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Business Process Elements: Swimlanes

ConceptDraw has 142 vector stencils in the 8 libraries that helps you to start using software for designing own Business Process Diagrams. Use Swimlanes library with 20 objects from BPMN.
The vector stencils library "Swimlanes BPMN1.2" contains 8 swimlane shapes for drawing business process diagrams (BPMN 1.2) using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software.
"Swim lanes are a visual mechanism of organising and categorising activities, based on cross functional flowcharting, and in BPMN consist of two types:
(1) Pool.
Represents major participants in a process, typically separating different organisations. A pool contains one or more lanes (like a real swimming pool). A pool can be open (i.e., showing internal detail) when it is depicted as a large rectangle showing one or more lanes, or collapsed (i.e., hiding internal detail) when it is depicted as an empty rectangle stretching the width or height of the diagram.
(2) Lane.
Used to organise and categorise activities within a pool according to function or role, and depicted as a rectangle stretching the width or height of the pool. A lane contains the flow objects, connecting objects and artifacts." [Business Process Model and Notation. Wikipedia]
The example "Design elements - Swimlanes BPMN1.2" is included in the Business Process Diagram solution from the Business Processes area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
BPMN1.2 swimlanes
BPMN1.2 swimlanes, horizontal pool, horizontal lanes, horizontal lane,
The vector stencils library "Swimlanes" contains 20 swimlane shapes for drawing business process diagrams (BPMN 2.0) using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software.
"Swim lanes are a visual mechanism of organising and categorising activities, based on cross functional flowcharting, and in BPMN consist of two types: (1) Pool. Represents major participants in a process, typically separating different organisations. A pool contains one or more lanes (like a real swimming pool). A pool can be open (i.e., showing internal detail) when it is depicted as a large rectangle showing one or more lanes, or collapsed (i.e., hiding internal detail) when it is depicted as an empty rectangle stretching the width or height of the diagram. (2) Lane. Used to organise and categorise activities within a pool according to function or role, and depicted as a rectangle stretching the width or height of the pool. A lane contains the flow objects, connecting objects and artifacts." [Business Process Model and Notation. Wikipedia]
The example "Design elements - Swimlanes BPMN 2.0" is included in the Business Process Diagram solution from the Business Processes area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
BPMN 2.0 swimlanes
BPMN 2.0 swimlanes, two lanes, horizontal pool, non-initiating message flow with decorator, multiple horizontal lanes, horizontal lanes, lanes, initiating message flow with decorator, horizontal pool, pool, multiple lanes, horizontal pool, pool, MI participant, horizontal pool, pool, horizontal lane, lane, collapsed horizontal pool, horizontal pool, pool, MI participant, collapsed horizontal pool, horizontal pool, pool,

Gane Sarson Diagram

The Gane-Sarson methodology uses the graphical techniques for building the logical models for the systems. It is helpful for analysts and designers to make common and clear picture of the system, to depict all its processes and how they transform the data. The Gane-Sarson methodology lets represent all this information in a way understandable for the users and other interested people, and gives the possibility to see instantly how the system's parts serve together to meet their needs. This methodology supposes the building of a system top-down. First you need create an overall system data flow, then determine the details of the data structures, the process logic and design the modular structures. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software offers the Data Flow Diagrams solution with Gane-Sarson Notation library rich for the specific symbols of the Gane-Sarson notation. All they are vector and fully ready-to-use for drawing the Data Flow Diagrams, which will be then successfully used in presentations, websites, and various business documents.

Types of Flowchart - Overview

When designing a process or an instruction in clear and understandable way, you should consider creating a flowchart. You can avoid spending a lot of time understanding complex concepts as they get clear with different diagrams. The flowcharts are very popular diagram type, they are useful at different fields from the description business processes to the presentation of cooking recipes. Basic Flowchart, Business Process Modeling Diagram, Process Flowchart, Cross Functional Flowchart, Procedure Flowchart, Data Flow Diagram, IDEF Flowchart, SDL Diagram, Workflow Diagram, Document Flowchart, Program Flowchart, Value Stream Map, System Flowchart, Highlight Flowchart, Sales Flowchart are the main types flowchart. The ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is one of the professional applications which has great advantages and using which you can create different types of Flowcharts easy and fast. Try to draw an illustrative and comprehensible diagram in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM describing the processes instead of writing complex long text and make sure how it is convenient. Visio is expensive, and if you use it in a team environment, these costs are compounded. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is an affordable alternative to Visio and luckily, it comes with a team plan. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM can import and export Visio files, so Mac users can collaborate with PC users stuck on Microsoft's software.
How to Simplify Flow Charting
How to Simplify Flow Charting