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Pyramid Diagram

Pyramid diagram is a chart used to visualize the data in a hierarchical (pyramid-like) structure and depict the foundation-based relationships. Pyramid diagram looks like a triangle divided by lines into several sections (layers) and can be oriented up or down, and represented in 2D or 3D view. 2D Pyramid diagrams are a great way to illustrate the hierarchical structure, 3D Pyramids are equally good to represent the class stratification and hierarchy. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software with included Pyramid Diagrams solution from Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is a powerful application which contains templates and library of vector design elements for instantly drawing three level Pyramid model, four level and five level Triangle charts. All predesigned objects are easy for changing color style and resizing according to your needs, and ConceptDraw documents with Pyramid diagrams can be easy exported in various formats for further using in marketing presentations, for effective analyzing hierarchy levels and illustration your data and ideas.

Pyramid Diagram

Triangle diagram example of DIKW pyramid has 4 levels: data, information, knowledge and wisdom.

Pyramid Diagram

A five level pyramid model of different types of Information Systems based on the information processing requirement of different levels in the organization. five level pyramid example is included in the Pyramid Diagrams solution from Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
A four level pyramid model of different types of Information Systems based on the different levels of hierarchy in an organization. The first level represents transaction processing systems for workers. The second level represents management information systems for middle managers. The third level represents decision support systems for senior menegers. The fourth level represents executive information systems for executives.
"The "classic" view of Information systems found in the textbooks in the 1980s was of a pyramid of systems that reflected the hierarchy of the organization, usually transaction processing systems at the bottom of the pyramid, followed by management information systems, decision support systems, and ending with executive information systems at the top. Although the pyramid model remains useful, since it was first formulated a number of new technologies have been developed and new categories of information systems have emerged, some of which no longer fit easily into the original pyramid model.
Some examples of such systems are:
data warehouses,
enterprise resource planning,
enterprise systems,
expert systems,
search engines,
geographic information system,
global information system,
office automation." [Information systems. Wikipedia]
This diagram was redesigned using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software from Wikimedia Commons file Four-Level-Pyramid-model.png. [ wiki/ File:Four-Level-Pyramid-model.png]
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. [ licenses/ by-sa/ 3.0/ deed.en]
The triangle chart example "Information systems types" is included in the Pyramid Diagrams solution from the Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Pyramid diagram
Pyramid diagram, pyramid, triangle,

Pyramid Chart Examples

Pyramid Charts and Triangle Diagrams are used to visually structure the topics and progressively order the quantitative data. They allow to illustrate hierarchical structure of the topics, proportional, interconnected and containment relations among the topics. The multilevel Pyramids and Triangle diagrams are constructed oriented up or down and divided into several horizontal slices. They are effectively used to represent marketing strategies, social strategies, information systems, market value, etc., to illustrate presentations, websites, documents, reports in business, finances, sales, management, marketing, media, training, consulting, and many other fields. To maximize the efficiency in drawing the Pyramid Charts, use the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Pyramid Diagrams solution from Marketing area, which contains the set of Pyramid Chart examples, samples, templates and vector design elements of triangular diagrams and pyramids with different quantity of levels for various needs.

Pyramid Diagram

Zooko's triangle is a diagram named after Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn which sets out suspected tradeoffs for a system for giving names to participants in a network protocol.

Pyramid Diagram

Pyramid diagrams help you visualize information as a triangle divided into horizontal slices. Labelled slices represent a hierarchy. Pyramids are used in marketing presentations to show and analyze hierarchy levels. 3D triangular diagram of DIKW pyramid has 6 levels: measurement, facts, data, information, knowledge, wisdom. The data component include different scattered signs or symbols which are merely useless until these random objective facts are somehow processed. Data is a resource which has to be manipulated or rearranged to get useful. Information can be extracted from a pile of data, it also can be mined from different data storages.

Pyramid Diagram

A Venn-diagram style chart of the "project triangle" showing visually the potential overlaps between speed, quality and low cost, along with the "inability" to accomplish all three.

Pyramid Diagram

A triangular graphic representing Graham's "hierarchy of disagreement", based on Paul Graham's March 2008 essay "How to Disagree".

Pyramid Charts

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM extended with Pyramid Diagrams Solution from the Marketing Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is a powerful Pyramid Charts making software. A Pyramid Chart has the form of triangle and hierarchically structures, organizes and help to analyze the information, data or ideas. Triangle is divided on the sections that usually have different widths. The width indicates the level of hierarchy among the topics.