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DFD Library System

Use the Data Flow Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park to draw your own context-level DFDs using the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software.

Example of DFD for Online Store (Data Flow Diagram)

Data flow diagrams (DFDs) reveal relationships among and between the various components in a program or system. DFDs are an important technique for modeling a system’s high-level detail by showing how input data is transformed to output results through a sequence of functional transformations.
Example of DFD for Online Store shows the Data Flow Diagram for online store and interactions between the Visitors, Customers and Sellers, as well as Website Information and User databases.
Steps to Creating a Sales Process Flow Chart
Steps to Creating a Sales Process Flow Chart

UML Use Case Diagram. Design Elements

UML Use Case Diagrams are used to illustrate the structure of arbitrarily complex systems and illustrates the service consumer - service provider relationship between components.

Swim Lane Diagrams

Swim Lane diagrams are the variety of process flow diagrams and are based on the IDEF3 standard. They were developed by Lynn Shostack for usage in projecting. With their help organization diagrams are combined with process flow, as they visually display an object of the production system which is charged with given concrete processes in general flow of processes of the production system.

SDL — Systems Engineering

How to design SDL Diagram fast and easy? ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software supplied with unique Specification and Description Language (SDL) Solution from the Industrial Engineering Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park will help you design SDL Diagram of any complexity without efforts

Databases Access Objects Model with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM

ConceptDraw Basic gives the opportunity of interaction with any ODBC-compatible databases. For this the Database Access Objects Model is provided. All calls to the database are made by certain methods of objects of this model.

Entity Relationship Diagram - ERD - Software for Design Crows Foot ER Diagrams

Crow's Foot notation was proposed by Gordon Everest. According to this notation, the entity is represented by rectangle, relation is depicted by line which ties two entities involved in a relationship. Entity-relationship diagrams based on both Chen's and Crow's Foot notations, can be easily drawn using the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM ERD diagrams software tools for design element Crow's Foot and Chen from Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution.
How to Build an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
How to Build an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Electrical Symbols — Analog and Digital Logic

Digital electronics or digital (electronic) circuits are electronics that handle digital signals – discrete bands of analog levels – rather than by continuous ranges (as used in analogue electronics). All levels within a band of values represent the same numeric value. Because of this discretization, relatively small changes to the analog signal levels due to manufacturing tolerance, signal attenuation or parasitic noise do not leave the discrete envelope, and as a result are ignored by signal state sensing circuitry.

26 libraries of the Electrical Engineering Solution of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM make your electrical diagramming simple, efficient, and effective. You can simply and quickly drop the ready-to-use objects from libraries into your document to create the electrical diagram.

Electrical Symbols — Logic Gate Diagram

In electronics, a logic gate is an idealized or physical device implementing a Boolean function; that is, it performs a logical operation on one or more logical inputs, and produces a single logical output. Depending on the context, the term may refer to an ideal logic gate, one that has for instance zero rise time and unlimited fan-out, or it may refer to a non-ideal physical device
26 libraries of the Electrical Engineering Solution of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM make your electrical diagramming simple, efficient, and effective. You can simply and quickly drop the ready-to-use objects from libraries into your document to create the electrical diagram.

Data structure diagram with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM

Data structure diagram (DSD) is intended for description of conceptual models of data (concepts and connections between them) in the graphic format for more obviousness. Data structure diagram includes entities description, connections between them and obligatory conditions and requirements which connect them. Create Data structure diagram with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM.

Electrical Symbols — Delay Elements

Variable delay elements are often used to manipulate the rising or falling edges of the clock or any other signal in integrated circuits. Delay elements are also used in delay locked loops and in defining a time reference for the movement of data within those systems.

26 libraries of the Electrical Engineering Solution of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM make your electrical diagramming simple, efficient, and effective. You can simply and quickly drop the ready-to-use objects from libraries into your document to create the electrical diagram.

Electrical Symbols — Maintenance

Electrical maintenance - troubleshooting electrical circuit.
The diagrams are a big help when workers try to find out why a circuit does not work correctly.
26 libraries of the Electrical Engineering Solution of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM make your electrical diagramming simple, efficient, and effective. You can simply and quickly drop the ready-to-use objects from libraries into your document to create the electrical diagram.

Electrical Symbols — Resistors

A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element. Resistors may be used to reduce current flow, and, at the same time, may act to lower voltage levels within circuits. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to limit current flow, to adjust signal levels, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines among other uses. Fixed resistors have resistances that only change slightly with temperature, time or operating voltage. Variable resistors can be used to adjust circuit elements (such as a volume control or a lamp dimmer), or as sensing devices for heat, light, humidity, force, or chemical activity.

26 libraries of the Electrical Engineering Solution of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM make your electrical diagramming simple, efficient, and effective. You can simply and quickly drop the ready-to-use objects from libraries into your document to create the electrical diagram.

Electrical Symbols — Semiconductor Diodes

In electronics, a diode is a two-terminal electronic component that conducts primarily in one direction (asymmetric conductance); it has low (ideally zero) resistance to the flow of current in one direction, and high (ideally infinite) resistance in the other. A semiconductor diode is a crystalline piece of semiconductor material with a p–n junction connected to two electrical terminals. Today, most diodes are made of silicon, but other semiconductors such as selenium or germanium are sometimes used.

26 libraries of the Electrical Engineering Solution of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM make your electrical diagramming simple, efficient, and effective. You can simply and quickly drop the ready-to-use objects from libraries into your document to create the electrical diagram.

Electrical Symbols — VHF UHF SHF

Ultra high frequency (UHF) is the ITU designation for radio frequencies in the range between 300 MHz and 3 GHz, also known as the decimetre band as the wavelengths range from one meter to one decimetre. Radio waves with frequencies above the UHF band fall into the SHF (super-high frequency) or microwave frequency range. Lower frequency signals fall into the VHF (very high frequency) or lower bands. UHF radio waves propagate mainly by line of sight; they are blocked by hills and large buildings although the transmission through building walls is strong enough for indoor reception. They are used for television broadcasting, cell phones, satellite communication including GPS, personal radio services including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, walkie-talkies, cordless phones, and numerous other applications.

26 libraries of the Electrical Engineering Solution of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM make your electrical diagramming simple, efficient, and effective. You can simply and quickly drop the ready-to-use objects from libraries into your document to create the electrical diagram.