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Swim Lane Flowchart Symbols

Use the set of special professionally developed swim lane flowchart symbols - single, multiple, vertical and horizontal lanes from the Swimlanes and Swimlanes BPMN 1.2 libraries from the Business Process Diagram solution, the Swim Lanes library from the Business Process Mapping solution as the perfect basis for your Swim Lane Flowcharts of processes, algorithms and procedures.

Swim Lane Diagrams

Swim Lane Diagrams are the kind of process flow diagrams and effective tool for documenting the business processes required for any business company for its productive work, for easy defining the weak points, reasons of defects, or delays during the process. Swim Lane Diagram is based on the IDEF3 standard and was developed primarily for using in projecting. Its name derives from the use of horizontal or vertical lanes. The blocks that denote the parts of the processes are arranged within definite lanes according to the belonging to responsible worker. So the process of any complexity is visually divided into the parts and represented with indication the responsibility for execution of each part. This significantly facilitates the comprehension of its work. Use the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software and predesigned vector objects from the Swim Lanes library of Business Process Mapping Solution included to ConceptDraw Solution Park to easy develop Swim Lanes Flowcharts and Diagrams, for modeling and documenting the business processes in a simple and visual graphic form.

Communication Diagram UML2.0 / Collaboration UML1.x

UML Communication diagramming software with rich examples and template. ConceptDraw is ideal for software designers and software developers who need to draw UML Communication Diagrams.

UML Sample Project

Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a graphical modeling language for describing, visualizing, projecting and documenting of object oriented systems. UML digram is used for modeling of organizations and their business processes, for development the big projects, the complex software applications. Comprehensive UML diagram allows to create the set of interrelated documents that gives the complete visual representation of the modeling system.

Business Process Modeling with ConceptDraw

Business Process Modeling Notation -BPMN- is a set of standard symbols that allow you to create a graphical view of a business process. The symbols were developed to help users develop standard, unified structure of processes, and any messages shared between these processes. This is essense of business process improvement tools.

ATM Solutions

In the modern world the ATM Solutions are necessity for various software specialists, designers and developers in banking industry. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software offers the unique ATM UML Diagrams Solution from the Software Development Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Examples of Flowcharts, Org Charts and More

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM covers a broad spectrum of business graphics categories and offers at ConceptDraw STORE enormous online collection of pictorial examples and samples for different thematics and application areas. It is a plentiful source of inspiration and wonderful examples of professionally designed diagrams, flowcharts, UML diagrams, organizational charts, databases, ERDs, network diagrams, business charts, different thematic charts, schematics, infographics and plans developed specially for knowledge workers, engineers, managers, businessmen, marketing specialists, analytics, scientists, students, professors, journalists and also for a large number of other people that every day use various diagrams and drawings in their work and life activity. Each of these examples is a real art, all they are well thought-out and designed without efforts with help of powerful tools of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software. ConceptDraw examples display all variety of tasks, possibilities and results that ConceptDraw Product Line lets achieve fast and easy. ConceptDraw is one of the best Visio alternatives for Mac. It open all Visio formats like.vsdx,.vss,.vdx files and allows you to export files to Visio formats.
What is ConceptDraw OFFICE
What is ConceptDraw OFFICE

UML Activity Diagram. Design Elements

UML Activity Diagram illustrate the business and operational step-by-step workflow of components in a system and shows the overall flow of control.

UML Flowchart Symbols

The UML diagram is a powerful tool which lets visually represent all system's components, the interactions between them and relationships with external user interface. The Rapid UML solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software offers diversity of UML flowchart symbols for drawing all types of UML diagrams.

Business Process Mapping — How to Map a Work Process

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a world-class diagramming platform that lets you display, communicate, and present dynamically. It′s powerful enough to draw everything from basic flowcharts to complex engineering schematics. Video tutorials on ConceptDraw products. Try it today!
The vector stencils library "Bank UML activity diagram" contains 32 shapes of UML activity diagram.
Use it for object-oriented modeling of your bank information system.
"Activity diagrams are constructed from a limited number of shapes, connected with arrows. The most important shape types:
* rounded rectangles represent actions;
* diamonds represent decisions;
* bars represent the start (split) or end (join) of concurrent activities;
* a black circle represents the start (initial state) of the workflow;
* an encircled black circle represents the end (final state).
Arrows run from the start towards the end and represent the order in which activities happen.
Activity diagrams may be regarded as a form of flowchart. Typical flowchart techniques lack constructs for expressing concurrency. However, the join and split symbols in activity diagrams only resolve this for simple cases; the meaning of the model is not clear when they are arbitrarily combined with decisions or loops.
While in UML 1.x, activity diagrams were a specialized form of state diagrams, in UML 2.x, the activity diagrams were reformalized to be based on Petri net-like semantics, increasing the scope of situations that can be modeled using activity diagrams. These changes cause many UML 1.x activity diagrams to be interpreted differently in UML 2.x." [Activity diagram. Wikipedia]
This example of UML activity diagram symbols for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the ATM UML Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
UML activity diagram symbols
UML activity diagram symbols, vertical swimlanes, hierarchical partitioning, vertical swimlanes, activity partition, activity group, send signal action, output pin, object node, object node, note, interrupting edge, activity edge, input pin, object node, initial node, horizontal swimlanes, hierarchical partitioning, horizontal swimlanes, activity partition, activity group, frame, activity, fork node, join node, flow final node, decision node, merge node, data store node, central buffer node, connector, comment note, central buffer node, object node, call behavior action, activity partition, swimlane, activity parameter node, activity final node, activity edge, object flow edge, activity, action, accept time event action, accept event action,

Diagramming Software for Design UML Package Diagrams

UML Package Diagram illustrates the functionality of a software system.

IDEF3 Standard

Use Case Diagrams technology. IDEF3 Standard is intended for description and further analysis of technological processes of an enterprise. Using IDEF3 standard it is possible to examine and model scenarios of technological processes.

Use Case Diagrams technology with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM

Use case diagrams are used at the development of software and systems for definition of functional system requirements or system of systems. Use case diagram presents the consecution of object’s actions (user’s or system’s) which are executed for reaching the definite result.

UML Use Case Diagram Example - Estate Agency

UML Diagram Estate Agency. This sample was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software using the UML Use Case Diagram library of the Rapid UML Solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. This sample shows the work of the estate agency and is used by the estate agencies, building companies, at the trainings of the estate agencies, for understanding the working processes of the estate agencies.