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illustration software, astronomy pictures, astronomy symbols, sketching software   Astronomy

illustration software, astronomy pictures, astronomy symbols, sketching software
Astronomy solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with illustration and sketching software with templates, samples and libraries of a variety of astronomy symbols, including constellations, galaxies, stars, and planet vector shapes; a whole host of cele

Illustration Software

No science can't exist without illustrations, and especially astronomy! Illustrations help to visualize knowledge, natural phenomenons which are studied by astronomy, they equally effective help in work, during the learning process and on the conferences.
Now we have professional astronomy illustration software - ConceptDraw PRO illustration and sketching software with templates, samples and libraries of a variety of astronomy symbols, including constellations, galaxies, stars, and planet vector shapes; a whole host of celestial bodies. When drawing scientific and educational astronomy illustrations, astronomy pictures and diagrams, can help you reach for the stars!
The vector stencils library "Astronomical symbols" contains 58 astronomical symbols and astrological signs of Solar system planets, stars, Sun, Moon, Earth, constellations, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, comet, Zodiac signs.
"Astronomical symbols are symbols used to represent various celestial objects, theoretical constructs and observational events in astronomy. The earliest forms of these symbols appear in Greek papyri of late antiquity. The Byzantine codices in which the Greek papyri were preserved continued and extended the inventory of astronomical symbols. New symbols were further invented to represent many just-discovered planets and minor planets discovered in the 18th-20th centuries.
All these symbols were once commonly used by professional astronomers, amateur astronomers, and astrologers. While they are still commonly used in almanacs and astrological publications, their occurrence in published research and texts on astronomy is relatively infrequent, with some exceptions such as the Sun and Earth symbols appearing in astronomical constants, and certain zodiacal signs used to represent the solstices and equinoxes." [Astronomical symbols. Wikipedia]
The pictograms example "Design elements - Astronomical symbols" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Astronomy solution from the Science and Education area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Astronomical signs
Astronomical signs, Venus, V, Uranus, U, Taurus, Tau, Sun, Star, Solar radius, Solar mass, Solar luminosity, Solar effective temperature 	, Scorpius, Sco, Saturn, S, Sagittarius, Sgr, Quadrature, Pisces, Psc, Opposition, New moon, Neptune, Moon, or last-quarter moon, Moon, or first-quarter moon, Mercury, Me, Mars, Ma, Leo, Jupiter, J, Gemini, Gem, Full moon, Earth, E, Descending node, Conjunction, Comet, Capricornus, Cap	, Cancer, Cnc, Ascending node, Aries, Ari, Aquarius, Aqr, 9 Metis, 8 Flora, 7 Iris, 6 Hebe, 5 Astraea, 4 Vesta, 37 Fides, 3 Juno, 29 Amphitrite, 28 Bellona, 26 Proserpina, 2 Pallas, 19 Fortuna, 18 Melpomene, 17 Thetis, 16 Psyche, 15 Eunomia, 14 Irene, 134340 Pluto, 13 Egeria, 12 Victoria, 11 Parthenope, 10 Hygeia, 1 Ceres,

Solar System Symbols

Astronomy solution provides the Stars and Planets library with wide variety of solar system symbols. You can find here vector objects of solar system, of stars and planets of the universe.
To quickly draw any astronomy illustration: create new document and simply drag the needed solar system symbols from the Stars and Planets library, arrange them and add the text. You can also use the predesigned templates and samples from the ConceptDraw STORE as the base for your own sun solar system illustrations, astronomy and astrology drawings.

Software for flowchart diagrams

Software for flowchart diagrams can help you: represents an algorithm or process, illustrates a solution to a given problem, represented process operations, analyzing a business process, designing a business process, documenting a business process, optimizing a business process.
The Flowcharts Solution from the "What is a Diagram" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park contains a wide set of predesigned templates, samples and 3 libraries.
This astronomic diagram example was redesigned from the Wikimedia Commons file: Extragalactic distance ladder.JPG.
[ wiki/ File:Extragalactic_ distance_ ladder.JPG]
Red boxes: Technique applicable to star-forming galaxies.
Green boxes: Technique applicable to Population II galaxies.
Cyan boxes: Geometric distance technique.
Pink box: The planetary nebula luminosity function technique is applicable to all populations of the Virgo Supercluster.
Solid lines: Well calibrated ladder step.
Dashed lines: Uncertain calibration ladder step.
"The cosmic distance ladder (also known as the extragalactic distance scale) is the succession of methods by which astronomers determine the distances to celestial objects. A real direct distance measurement of an astronomical object is possible only for those objects that are "close enough" (within about a thousand parsecs) to Earth. The techniques for determining distances to more distant objects are all based on various measured correlations between methods that work at close distances with methods that work at larger distances. Several methods rely on a standard candle, which is an astronomical object that has a known luminosity.
The ladder analogy arises because no one technique can measure distances at all ranges encountered in astronomy. Instead, one method can be used to measure nearby distances, a second can be used to measure nearby to intermediate distances, and so on. Each rung of the ladder provides information that can be used to determine the distances at the next higher rung." [Cosmic distance ladder. Wikipedia]
The astronomy diagram sample "Extragalactic distance ladder" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Astronomy solution from the Science and Education area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Cosmic distance ladder
Cosmic distance ladder, Sun,

