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This vector stencils library contains 184 round icons.
Use it to design cloud computing infographics and diagrams with ConceptDraw PRO software.
"Though service-oriented architecture advocates "everything as a service" (with the acronyms EaaS or XaaS or simply aas), cloud-computing providers offer their "services" according to different models, which happen to form a stack: infrastructure-, platform- and software-as-a-service.
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
In the most basic cloud-service model ... providers of IaaS offer computers — physical or (more often) virtual machines — and other resources. IaaS refers to online services that abstract the user from the details of infrastructure like physical computing resources, location, data partitioning, scaling, security, backup etc.
Platform as a service (PaaS)
PaaS vendors offer a development environment to application developers. The provider typically develops toolkit and standards for development and channels for distribution and payment. In the PaaS models, cloud providers deliver a computing platform, typically including operating system, programming-language execution environment, database, and web server. Application developers can develop and run their software solutions on a cloud platform without the cost and complexity of buying and managing the underlying hardware and software layers.
Software as a service (SaaS)
In the software as a service (SaaS) model, users gain access to application software and databases. Cloud providers manage the infrastructure and platforms that run the applications. SaaS is sometimes referred to as "on-demand software" and is usually priced on a pay-per-use basis or using a subscription fee.
In the SaaS model, cloud providers install and operate application software in the cloud and cloud users access the software from cloud clients. Cloud users do not manage the cloud infrastructure and platform where the application runs. This eliminates the need to install and run the application on the cloud user's own computers, which simplifies maintenance and support. Cloud applications differ from other applications in their scalability — which can be achieved by cloning tasks onto multiple virtual machines at run-time to meet changing work demand." [Cloud computing. Wikipedia]
The vector stencils library "Cloud round icons" is included in the Cloud Computing Diagrams solution from the Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Add, add,
Analysis, analysis,
App, App,
Archive, archive,
Back, back,
Backup, backup,
Book, book,
Books, books,
Box, box,
Bug, bug,
Calculation, calculation,
Calendar, calendar,
Call, call,
Car, car,
Certificate, certificate,
Cloud alert
Cloud alert, cloud alert,
Cloud analysis
Cloud analysis, cloud analysis,
Cloud authorization
Cloud authorization, cloud authorization,
Cloud collaboration
Cloud collaboration, cloud collaboration,
Cloud communications
Cloud communications, cloud communications,
Cloud computing
Cloud computing, cloud computing,
Cloud configuration
Cloud configuration, cloud configuration,
Cloud connectivity
Cloud connectivity, cloud connectivity,
Cloud control
Cloud control, cloud control,
Cloud cost calculation
Cloud cost calculation, cloud cost calculation,
Cloud database
Cloud database, cloud database,
Cloud download
Cloud download, cloud download,
Cloud drive
Cloud drive, cloud drive,
Cloud error
Cloud error, cloud error,
Cloud failure
Cloud failure, cloud failure,
Cloud FAQ
Cloud FAQ, cloud FAQ,
Cloud feedback
Cloud feedback, сloud feedback,
Cloud files
Cloud files, cloud files,
Cloud gateway
Cloud gateway, cloud gateway,
Cloud hosting
Cloud hosting, cloud hosting,
Cloud info
Cloud info, cloud info,
Cloud Internet storage
Cloud Internet storage, cloud Internet storage,
Cloud lock
Cloud lock, cloud lock,
Cloud locked
Cloud locked, cloud locked,
Cloud mail
Cloud mail, cloud mail,
Cloud music
Cloud music, cloud music,
Cloud paperless office
Cloud paperless office, cloud paperless office,
Cloud performance
Cloud performance, cloud performance,
Cloud photo
Cloud photo, сloud photo,
Cloud safe
Cloud safe, сloud safe,
Cloud search
Cloud search, сloud search,
Cloud security
Cloud security, cloud security,
Cloud servers
Cloud servers, cloud servers,
Cloud services
Cloud services, cloud services,
Cloud shopping
Cloud shopping, cloud shopping,
Cloud success
Cloud success, cloud success,
Cloud synchronization
Cloud synchronization, cloud synchronization,
Cloud tech support
Cloud tech support, cloud tech support,
Cloud transfer
Cloud transfer, cloud transfer,
Cloud unlocked
Cloud unlocked, cloud unlocked,
Cloud upload
Cloud upload, cloud upload,
Cloud video
