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The vector stencils library "Android system icons - AV" contains 50 audio video pictograms.
Use this icon set to design user interface of your Android application.
The icons example "Design elements - Android system icons (av)" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Audio video system icons
Audio video system icons, web icon, volume up icon, volume off icon, volume mute icon, volume down icon, videocam off icon, videocam icon, video collection icon, surround sound icon, subtitles icon, stop icon, snooze icon, skip previous icon, skip next icon, shuffle icon, replay icon, repeat one icon, repeat icon, recent actors icon, radio icon, queue music icon, queue icon, playlist add icon, play shopping bag icon, play circle outline icon, play circle fill icon, play arrow icon, pause icon, pause circle outline icon, pause circle fill icon, not interested icon, new releases icon, my library music icon, my library books icon, my library add icon, movie icon, mic off icon, mic none icon, mic icon, loop icon, high quality icon, hearing icon, games icon, fast rewind icon, fast forward icon, explicit icon, equalizer icon, closed caption icon, av timer icon, album icon,
Used Solutions
The vector stencils library "Android system icons - social" contains 24 social pictograms.
Use this icon set to design user interface of your Android application.
The icons example "Design elements - Android system icons (social)" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Social system icons
Social system icons, whatshot icon, share icon, school icon, public icon, poll icon, plus one icon, person outline icon, person icon, person add icon, people outline icon, people icon, party mode icon, pages icon, notifications paused icon, notifications on icon, notifications off icon, notifications none icon, notifications icon, mood icon, location city icon, group icon, group add icon, domain icon, cake icon,
The vector stencils library "Android system icons - communication" contains 38 communication pictograms.
Use this icon set to design user interface of your Android application.
The icons example "Design elements - Android system icons (communication)" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Communication system icons
Communication system icons, vpn key icon, voicemail icon, textsms icon, swap calls icon, stay primary portrait icon, stay primary landscape icon, stay current portrait icon, stay current landscape icon, ring volume icon, quick contacts mail icon, quick contacts dialer icon, portable wifi off icon, phone icon, no sim icon, messenger icon, message icon, location on icon, location off icon, live help icon, invert colors on icon, invert colors off icon, import export icon, forum icon, email icon, dnd on icon, dialpad icon, dialer sip icon, contacts icon, comment icon, clear all icon, chat icon, call split icon, call received icon, call missed icon, call made icon, call icon, call end icon, business icon,
The vector stencils library "Android system icons - hardware" contains 40 computer and mobile hardware pictograms.
Use this icon set to design user interface of your Android application.
The icons example "Design elements - Android system icons (hardware)" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Hardware system icons
Hardware system icons, watch icon, tv icon, tablet mac icon, tablet icon, tablet android icon, speaker icon, smartphone icon, sim card icon, security icon, phonelink off icon, phonelink icon, phone iphone icon, phone android icon, mouse icon, memory icon, laptop windows icon, laptop mac icon, laptop chromebook icon, keyboard voice icon, keyboard tab icon, keyboard return icon, keyboard icon, keyboard hide icon, keyboard control icon, keyboard capslock icon, keyboard backspace icon, keyboard arrow up icon, keyboard arrow right icon, keyboard arrow left icon, keyboard arrow down icon, keyboard alt icon, headset mic icon, headset icon, gamepad icon, dock icon, desktop windows icon, desktop mac icon, computer icon, cast icon, cast connected icon,
The vector stencils library "Android system icons - toggle" contains 7 toggle pictograms: check boxes, radio buttons, stars.
Use this icon set to design user interface of your Android application.
The icons example "Design elements - Android system icons (toggle)" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Toggle system icons
Toggle system icons, star outline icon, star icon, star half icon, radio button on icon, radio button off icon, check box outline blank icon, check box icon,
The vector stencils library "Android system icons - file" contains 13 cloud and file pictograms.
Use this icon set to design user interface of your Android application.
The icons example "Design elements - Android system icons (file)" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
File system icons
File system icons, folder shared icon, folder open icon, folder icon, file upload icon, file download icon, cloud upload icon, cloud queue icon, cloud off icon, cloud icon, cloud download icon, cloud done icon, cloud circle icon, attachment icon,
Used Solutions
The vector stencils library "Android system icons - image" contains 137 system icons of image processing.
