Valuable Supplement to ConceptDraw Software Development Solutions
With the new Class Hierarchy Tree addition, the support for object-oriented programming and software engineering tasks has now extended in ConceptDraw Solutions.
In object-oriented programming, a class refers to a template that defines the behavior and state adopted for objects of a certain type. Classes make up a tree of class hierarchy.
The Class Hierarchy Tree solution allows you to create Class Hierarchy charts in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM. It supports the creation of mind maps, which are a set of concepts with an internal hierarchical structure and ability to automatically generate a class hierarchy tree in DIAGRAM.
The Class Hierarchy Tree solution contains 2 stencil libraries composed with 27 special vector objects providing class hierarchy visualization support required by data modeling and software engineering activity. It also includes a set of sample diagrams and mind maps.
This new addition to ConceptDraw Solutions is free for current users of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM v13 and MINDMAP v11 and available for download via ConceptDraw STORE.