Cloud video, cloud video,
Code, code,
Collaboration, collaboration,
Communication, communication,
Community cloud
Community cloud, community cloud,
Contact list
Contact list, contact list,
Content, content,
Database, database,
Datacenter, datacenter,
Data storage
Data storage, data storage,
Desktop, desktop,
Display, display,
Document, document,
Documents, documents,
Dollar, drawing shapes, dollar,
Done, done,
Down, drawing shapes, down,
Download, download,
E-commerce, E-commerce,
Earth, earth,
Email, email,
Encryption, encryption,
Error, error,
Ethernet, ethernet,
Euro, euro, drawing shapes,
Failure, failure,
Feed, feed,
File, file,
Files, files,
Filter, filter,
Firewall, firewall,
Flash drive
Flash drive, flash drive,
Folder, folder,
Forward, forward, drawing shapes,
Hard drive
Hard drive, hard drive, drawing shapes,
Hardware, hardware, drawing shapes,
Health, health, drawing shapes,
Health monitoring
Health monitoring, health monitoring, drawing shapes,
Home, home, drawing shapes,
Hosting, hosting,
Image, image,
Info, info,
Innovation, innovation,
Key, key,
Keyboard, keyboard,
Laptop, laptop,
Letter, letter, drawing shapes,
Lightning, lightning, drawing shapes,
Link, link, drawing shapes,
List, list, drawing shapes,
Location, location, drawing shapes,
Lock, lock, drawing shapes,
Log, log, drawing shapes,
Login, login,
Logout, logout,
Mail, mail, drawing shapes,
Mail list
Mail list, mail list, drawing shapes,
Marketplace, marketplace, drawing shapes,
Memory (RAM)
Memory (RAM), memory, RAM, drawing shapes,
Message, message, drawing shapes,
Minus, minus, drawing shapes,
Mobile, mobile, drawing shapes,
Mobile cloud computing
Mobile cloud computing, mobile cloud computing, drawing shapes,
Mouse, mouse, drawing shapes,
Music player
Music player, music player, drawing shapes,
Network, network, drawing shapes,
Notebook, notebook, drawing shapes,
Notification, notification, drawing shapes,
Package, package, drawing shapes,
Patch, patch, drawing shapes,
Performance, performance, drawing shapes,
Personal cloud
Personal cloud, personal cloud,
Phone book
Phone book, phone book, drawing shapes,
Photo, photo, drawing shapes,
Plug, plug, drawing shapes,
Pound, pound, drawing shapes,
Power, power, drawing shapes,
Power button
Power button, power button, drawing shapes,
Process, process, drawing shapes,
Processing, processing, drawing shapes,
Puzzles, puzzles, drawing shapes,
Question sign
Question sign, question sign, drawing shapes,
Recovery, recovery, drawing shapes,
Remote, remote, drawing shapes,
Repair, repair, drawing shapes,
Restore, restore, drawing shapes,
Rocket (Logic app)
Rocket (Logic app), rocket, logic app, drawing shapes,
Router, router, drawing shapes,
Safety, safety, drawing shapes,
Schedule, schedule,
Script, script, drawing shapes,
SDK, drawing shapes, SDK,
Search (Scan)
Search (Scan), search, scan, drawing shapes,
Security, security, drawing shapes,
Server, server, drawing shapes,
Server rack
Server rack, server rack, drawing shapes,
Services, services,
Sharing, sharing, drawing shapes,
Shopping basket
Shopping basket, shopping basket, drawing shapes,
Sign in
Sign in, sign in, drawing shapes,
Smartphone, smartphone, drawing shapes,
Song, song, drawing shapes,
Sound, sound, drawing shapes,
Stethoscope, stethoscope, drawing shapes,
Stickman, stickman, drawing shapes,
Subscription, subscription, drawing shapes,
Sync, sync, drawing shapes,
Tablet, tablet, drawing shapes,
Tech support
Tech support, tech support, drawing shapes,
Time, time, drawing shapes,
Top rated
Top rated, top rated, drawing shapes,
Transfer, transfer, drawing shapes,
Unlink, unlink, drawing shapes,
Unlock, unlock, drawing shapes,
Up, up, drawing shapes,
Upload, upload,
User, user, drawing shapes,
Video mail
Video mail, video mail, drawing shapes,
View (visual)
View (visual), view, visual, drawing shapes,
Virus protection
Virus protection, virus protection, drawing shapes,
Waste bin
Waste bin, waste bin, drawing shapes,
Web, web, drawing shapes,
Wifi, wifi, drawing shapes,
Wireless, wireless, drawing shapes,
Yen sign
Yen sign, yen sign, drawing shapes,
This vector stencils library contains 195 cloud computing icons.
Use it to design cloud computing infographic and diagrams with ConceptDraw PRO software.
"Cloud computing, also on-demand computing, is a kind of Internet-based computing that provides shared processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand. It is a model for enabling ubiquitous, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services), which can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort. Cloud computing and storage solutions provide users and enterprises with various capabilities to store and process their data in third-party data centers.
