Samples / Health / Medical Mycology
Medical Mycology
The samples were created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM using the Medical Mycology Solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park. The ConceptDraw DIAGRAM offers you a variety of diagramming tools, and solutions from the Solution Park, providing diagram templates and libraries of ready-made charts and shapes for the quick and simple drawing of professional-quality infographics and business diagrams. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM provides export of vector graphic multipage documents into multiple file formats: vector graphics (SVG, EMF, EPS), bitmap graphics (PNG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIFF), web documents (HTML, PDF), PowerPoint presentations (PPT), Adobe Flash (SWF).
Tutorials and Solutions:
Video Tutorials: ConceptDraw Solution Park
Sample 1: Antifungal Resistance in Aspergillus
Medical Mycology diagram sample: This sample describes Aspergillus fumigatus. It is a fungus in the environment, which causes an invasive life-threatening infection "aspergillosis". Immunocompromised people with chronic diseases or earlier severe respiratory infections are the most susceptible. The infection occurs as a result of breathing fungi spores with air.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Medical Mycology solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 2: Blastomyces Life Cycle
Medical Mycology diagram sample: This sample shows the life cycle of Blastomyces. These are fungi that cause blastomycosis in humans and animals. They live in wet soil, decaying and decomposing wood and leaves, and shaded areas close to water sources like streams, rivers, and lakes.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Medical Mycology solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 3: Coccidioides Life Cycle
Medical Mycology diagram sample: This sample refers to coccidioidomycosis, or valley fever, caused by the fungi Coccidioides immitis and Coccidioides posadasii. These fungi are common in the southwestern United States, Mexico, and Central, and South America. Fungi spores are found in the soil as molds with hyphae partitions, which are easily fragmented into arthroconidia and spread through the air with dust.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Medical Mycology solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 4: Control Mold
Medical Mycology diagram sample: Mold is a type of fungi that grows and spreads on damp or decaying organic substances indoors or outdoors. These highly invasive microorganisms emit dusty clouds of toxic spores, harmful to people sensitive to mold, who have respiratory allergies, asthma, or hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Medical Mycology solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 5: Cryptococcus Gattii Life Cycle
Medical Mycology diagram sample: This sample shows the life cycle of Cryptococcus gattii. These are encapsulated yeast spread in trees and soil around them in tropical and subtropical areas, Australia, New Zealand, British Columbia, Canada, and some parts of the US. The infection enters the body of humans or animals from the air through breathing.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Medical Mycology solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 6: Dermatophytosis Types
Medical Mycology diagram sample: This sample is an overview of dermatophytosis, also known as ringworm or tinea. This is a fungal infection of the skin caused by about 40 types of fungi that feed on the protein keratin. Keratin is the structural material of the outer layer of human skin and nails. Therefore, dermatophytosis is localized on the skin of the body or scalp, feet, hands, beard area, and nails.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Medical Mycology solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 7: Fungus Cell Cycle
Medical Mycology diagram sample: This sample shows the stages of the life cycle of a fungal cell from its "birth" as a result of the division of the mother cell to its reproduction and its own division into two daughter cells. The life cycle of eukaryotic cells includes two main phases: the interphase and the mitotic phase. Interphase is the phase of cell growth, copying of its genetic material (DNA), and preparation for mitosis.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Medical Mycology solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 8: Groups of Fungi
Medical Mycology diagram sample: This sample shows the classification of fungi depending on the method of reproduction, shape, and internal structure of their sporangia and includes 6 groups: Chytridiomycota, Blastocladiomycota, Glomeromycota, Zygomycota, Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota. Chytridiomycetes are unicellular primitive fungi that live in the aquatic environment.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Medical Mycology solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 9: Histoplasma Life Cycle
Medical Mycology diagram sample: This sample shows the life cycle of the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum, which causes histoplasmosis. Fungal spores are found in moist soil rich in organic matter, bird droppings, and bat excrement. They exist as molds with aerial hyphae and produce macroconidial and macroconidia spores. The distribution areas of the infection include Africa, Asia, Australia, and Central and South America.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Medical Mycology solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 9: Histoplasma Life Cycle
Medical Mycology diagram sample: This sample shows the life cycle of the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum, which causes histoplasmosis. Fungal spores are found in moist soil rich in organic matter, bird droppings, and bat excrement. They exist as molds with aerial hyphae and produce macroconidial and macroconidia spores. The distribution areas of the infection include Africa, Asia, Australia, and Central and South America.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Medical Mycology solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 10: Human Fungal Diseases
Medical Mycology diagram sample: This sample shows the effect of fungal diseases on the human body. A fungal infection is a disease caused by fungal spores, yeasts, and molds. It can be superficial, subcutaneous, or systemic, depending on the part of the body affected. Fungi are distributed all over the world, they surround us everywhere. However, only a few of them are causative agents and cause diseases, mainly in people with a weak immune system.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Medical Mycology solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 11: Mold Cleanup
Medical Mycology diagram sample: This sample shows the ways of mold cleanup. Mold is incredibly harmful to people and animals. Its microspores may cause allergic reactions, runny nose, sneezing, cough, wheezing, red and itchy eyes, and also more serious reactions in people with chronic respiratory diseases, allergies, asthma, pneumonia, etc. You should scrub the surface, then obligatory dry it up and don’t cover, and carefully collect all leftovers and toss them because they include spores.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Medical Mycology solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 12: Mold Protective Wear
Medical Mycology diagram sample: This sample shows special clothing to protect against mold. It includes protective gloves, goggles or other eye protection, half or full-face respirators, N-95, N-99, or N-100 masks that filter 95-99.7% of airborne particles, including mold spores. Also, special protective clothing or long trousers and a long-sleeved shirt, waterproof shoes, or disposable shoe covers should be used. After removing mold, be sure to remove and launder all clothing.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Medical Mycology solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 13: Pneumocystis Life Cycle
Medical Mycology diagram sample: This sample shows the life cycle of Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) or Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PJP). This fungal infection can exist in the lungs of healthy people without causing symptoms or discomfort, and in most cases, the immune system clears it up within a few months. At the same time, it causes lung infections in people, whose immune systems do not fight infections well.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Medical Mycology solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 14: Ringworm Prevention
Medical Mycology diagram sample: This sample shows ways to protect yourself and prevent ringworm infection. Preventive measures include keeping skin clean and dry, washing hands with soap and water after touching animals, showering after playing sports, maintaining other personal hygiene practices, including cutting fingernails and toenails short, and changing underwear and socks daily.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Medical Mycology solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 15: Subcutaneous Mycoses
Medical Mycology diagram sample: This sample describes the main subcutaneous mycoses: sporotrichosis, chromoblastomycosis, and eumycetoma. Subcutaneous mycoses are caused by subcutaneous inoculation of fungi into tissues. These include rare fungi: Fusarium subglutinans, Chaetomium funicola, Diaporthe, and others.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Medical Mycology solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 16: Systemic Mycoses
Medical Mycology diagram sample: This sample lists the types of epidemic systemic mycoses, their characteristic symptoms, and methods of treatment. Systemic mycoses are fungal infections that affect internal organs. It is dangerous for people with a weakened immune system. At the same time, healthy people, as a rule, carry this disease unnoticed.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Medical Mycology solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

All samples are copyrighted CS Odessa's.
Usage of them is covered by Creative Commons “Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives” License.
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