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The vector stencils library "App icons" contains 24 icons of iOS 8 / iPhone 6 software applications.
Use it to design iOS 8 apps GUI prototypes and iPhone 6 software applications user interface sketches and mockups.
The icons example "App icons - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the iPhone User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Messages, Messages icon,
Calendar, Calendar icon,
Photos, Photos icon,
Camera, Camera icon,
Weather, Weather icon,
Clock, Clock icon,
Maps, Maps icon,
Videos, Videos icon,
Notes, Notes icon,
Reminders, Reminders icon,
Stocks, Stocks icon,
Game Center
Game Center, Game Center icon,
Newsstand, Newsstand icon,
iTunes Store
iTunes Store, iTunes Store icon,
App Store
App Store, App Store icon,
iBooks, iBooks icon,
Health, Health icon,
Passbook, Passbook icon,
Passbook (iOS 7)
Passbook (iOS 7), Passbook icon,
Settings, Settings icon,
Phone, Phone icon,
Mail, Mail icon,
Music, Music icon,
Safari, Safari icon,
The vector stencils library "Scrum workspace" contains 21 icons.
Use this clipart set to design your agile software development diagrams and infographics with ConceptDraw PRO software.
"... a list of all the things that ... should be visible within the ideal agile workspace:
Big Visible Charts. ... the sprint burndown chart, showing the number of hours remaining as of each day of the current sprint. ... big visible charts showing the number of passing customer acceptance tests, the pass/ fail status of tests by day, sprint and release burndown charts, number of new stories introduced to the product backlog per sprint, and more.
Additional feedback devices. In addition to big, visible charts, it is common for an agile team to use additional visual feedback devices in their workspace. One of the most common is a lava lamp that is turned on whenever the automated build is broken.
... flashing red traffic lights to indicate exceptional conditions such as an issue on a production server. Also popular are ambient orbs and Nabaztag rabbits, which are wireless programmable devices that can also be configured to change colors, speak messages, or wiggle their ears as a team desires. ...
Everyone on your team. Each person on the team should ideally be able to see each other person on the team. This absolutely includes the ScrumMaster and ideally includes the product owner. ...
The sprint backlog. One of the best ways to ensure that everything necessary is completed in the sprint is to make the sprint backlog visible. The best way to do that is by displaying the sprint backlog on a wall, ideally in the form of a task board ...
The product backlog. One problem with running an endless series of sprints is that each can feel disconnected or isolated from the whole of a planned released or related set of new capabilities. A good way to reduce the impact of this problem is by displaying the product backlog somewhere clearly visible. ... tack the index cards with those upcoming user stories on a wall where all can see them. This allows team members to see how the user stories they are working on in the current sprint relate to others that are coming soon.
At least one big white board. ... Locating this in the team’s common workspace encourages spontaneous meetings." [ blog/ the-ideal-agile-workspace]
The clip art sample "Design elements - Scrum workspace" is included in the Scrum solution from the Project Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Icon set
Icon set, window, white board, under-desk refrigerator, sticky notes, servers, server rack mount, server tower case, red traffic lights, push pins, printer, office table, office chair, nabaztag rabbit, lava lamp, laptop computer, notebook, egg timer, desktop computer, cork board, computer monitor, coffee machine, ambient orb,
The vector stencils library "App icons" contains 24 icons of iOS 8 / iPhone 6 software applications.
Use it to design iOS 8 apps GUI prototypes and iPhone 6 software applications user interface sketches and mockups.
The icons example "App icons - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the iPhone User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Messages, Messages icon,
Calendar, Calendar icon,
Photos, Photos icon,
Camera, Camera icon,
Weather, Weather icon,
Clock, Clock icon,
Maps, Maps icon,
Videos, Videos icon,
Notes, Notes icon,
Reminders, Reminders icon,
Stocks, Stocks icon,
Game Center
Game Center, Game Center icon,
Newsstand, Newsstand icon,
iTunes Store
iTunes Store, iTunes Store icon,
App Store
App Store, App Store icon,
iBooks, iBooks icon,
Health, Health icon,
Passbook, Passbook icon,
Passbook (iOS 7)
Passbook (iOS 7), Passbook icon,
Settings, Settings icon,
Phone, Phone icon,
Mail, Mail icon,
Music, Music icon,
Safari, Safari icon,

graphical user interface, UI patterns, GUI interface iPhone User Interface

graphical user interface, UI patterns, GUI interface
iPhone User Interface solution extends ConceptDraw PRO v10 software with templates, samples and libraries with large quantity of vector stencils of graphical user interface elements, Apps icons, UI patterns for designing and prototyping of the iOS applic

Amazon Web Services, AWS, Amazon cloud AWS Architecture Diagrams

Amazon Web Services, AWS, Amazon cloud
AWS Architecture Diagrams with powerful drawing tools and numerous predesigned Amazon icons and AWS simple icons is the best for creation the AWS Architecture Diagrams, describing the use of Amazon Web Services or Amazon Cloud Services, their application for development and implementation the systems running on the AWS infrastructure. The multifarious samples give you the good understanding of AWS platform, its structure, services, resources and features, wide opportunities, advantages and benefits from their use; solution’s templates are essential and helpful when designing, description and implementing the AWS infrastructure based systems. Use them in technical documentation, advertising and marketing materials, in specifications, presentation slides, whitepapers, datasheets, posters, etc.