Cloud computing has become a highly demanded service or utility due to the advantages of high computing power, cheap cost of services, high performance, scalability, accessibility as well as availability." [Cloud computing. Wikipedia]
The vector stencils library "Cloud clipart" is included in the Cloud Computing Diagrams solution from the Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Access point
Access point, access point,
Airport, airport,
Alert, Alert, bell,
Banknote, banknote,
Banknote bundle
Banknote bundle, banknote bundle,
Banknote bundles
Banknote bundles, banknote bundles, banknote bundle,
Backup, backup,
Bar chart
Bar chart, bar chart icon,
Big data
Big data, big data,
Book (closed)
Book (closed), book,
Book (open)
Book (open), open book,
Books, books,
Box, close
Box, close, box close,
Box, open
Box, open, box open,
Braces, braces,
Brackets, brackets,
Bug, bug,
Building, building,
Bus, bus,
Cable connection
Cable connection, cable connection,
Calculator, calculator,
Calendar, calendar,
Car, car,
Check list
Check list, checklist, check list,
Check mark
Check mark, check mark,
Clock, clock,
Cloud, cloud,
Cloud computing
Cloud computing, cloud computing, cloud,
Cloud database
Cloud database, cloud database, cloud,
Cloud hosting
Cloud hosting, cloud hosting, cloud,
Cloud storage
Cloud storage, cloud storage, cloud,
Code, code,
Coffee cup
Coffee cup, coffee cup,
Coin, coin,
Coins stack
Coins stack, coins stack,
Coins stacks
Coins stacks, coins stacks,
Communication, communication,
Computer terminal
Computer terminal, computer terminal, ATM machine, info kiosk,
Console, console,
Credit card
Credit card, credit card,
Cubes, cubes,
Dashboard, dashboard,
Database, database,
Databases, databases,
Datacenter, datacenter,
Dialog box
Dialog box, dialog box,
Dialog boxes
Dialog boxes, dialog boxes,
Document, document,
Documents, documents, document,
Dollar sign
Dollar sign, dollar sign,
Download, download, cloud,
Earth, Earth, planet,
Email, email,
Equal sign
Equal sign, equal sign,
Ethernet jack
Ethernet jack, ethernet jack,
Ethernet plug
Ethernet plug, ethernet plug,
Euro sign
Euro sign, euro sign,
Exclamation mark
Exclamation mark, exclamation mark,
Eye, eye,
Feed symbol
Feed symbol, feed symbol,
Feedback, feedback,
File, file,
Files, files,
Filter, filter, funnel,
Firewall, firewall,
Flash drive
Flash drive, flash drive,
Folder, folder,
Folders, folders, folder,
Gamepad, gamepad,
Gauge, gauge, speedometer,
Gear, gear,
Gears, 2
Gears, 2, gears,
Gears, 3
Gears, 3, gears,
Globe, globe,
Hacker, hacker,
Hard drive
Hard drive, hard drive,
Heart, heart,
Heart rhythm
Heart rhythm, heart rhythm,
Home, home,
Hosting, hosting,
Hotel, hotel,
House, house,
Image, image, picture,
Info, info,
IP phone
IP phone, IP phone,
Jet, Jet plane,
Key, key,
Keyboard, keyboard,
Laptop, laptop,
Lego, lego,
Letter, letter,
Light bulb
Light bulb, light bulb,
Lightning, lightning,
Line chart
Line chart, line chart icon,
Linux penguin
Linux penguin, Linux penguin,
List, list,
Load balancer
Load balancer, load balancer,
Location mark
Location mark, location mark,
Lock, close
Lock, close, lock close,
Lock, open
Lock, open, lock open,
Lock and key
Lock and key, lock close, lock and key,
Log, log,
Login, login,
Logout, logout,
Magnifying glass
Magnifying glass, magnifying glass,
Mail, mail,
Map, map,
Memory (RAM)
Memory (RAM), memory, RAM,
Microphone, microphone,
Minus sign
Minus sign, minus sign,
Mobile phone
Mobile phone, mobile phone,
Monitor, monitor,
Mouse, mouse,
Movie, movie,
Music, music,
Music player
Music player, music player,
Network, network,
Network bus
Network bus, network bus,
Newspaper, newspaper,
NIC (Network interface controller)
NIC (Network interface controller), NIC, network interface controller,
Not found (Error 404)
Not found (Error 404), not found, error 404,
Notebook, notebook,
Office printer
Office printer, office printer,
Operator, operator,
Page, page,
Pages, pages,
PC, pc, desktop computer,
Pencil, pencil,
Photo, photo, picture,
Photo camera
Photo camera, photo camera,
Pie chart
Pie chart, pie chart icon,
Platform, platform,
Plus sign
Plus sign, plus sign,
Pound sign
Pound sign, pound sign,
Printer, printer,
Puzzle, puzzle,
Puzzles, 2x2
Puzzles, 2x2, puzzles,
Puzzles, 3x3
Puzzles, 3x3, puzzles,
Question sign
Question sign, question sign,
Rackmount server
Rackmount server, rackmount server,
Router, router,
Safe, safe,
Satellite, satellite,
Satellite antenna
Satellite antenna, satellite antenna,
Schedule, schedule,
Sensor, sensor,
Server, server tower case,
Server rack
Server rack, server rack, rackmount server,
Shield, shield,
Ship, ship,
Shopping bag
Shopping bag, shopping bag,
Shopping basket
Shopping basket, shopping basket,
Shopping cart
Shopping cart, shopping cart,
Sign up
Sign up, sign up, pencil,
Smartphone, smartphone,
Social network
Social network, social network,
Software box
Software box, software box,
Sound, sound, dynamic,
Spider, spider,
Spreadsheet, spreadsheet,
Star, star,
Stars, 5
Stars, 5, stars, star,
Stethoscope, stethoscope,
Stickman, stickman,
Stickmen, stickmen, stickman,
Suitcase, suitcase,
Support, support,
Switch, switch,
Syringe, syringe,
Tablet computer
Tablet computer, tablet computer,
Tools, tools,
Train, train,
Truck, truck,
Truck 2
Truck 2, truck,
TV, tv,
Umbrella, umbrella,
Upload, upload, cloud,
User man
User man, user man,
User woman
User woman, user woman,
User profile
User profile, user profile, account, user man,
Video, video,
Video camera
Video camera, video camera,
Video mail
Video mail, video mail, video,
Virtual disk
Virtual disk, virtual disk,
Virus, drawing shapes, computer virus,
Wallet, wallet,
Web camera
Web camera, web camera,
Wifi antenna
Wifi antenna, wifi antenna,
Wireless, wireless,
Wrench, wrench,
X cross symbol
X cross symbol, X cross symbol,
Yen sign
Yen sign, yen sign,
The vector stencils library "Road signs" contains 58 symbols of road signs for labeling the road and route maps, directional and transit maps, street and locator maps.
