Samples / Project Management / Samples of Digital Kanban Boards
Samples of Digital Kanban Boards
Tutorials and Solutions:
Video Tutorials: ConceptDraw Solution Park
Sample 1: Basic Kanban Board
Kanban Board sample: This sample represents a simple board that divides tasks into three groups according to their full status: “To Do” to be completed, “In Progress”, which are being implemented now, and “Done”, that are already completed. Included tasks can be either personal work tasks or private tasks, or work tasks planned for the entire team.
This example is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Kanban Board solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 2: Basic Team Kanban Board
Kanban Board sample: This Kanban Board differs from the basic one and includes the additional waiting or buffer column. Thus, you can see that the "In progress" column is divided into two parts: "waiting" and "working".
This example is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Kanban Board solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 3: Event Driven Kanban Board
Kanban Board sample: This sample is an extended form of a Kanban board, which includes traditional "To Do", "In progress", and "Done" columns, but the first one is additionally divided into three parts.
This example is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Kanban Board solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 4: Family Kanban Board
Kanban Board sample: This personal Kanban board is one of the easiest ways of managing personal tasks and time planning and can be easily constructed by people of any age.
This example is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Kanban Board solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 5: Kanban Board
Kanban Board sample: This is a simple Kanban board representing the personal tasks list. You can see only two columns on the diagram instead of three typically existing in a common Kanban board view.
This example is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Kanban Board solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 6: Kanban Board
Kanban Board sample: This Kanban Task Board sample has an extended structure and includes six columns: Backlog, In Progress, Peer Review, In Test, Done and Blocked. The stickers for entering actual tasks are placed in columns and are ready to be filled with your own tasks and goals.
This example is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Kanban Board solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 7: Kanban Board
Kanban Board sample: This example of a personal Kanban Task Board was designed by means of powerful drawing tools of ConceptDraw's Kanban Board solution. When you have many tasks every day, week, month, etc. personal and working, Kanban is your best salvation.
This example is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Kanban Board solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 8: Splitting of Statuses
Kanban Board sample: This is an example of splitting statuses on the Kanban board used for lean development or agile development. The "In Progress" column is divided into "Ongoing" and "Done". There "Backlog", "To Do", "To Verify", and "Done" columns are also included. All tasks are arranged according to their statuses. The tasks in this sample are displayed by the numbers assigned to them in the list of all tasks that need to be completed.
This example is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Kanban Board solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 9: Kanban Board
Kanban Board sample: This sample is a typical Kanban board with 2 work item types (Epics and User Stories). The mechanism is that the upstream process selects the suitable Features or Epics for its development. Some of them are selected and others are discarded.
This example is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Kanban Board solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 10: Simple Kanban Board
Kanban Board sample: This Kanban Task Board sample is is dedicated to the use of the Kanban technique that is incredibly useful for organizing your tasks, visualization workflow and tracking its progress.
This example is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Kanban Board solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

All samples are copyrighted CS Odessa's.
Usage of them is covered by Creative Commons “Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives” License.
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