
Website wireframe design elements

Website wireframe design elements
Website wireframe design elements, you tube icon, yahoo icon, webcam, web, globe icon, user male silhouette, user group silhouette, user female silhouette, unlike icon, twitter, text icon, submit story icon, stumbleupon, star rating, star, skype, share, reply icon, reddit, post gallery, post area, pinterest, phone icon, mySpace, microphone, mail, envelope, mail, linkedIn, like, heart, like, last.fm, instagram icon, google plus, go forward icon, go back icon, gmail, github, flickr, feedburner, featured posts block, facebook, drawing shapes, digg, dialog bubble, dialog balloon, delicious icon, contacts block, community part, community icon, comment, close, chat, call to action – newsletter subscription, call to action – connect pinterest, call to action – connect Twitter, call to action – connect LinkedIn, call to action – connect Google Plus, call to action – connect Facebook, call to action - watch a presentation, call to action - special offer, call to action - sign up, blogging, blog post sub-head, blog post headline, blog post content, blog post, blog, avatar box, RSS, web feed icon, OPML,