"Traffic signs or road signs are signs erected at the side of or above roads to give instructions or provide information to road users.
... many countries have adopted pictorial signs or otherwise simplified and standardized their signs to overcome language barriers, and enhance traffic safety. Such pictorial signs use symbols (often silhouettes) in place of words and are usually based on international protocols. Such signs were first developed in Europe, and have been adopted by most countries to varying degrees." [Traffic sign. Wikipedia]
The pictograms example "Road signs - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Directional Maps solution from the Maps area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ maps-directional
Danger place
Danger place, danger place,
Intersection, intersection,
Intersection 2
Intersection 2, intersection,
Bend, bend,
Double bend
Double bend , double bend ,
Two-way traffic
Two-way traffic, two-way traffic,
Mobile bridge
Mobile bridge, mobile bridge,
Light signal
Light signal, light signal,
Pedestrian crossing
Pedestrian crossing, pedestrian crossing,
Road work
Road work, road work,
Back-up, back-up,
Give way
Give way, give way,
Crossing, crossing,
Stop, stop,
Roundabout, roundabout,
Pass this side
Pass this side, pass this side,
Direction to be followed
Direction to be followed, direction to be followed,
One-way street
One-way street, one-way street,
Cycle track
Cycle track, cycle track,
No entry
No entry, no entry,
No entry both directions
No entry both directions, no entry both directions,
No power vehicles
No power vehicles, no power vehicles,
No U-turns
No U-turns, no U-turns,
No passing without stopping
No passing without stopping, no passing without stopping,
No standing and parking
No standing and parking, no standing and parking,
No parking
No parking, no parking,
Speed limit
Speed limit, speed limit,
Height limit
Height limit, height limit,
Width limit
Width limit, width limit,
Weight limit
Weight limit, weight limit,
Priority over oncoming traffic
Priority over oncoming traffic, priority over oncoming traffic,
Streetcar or regular buses
Streetcar or regular buses, streetcar or regular buses,
Taxi status
Taxi status, taxi status,
Beginning that speed 30-Zone
Beginning that speed 30-Zone, speed, zone,
End that speed 30-Zone
End that speed 30-Zone, speed, zone, end,
Pedestrian crossing 2
Pedestrian crossing 2, pedestrian crossing,
Police, police,
Hotel, hotel,
Breakdown service
Breakdown service, breakdown service,
Restaurant, restaurant,
P + R
P + R, P + R,
Restroom, restroom, WC,
Fuel, fuel,
Telephone, telephone,
Recommended speed
Recommended speed, recommended speed,
Nodal point of a motorwa
Nodal point of a motorwa, nodal point of a motorway,
Parking, parking,
Dead end
Dead end, dead end,
Motorway, motorway,
End motorway
End motorway, end motorway,
Populated zone
Populated zone, populated zone,
End populated zone
End populated zone, end populated zone,
Parking with clock
Parking with clock, parking with clock,
Number sign (motorway)
Number sign (motorway), number sign, motorway,
Exit, exit,
Direction to place
Direction to place, direction to place,
Board of announcement of exit
Board of announcement of exit, board of announcement of exit,
Number sign (federal highway)
Number sign (federal highway), number sign, federal highway,
The vector stencils library "Status indicators" contains 41 visual status indicators. Each status indicator can visualize one of 2-6 information states and have a caption.
