
Workflow icons

Workflow icons
Workflow icons, worker, waste bin, verify, users, user, unlock, umbrella, tools, timer, thumbs up, thumbs down, telecom, supplier, stop, stickman, start, shopping cart, shield, server, security, schedule, scanning, sales, reset, power button, research and development, remove, rejected, reject, recycle, reception, receiving, question, quality assurance, puzzles, puzzle, purchasing, publications, prohibition, production, plus, pin, pie chart, phone, personnel, staff, pencil, pen, pause, paper clip, oscilloscope, operator, customer service, online shop, notebook, mobile phone, minus, medal, marketing, manufacturing, manager, management, mail service, magnifying glass, logistics, lock, location mark, list, lightning, light bulb, legal, scales of justice, laptop, key, international, earth, globe, international sales, international marketing, international division, information system, information service, info, information, hr, humans resources, house, home, heart, handshake, group, globe, earth, gears, gear, gauge, funnel, form, folder, first aid kit, file, fax, factory, facility, eye, event, envelope opened, envelope closed, engineering, engineering drawing, end, employee badge, email, edit, documents, document, display, design, database, data entry, keyboard, danger, radiation, customer service, copy center, copier, contract, computer, coffee cup, cloud, clock, check in, audit, check, call, calendar, calculator, buyer, consumer, building, briefcase, books, book opened, book closed, board of directors, bar chart, attention, alert, bell, USB flash drive,