Sketching Software

ConceptDraw PRO is a powerful diagramming, vector drawing and sketching software that can be successfully used for creating various sketches, illustrations, drawing in any field of science and life activity. In particular, ConceptDraw PRO offers the Astronomy solution from the Science and Education area to help you design the astronomy pictures, sun solar system drawings, constellation chart quick and easy.
"The Summer Triangle is an astronomical asterism involving an imaginary triangle drawn on the northern hemisphere's celestial sphere, with its defining vertices at Altair, Deneb, and Vega, the brightest stars in the three constellations of Aquila, Cygnus, and Lyra, respectively. ...
Near midnight the Summer Triangle lies virtually overhead at mid-northern latitudes during the summer months, but can also be seen during spring in the early morning to the East. In the autumn the summer triangle is visible in the evening to the West well until November. From the southern hemisphere it appears upside down and low in the sky during the winter months." [Summer Triangle. Wikipedia]
This example was redesigned from the Wikimedia Commons file: Summer triangle network.jpg. [ wiki/ File:Summer_ triangle_ network.jpg]
This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. [ publicdomain/ zero/ 1.0/ deed.en]
The astronomical diagram example "Summer triangle network" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Astronomy solution from the Science and Education area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ science-education-astronomy
"Pegasus is a constellation in the northern sky, named after the winged horse Pegasus in Greek mythology. It was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy, and remains one of the 88 modern constellations.
The brightest star in Pegasus is the orange supergiant Epsilon Pegasi, also known as Enif, which marks the horse's muzzle. Alpha (Markab), Beta, and Gamma, together with Alpha Andromedae (Alpheratz or Sirrah) form the large asterism known as the Square of Pegasus. Twelve star systems have been found to have exoplanets." [Pegasus (constellation). Wikipedia]
This example was redesigned from the Wikimedia Commons file: Pegasus network.jpg. [ wiki/ File:Pegasus_ network.jpg]
This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. [ publicdomain/ zero/ 1.0/ deed.en]
The astronomical diagram example "Pegasus network" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Astronomy solution from the Science and Education area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Pegasus network
Pegasus network, Vulpecula, Triangulum, Sagitta, Pisces, Perseus, Pegasus, Lyra, Cygnus, Cassiopeia, Capricornus, Aries, Aquila, Aquarius, Andromeda,
This tuning-fork style diagram of the Hubble sequence was created on the base of the Wikimedia Commons file: Hubble sequence photo.png. [ wiki/ File:Hubble_ sequence_ photo.png]
"The Hubble sequence is a morphological classification scheme for galaxies invented by Edwin Hubble in 1936. It is often known colloquially as the Hubble tuning fork diagram because of the shape in which it is traditionally represented.
Hubble’s scheme divides regular galaxies into 3 broad classes - ellipticals, lenticulars and spirals - based on their visual appearance (originally on photographic plates). A fourth class contains galaxies with an irregular appearance. To this day, the Hubble sequence is the most commonly used system for classifying galaxies, both in professional astronomical research and in amateur astronomy." [Hubble sequence. Wikipedia]
The astronomical diagram example "Tuning-fork style diagram of the Hubble sequence" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Astronomy solution from the Science and Education area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Morphological classification scheme for galaxies
Morphological classification scheme for galaxies, irregular galaxy, Irr, Sc galaxy, Sb galaxy, Sa galaxy, SBc galaxy, SBb galaxy, SBa galaxy, S0 galaxy, lenticular galaxy, E7 galaxy, E4 galaxy, E0 galaxy,
"Orion is a prominent constellation located on the celestial equator and visible throughout the world. It is one of the most conspicuous and recognizable constellations in the night sky. It was named after Orion, a hunter in Greek mythology. Its brightest stars are Rigel (Beta Orionis) and Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis), a blue-white and a red supergiant respectively. Many of the other brighter stars in the constellation are hot, blue supergiant stars. The three stars in the middle of the constellation form an asterism known as Orion's belt. The Orion Nebula is located south of Orion's belt." [Orion (constellation). Wikipedia]
This example was redesigned from the Wikimedia Commons file: Orion network.jpg. [ wiki/ File:Orion_ network.jpg]
This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. [ publicdomain/ zero/ 1.0/ deed.en]
The astronomical diagram example "Orion network" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Astronomy solution from the Science and Education area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Orion network
Orion network, Taurus, Perseus, Orion, Lepus, Gemini, Columba, Cassiopeia, Canis Minor, Canis Major, Cancer, Auriga, Aries,

Sun Solar System

ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software offers the Astronomy solution with useful tools for drawing all kinds of astronomy pictures and sun solar system illustrations.
The astronomy illustrations designed with ConceptDraw PRO are vector graphic documents and are available for reviewing, modifying, converting to a variety of formats (image, HTML, PDF file, MS PowerPoint Presentation, Adobe Flash or MS Visio XML), printing and send via e-mail in one moment.

Constellation Chart

ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software provides the Astronomy solution from the Science and Education area. This solution offers you all needed tools for drawing the constellation chart of any complexity without difficulties.
Astronomy solution contains 4 libraries with vector objects of all variety of constellations: Constellations Except Zodiac Northern and Southern, Northern Constellations, Southern Constellations and Zodiac Constellations.

How to Draw a Сonstellation Сhart

Astronomic maps are used to locate stars, planets and other objects in the sky for a certain date, time and observing location. ConceptDraw Astronomy solution can be used as a tool for creating astronomy maps, charts and illustrations that contains astronomy symbols of constellations, galaxies, stars and planets. It allows you to draw the map of any constellation quickly and easily using the special templates and vector stencils libraries.

Mathematics Symbols

ConceptDraw PRO extended with Mathematics solution from the Science and Education area is a powerful diagramming and vector drawing software that offers all needed tools for mathematical diagrams designing.
Mathematics solution provides 3 libraries with predesigned vector mathematics symbols and figures:
Solid Geometry Library, Plane Geometry Library and Trigonometric Functions Library.