Use it to create your business performance dashboards in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Status Dashboard solution from the area "What is a Dashboard" of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
2-State Alert, Red
2-State Alert, Red, 2-state alert,
2-State Alert, Yellow
2-State Alert, Yellow, 2-state alert,
2-State Alert, Green
2-State Alert, Green, 2-state alert,
2-State Alert, Blue
2-State Alert, Blue, 2-state alert,
3-State Alert 1
3-State Alert 1, 3-state alert,
3-State Alert 2
3-State Alert 2, 3-state alert,
4-State Alert 1
4-State Alert 1, 4-state alert,
4-State Alert 2
4-State Alert 2, 4-state alert,
5-State Alert 1
5-State Alert 1, 5-state alert,
5-State Alert 2
5-State Alert 2, 5-state alert,
Forth-Back 1
Forth-Back 1, direction alert indicator,
Forth-Back 2
Forth-Back 2, direction alert indicator,
Back-Forth 1
Back-Forth 1, direction alert indicator,
Back-Forth 2
Back-Forth 2, direction alert indicator,
Up-Down 1
Up-Down 1, direction alert indicator,
Up-Down 2
Up-Down 2, direction alert indicator,
Down-Up 1
Down-Up 1, direction alert indicator,
Down-Up 2
Down-Up 2, direction alert indicator,
Arrows Up-Down 1
Arrows Up-Down 1, direction alert indicator,
Arrows Up-Down 2
Arrows Up-Down 2, direction alert indicator,
Arrows Down-Up 1
Arrows Down-Up 1, direction alert indicator,
Arrows Down-Up 2
Arrows Down-Up 2, direction alert indicator,
Traffic Light Vertical 1
Traffic Light Vertical 1, traffic light,
Traffic Light Vertical 2
Traffic Light Vertical 2, traffic light,
Traffic Light Horizontal 1
Traffic Light Horizontal 1, traffic light,
Traffic Light Horizontal 2
Traffic Light Horizontal 2, traffic light,
Progress Lights, Green
Progress Lights, Green, progress indicator,
Progress Lights, Yellow
Progress Lights, Yellow, progress indicator,
Progress Lights, Red
Progress Lights, Red, progress indicator,
5-Stars Rating
5-Stars Rating, rating indicator, stars,
Progress Bar, Blue
Progress Bar, Blue, progress indicator, progress bar,
Progress Bar, Green
Progress Bar, Green, progress indicator, progress bar,
Progress Bar, Yellow
Progress Bar, Yellow, progress indicator, progress bar,
Progress Bar, Red
Progress Bar, Red, progress indicator, progress bar,
Access, access indicator, alert indicator,
Quality, quality indicator, alert indicator,
Switch, switch indicator, alert indicator,
Speed, speed indicator,
Light Emitting
Light Emitting, light emitting indicator,
Shapes Alert 1
Shapes Alert 1, shapes alert indicator,
Shapes Alert 2
Shapes Alert 2, shapes alert indicator,

Network Glossary Definition

The network glossary contains a complete list of network, computer-related and technical terms in alphabetic order, explanations and definitions for them, among them there are words well known for you and also specific, rare-used, uncommon or newly introduced terms. This specialized glossary, also known as a vocabulary, is the best in its field and covers in details the various aspects of computer network technologies. This glossary was developed by specialists using the practical experience and many useful sources to help the ConceptDraw users in their work, you can read and learn it from the screen on-line or print, it can be also used as a perfect educational guide or tutorial. ConceptDraw PRO software extended with Computer and Networks solution is easy to draw various types of Network diagrams, Network topology diagrams, Computer networking schematics, Network maps, Cisco network topology, Computer network architecture, Wireless networks, Vehicular networks, Rack diagrams, Logical, Physical, Cable networks, etc. Desktop ConceptDraw PRO Software is a good Visio for Mac Os X replacement. It gives you rich productivity and quality of the produced diagrams.
How to Draw a Computer Network
How to Draw a Computer Network

Soccer (Football) Positions

Explaining soccer positions becomes much more easier and time saving with visual drawings. ConceptDraw PRO software extended with the Soccer solution from the Sport area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is very useful tool that will help you design the soccer-related drawings of any complexity in minutes.

australia map, map of australia, map australia Australia Map

australia map, map of australia, map australia
For graphic artists creating accurate maps of Australia. The Australia Map solution - allows designers to map Australia for their needs, offers a collection of scalable graphics representing the political geography of Australia, split into distinct state
"Offensive tactics in set pieces. ...
How throw-ins are best handled depends on where it is:
(1) In one's own half the aim of a throw-in may be to retain possession in order to build up the next attack. The throw may or may not go toward the opponents' goal; the most unmarked player may be a full-back who is behind the ball. Such a throw followed by a quickly taken 'switch' pass can be an effective tactic. Under pressure however, the ball is often thrown up the line, toward the opponents' goal line to gain as much ground as possible.
(2) If the thrower is unmarked, a simple tactic is to take a short throw to the feet or chest of a marked player who immediately returns the ball to the thrower.
(3) In the last third of the pitch a player with a long throw can put pressure onto the defenders by throwing the ball deep into the opponents' penalty area, resulting in somewhat similar tactics to a corner kick situation, but with the added advantage of avoiding the offside trap, as an attacking player cannot be offside from a throw in. ...
Goal kicks.
