marketing analysis. Graphical representation of cyclic processes can have many forms. It can be a circle, parabola, hyperbola, ellipse and others. A Circular Arrows Diagram is used as one of the statistical charts in the business, mass media and marketing. ConceptDraw PRO provides its users tools for making easy drawing Circular Arrows Diagrams.- Basic Flowchart Symbols and Meaning | Audit Flowchart Symbols ...
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