CS Odessa Updates ConceptDraw Productivity Applications to Support Apple OS X Yosemite
Following the major software update of
ConceptDraw PRO v10, CS Odessa’s equivalent of Microsoft Visio, has undergone a major update and includes the ability to import and export Visio 2013 native
ConceptDraw PROJECT v6, which is a competitor to Microsoft Project software, now has been updated to support
ConceptDraw MINDMAP v7, a professional productivity tool, also has undergone changes in its recent release to support Yosemite OS X, to make it a best in class mind mapping and productivity tool.
The dynamic troika of ConceptDraw products found in ConceptDraw Office are premier software tools in use around the world to help individuals, teams, and organizations to meet their business objectives. The combination of powerful products, no charge dynamic support, and ongoing development make ConceptDraw a powerful and economic choice to support activities that move businesses ahead.