A goal kick is an important 'set piece' that will occur many times in a game and yet few teams practice it. If taken quickly the kick may be taken short to a full-back who has run into a wide position. Although this may gain little ground it retains the all-important possession of the ball. A longer kick to the midfield is more common and it is vital that the midfield unit are in a position to receive it.
A corner kick (or "corner") is a real goal scoring opportunity and it is essential to know who is the best at taking a good corner from both the left and right side of the pitch. A good corner will be aimed high across the goal and may be 'bent' towards or away from the goal. At least one of the forwards should be on or close to the goal line when the kick is taken.
Another tactic on a corner is to let the best shooter stay in the back "trash" position and have the defence worried about those up front. The player taking the corner kick makes a small pass back to the trash shooter who has time and space to take a good shot." [Association football tactics and skills. Wikipedia]
The diagram example "Association football (soccer) - The pitch: throw-ins, goal kicks, corners" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Football solution from the Sport area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ sport-soccer
Association football (soccer) tactics diagram
Association football (soccer) tactics diagram, midfielder, wide midfield, right midfield, right wing, midfielder, wide midfield, left midfield, left wing, midfielder, centre midfield, horizontal football field, horizontal soccer field, goalkeeper, football ball, defender, right-back, full-backs, defender, left-back, full-backs, defender, centre-back, central defender, centre-half, stopper,
Used Solutions
The vector stencils library "Window elements" contains 24 window elements: frames, boxes and buttons.
Use it to design graphic user interface (GUI) of your Windows 8 software application.
"A window is a graphical control element. It consists of a visual area containing some of the graphical user interface of the program it belongs to and is framed by a window decoration. It usually has a rectangular shape that can overlap with the area of other windows. It displays the output of and may allow input to one or more processes.
Windows are primarily associated with graphical displays, where they can be manipulated with a pointer by employing some kind of pointing device.
A graphical user interface (GUI) using windows as one of its main "metaphors" is called a windowing system, whose main components are the display server and the window manager." [Window (computing). Wikipedia]
The design elements example "Window elements - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Windows 8 User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Window frame
Window frame, window frame, minimize window button, maximize window button, close window button,
Dialog box
Dialog box, dialog box, window, close window button,
Window with command area
Window with command area, window, command area, command area, close window button,
Command area
Command area, command area,
Close window button
Close window button, close window button,
Minimize window button
Minimize window button, minimize window button,
Restore window button
Restore window button, restore window button,
Maximize window button
Maximize window button, maximize window button,
Minimize window button - hover
Minimize window button - hover, minimize window button,
Restore window button - hover
Restore window button - hover, restore window button,
Maximize window button - hover
Maximize window button - hover, maximize window button,
Window resize handle
Window resize handle, window resize handle,
Vertical separator
Vertical separator, separator,
Horizontal separator
Horizontal separator, separator,
Back button
Back button, back button,
Forward button
Forward button, forward button,
Forward, forward,
Back, back,
Warning icon
Warning icon, warning standard icon,
Error icon
Error icon, error standard icon,
Information icon
Information icon, information standard icon,
Question mark icon
Question mark icon, question mark standard icon,
Refresh icon
Refresh icon, refresh icon,
Up control
Up control, up control,

network security tips, cyber security degrees, it security solutions, network security, network security devices, secure wireless network Network Security Diagrams

network security tips, cyber security degrees, it security solutions, network security, network security devices, secure wireless network
The Network Security Diagrams solution presents a large collection of predesigned cybersecurity vector stencils, cliparts, shapes, icons and connectors to help you succeed in designing professional and accurate Network Security Diagrams, Network Security Infographics to share knowledge about effective ways of networks protection with help of software and network security devices of different cyber security degrees, Network Plans for secure wireless network, Computer Security Diagrams to visually tell about amazing possibilities of IT security solutions. The samples and examples reflect the power of ConceptDraw PRO software in drawing Network Security Diagrams, give the representation about variety of existing types of attacks and threats, help to realize their seriousness and the methods to deal with them.
The vector stencils library "HR arrows" contains 57 arrow pictograms.
Use this arrow icon set to draw your HR flowcharts, workflow diagrams and process charts with the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software.
The arrow icons library "HR arrows" is included in the HR Flowcharts solution from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Arki arrow
Arki arrow, arki arrow,
Chevron arrow
Chevron arrow, chevron arrow,
Triangle arrow
Triangle arrow, triangle arrow,
Small arrow
Small arrow, small arrow,
Up arrow
Up arrow, up arrow,
Down arrow
Down arrow, down arrow,
Right arrow
Right arrow, right arrow,
Left arrow
Left arrow, left arrow,
Vertical moving arrow
Vertical moving arrow, vertical moving arrow,
Wavy arrow
Wavy arrow, wavy arrow,
Fat arrow
Fat arrow, fat arrow,
Straight arrow
Straight arrow, straight arrow,
Angle arrow
Angle arrow, angle arrow,
Double headed arrow
Double headed arrow, double headed arrow,
Single headed arrow
Single headed arrow, single headed arrow, right arrow,
Elbow arrow
Elbow arrow, elbow arrow,
Crossed arrows
Crossed arrows, crossed arrows,
Turn left arrow
Turn left arrow, turn left arrow,
Turn right arrow
Turn right arrow, turn right arrow,
L-shaped arrow
L-shaped arrow, L shaped arrow,
Corner arrow
Corner arrow, corner arrow,
Diagonal arrow
Diagonal arrow, diagonal arrow,
Split arrow
Split arrow, split arrow,
Arc arrow
Arc arrow, arc arrow,
Bent arrow
Bent arrow, bent arrow,
Go back arrow
Go back arrow, go back arrow,
Double headed semicircle arrow
Double headed semicircle arrow, double headed semicircle arrow,
Counterclockwise arrow
Counterclockwise arrow, counterclockwise rotating arrow,
Sector arrow
Sector arrow, sector arrow,
Clockwise arrow
Clockwise arrow, clockwise rotating arrow,
Arrow fork
Arrow fork, arrow fork,
Merging arrows
Merging arrows, merging arrows,
U-shaped arrow
U-shaped arrow, u shaped arrow,
Semicircle arrow
Semicircle arrow, semicircle arrow,
Circular arrow
Circular arrow, circular arrow,
Looping arrows
Looping arrows, looping arrows,
Refresh arrows
Refresh arrows, refresh arrows,
Double arc arrow
Double arc arrow, double arc arrow,
Curving directional arrow
Curving directional arrow, curving directional arrow,
S-shaped arrow
S-shaped arrow, s shaped arrow,
Short arc arrow
Short arc arrow, short arc arrow,
Long arc arrow
Long arc arrow, long arc arrow,
Turn round arrow
Turn round arrow, turn round arrow,
Rotating arrows
Rotating arrows, rotating arrows,
Turned arrow
Turned arrow, turned arrow,
Curved left arrow
Curved left arrow, curved left arrow,
Curved right arrow
Curved right arrow, curved right arrow,
Cycle arrow
Cycle arrow, cycle arrow,
Arrow loop
Arrow loop, arrow loop,
Moving down arrow
Moving down arrow, moving down arrow,
Moving up arrow
Moving up arrow, moving up arrow,
Dual short arc arrow
Dual short arc arrow, dual short arc arrow,
Recycling arrows
Recycling arrows, recycling arrows,
Interaction arrows
Interaction arrows, interaction arrows,
Lightning arrow
Lightning arrow, lightning arrow,
Ribbon arrow
Ribbon arrow, ribbon arrow,
Circular motion arrows
Circular motion arrows, circular motion arrows,
The vector stencils library "Workflow arrows" contains 21 arrow shapes.
Use it to design your business process workflow diagrams with ConceptDraw PRO software.
The shapes example "Design elements - Workflow arrows" is included in the Business Process Workflow Diagrams solution from the Business Processes area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Arrow shapes
Arrow shapes, go back arrow, elbow arrow, corner arrow, arrow up dotted, arrow up, arrow right dotted, arrow right, arrow left dotted, arrow left, arrow down dotted, arrow down, arc arrow,

How to Create a Google Cloud Platform Architecture Diagram

Microsoft Azure is an open cloud computing platform, designed by Microsoft. It provides the ability to develop and launch applications and to store data on servers in distributed data centers. Microsoft Azure cloud offers two models - platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS). The efficiency of the Windows Azure platform is supported by a global network of Microsoft data centers. Developers use Azure Architecture diagrams to visualize and document the architecture of applications bases on Microsoft Azure services. Using the ConceptDraw Azure Architecture solution makes much easier the work on documenting the Microsoft Azure architecture.
The vector stencils library "Progressive disclosure controls" contains 12 icons of Windows 8 progressive disclosure controls.
Use it to design graphic user interface (GUI) prototypes of your software applications for Windows 8.
"With a progressive disclosure control, users can show or hide additional information including data, options, or commands. Progressive disclosure promotes simplicity by focusing on the essential, yet revealing additional detail as needed. ...
Chevrons show or hide the remaining items in completely or partially hidden content. Usually the items are shown in place, but they can also be shown in a pop-up menu. When in place, the item stays expanded until the user collapses it. ...
Arrows show a pop-up command menu. The item stays expanded until the user makes a selection or clicks anywhere.
If the arrow button is an independent control, it receives input focus and is activated with the space bar. If the arrow button has a parent control, the parent receives input focus and the arrow is activated with Alt+down arrow and Alt+up arrow keys, as with the drop-down list control. ...
Plus and minus controls expand or collapse to show container content in place when navigating through a hierarchy. The item stays expanded until the user collapses it. Although these look like buttons, their behavior is in-place.
The associated object receives input focus. The plus is activated with the right arrow key, and the minus with the left arrow key. ...
Rotating triangles show or hide additional information in place for an individual item. They are also used to expand containers. The item stays expanded until the user collapses it.
The associated object receives input focus. The collapsed (right-pointing) triangle is activated with the right arrow key, and the expanded (downward-pointing) triangle with the left arrow key. ...
Like chevrons, additional information is shown or hidden in place. The item stays expanded until the user collapses it. Unlike chevrons, the glyphs have a graphical representation of the action, typically with an arrow indicating what will happen. ... Preview arrows are best reserved for situations where a standard chevron doesn't adequately communicate the control's behavior, such as when the disclosure is complex or there is more than one type of disclosure." [ en-us/ library/ windows/ desktop/ dn742409%28v=vs.85%29.aspx]
The icons example "Progressive disclosure controls - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Windows 8 User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Single chevron control - down
Single chevron control - down, progressive disclosure controls,
Single chevron control - up
Single chevron control - up, progressive disclosure controls,
Double chevron control - back
Double chevron control - back, progressive disclosure controls,
Double chevron control - forward
Double chevron control - forward, progressive disclosure controls,
Arrow control button - down
Arrow control button - down, arrow control,
Arrow control button - right
Arrow control button - right, arrow control,
Arrow control - down
Arrow control - down, arrow control,
Arrow control - right
Arrow control - right, arrow control,
Plus control
Plus control, progressive disclosure controls, plus control, expand,
Minus control
Minus control, progressive disclosure controls, minus control, collapse,
Rotating triangle - expand
Rotating triangle - expand, progressive disclosure controls, triangle control,
Rotating triangle - collapse
Rotating triangle - collapse, progressive disclosure controls, triangle control,
The vector stencils library "Sales arrows" contains 57 arrow symbols.
Use these arrow icon set to draw your sales flowcharts, workflow diagrams and process charts with the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software.
The arrow pictograms library "Sales arrows" is included in the Sales Flowcharts solution from the Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Angle arrow
Angle arrow, angle arrow,
Arc arrow
Arc arrow, arc arrow,
Arki arrow
Arki arrow, arki arrow,
Arrow fork
Arrow fork, arrow fork,
Arrow loop
Arrow loop, arrow loop,
Bent arrow
Bent arrow, bent arrow,
Chevron arrow
Chevron arrow, chevron arrow,
Circular arrow
Circular arrow, circular arrow,
Circular motion arrows
Circular motion arrows, circular motion arrows,
Clockwise arrow
Clockwise arrow, clockwise rotating arrow,
Corner arrow
Corner arrow, corner arrow,
Counterclockwise arrow
Counterclockwise arrow, counterclockwise rotating arrow,
Crossed arrows
Crossed arrows, crossed arrows,
Curved left arrow
Curved left arrow, curved left arrow,
Curved right arrow
Curved right arrow, curved right arrow,
Curving directional arrow
Curving directional arrow, curving directional arrow,
Cycle arrow
Cycle arrow, cycle arrow,
Diagonal arrow
Diagonal arrow, diagonal arrow,
Double arc arrow
Double arc arrow, double arc arrow,
Double headed arrow
Double headed arrow, double headed arrow,
Double headed semicircle arrow
Double headed semicircle arrow, double headed semicircle arrow,
Down arrow
Down arrow, down arrow,
Dual short arc arrow
Dual short arc arrow, dual short arc arrow,
Elbow arrow
Elbow arrow, elbow arrow,
Fat arrow
Fat arrow, fat arrow,
Go back arrow
Go back arrow, go back arrow,
Interaction arrows
Interaction arrows, interaction arrows,
L-shaped arrow
L-shaped arrow, L shaped arrow,
Left arrow
Left arrow, left arrow,
Lightning arrow
Lightning arrow, lightning arrow,
Long arc arrow
Long arc arrow, long arc arrow,
Looping arrows
Looping arrows, looping arrows,
Merging arrows
Merging arrows, merging arrows,
Moving down arrow
Moving down arrow, moving down arrow,
Moving up arrow
Moving up arrow, moving up arrow,
Recycling arrows
Recycling arrows, recycling arrows,
Refresh arrows
Refresh arrows, refresh arrows,
Ribbon arrow
Ribbon arrow, ribbon arrow,
Right arrow
Right arrow, right arrow,
Rotating arrows
Rotating arrows, rotating arrows,
S-shaped arrow
S-shaped arrow, s shaped arrow,
Sector arrow
Sector arrow, sector arrow,
Semicircle arrow
Semicircle arrow, semicircle arrow,
Short arc arrow
Short arc arrow, short arc arrow,
Single headed arrow
Single headed arrow, single headed arrow, right arrow,
Small arrow
Small arrow, small arrow,
Split arrow
Split arrow, split arrow,
Straight arrow
Straight arrow, straight arrow,
Triangle arrow
Triangle arrow, triangle arrow,
Turn left arrow
Turn left arrow, turn left arrow,
Turn right arrow
Turn right arrow, turn right arrow,
Turn round arrow
Turn round arrow, turn round arrow,
Turned arrow
Turned arrow, turned arrow,
Up arrow
Up arrow, up arrow,
U-shaped arrow
U-shaped arrow, u shaped arrow,
Vertical moving arrow
Vertical moving arrow, vertical moving arrow,
Wavy arrow
Wavy arrow, wavy arrow,