Use this icon set to design user interface of your Android application.
The icons example "Design elements - Android system icons (image)" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the "Android 5 UI" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
System icons of image processing
System icons of image processing, wb sunny icon, wb irradescent icon, wb incandescent icon, wb cloudy icon, wb auto icon, tune icon, transform icon, tonality icon, timer off icon, timer icon, timer auto icon, timer 3 icon, timer 10 icon, timelapse icon, texture icon, tag faces icon, switch video icon, switch camera icon, style icon, straighten icon, slideshow icon, rotate right icon, rotate left icon, remove red eye icon, portrait icon, photo library icon, photo icon, photo camera icon, photo album icon, panorama wide angle icon, panorama vertical icon, panorama icon, panorama horizontal icon, panorama fisheye icon, palette icon, navigate next icon, navigate before icon, nature people icon, nature icon, movie creation icon, loupe icon, looks two icon, looks 2 icon, looks one icon, looks 1 icon, looks icon, looks 6 icon, looks 5 icon, looks 4 icon, looks 3 icon, lens icon, leak remove icon, leak add icon, landscape icon, iso icon, image icon, image aspect ratio icon, healing icon, hdr weak icon, hdr strong icon, hdr on icon, hdr off icon, grid on icon, grid off icon, grain icon, gradient icon, flip icon, flash on icon, flash off icon, flash auto icon, flare icon, filter vintage icon, filter tilt shift icon, filter none icon, filter icon, filter hdr icon, filter frames icon, filter drama icon, filter center focus icon, filter b and w icon, filter 9 plus icon, filter 9 icon, filter 8 icon, filter 7 icon, filter 6 icon, filter 5 icon, filter 4 icon, filter 3 icon, filter 2 icon, filter 1 icon, exposure zero icon, exposure plus 2 icon, exposure plus 1 icon, exposure minus 2 icon, exposure minus 1 icon, exposure icon, edit icon, details icon, dehaze icon, crop square icon, crop portrait icon, crop original icon, crop landscape icon, crop icon, crop free icon, crop din icon, crop 7 5 icon, crop 5 4 icon, crop 3 2 icon, crop 16 9 icon, control point icon, control point duplicate icon, compare icon, colorize icon, color lens icon, collections icon, center focus weak icon, center focus strong icon, camera roll icon, camera rear icon, camera icon, camera front icon, camera alt icon, brush icon, brightness 7 icon, brightness 6 icon, brightness 5 icon, brightness 4 icon, brightness 3 icon, brightness 2 icon, brightness 1 icon, blur on icon, blur off icon, blur linear icon, blur circular icon, audiotrack icon, assistant photo icon, adjust icon, add to photos icon,

Android GUI

Android is an operating system based on the Linux kernel and developed by Google for smartphones, tablet computers, electronic books, netbooks, smartbooks, digital players, watches, game consoles, TV and other devices. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM extended with Android User Interface Solution from the Software Development Area is a powerful software with extensive drawing tools which can help you to build the intelligible, attractive and easy for perception Android GUI for your application.
The vector stencils library "Sales flowchart" contains 62 sales process flow chart symbols.
Use these flow chart icon set to draw your sales flowcharts, workflow diagrams and process charts with the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software.
The sales process flowchart symbols library "Sales flowchart" is included in the Sales Flowcharts solution from the Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Annotation, annotation,
Card, card,
Check / audit (diamond)
Check / audit (diamond), check, audit,
Check / audit (square)
Check / audit (square), check, audit,
Collate, collate,
Comment / note symbol (brace)
Comment / note symbol (brace), brace callout, comment, note,
Communication link
Communication link, communication link,
Compare (diamond)
Compare (diamond), compare,
Compare (square)
Compare (square), compare,
Completed form
Completed form, completed form, document,
Concurrency symbol (fork / join)
Concurrency symbol (fork / join), concurrency symbol,
Conditional selector
Conditional selector, conditional selector,
Control transfer
Control transfer, control transfer,
Database, database,
Data input / output
Data input / output, data input, data output,
Decision, decision,
Decision indicator - No
Decision indicator - No, decision indicator, no,
Decision indicator - Yes
Decision indicator - Yes, decision indicator, yes,
Delay, delay,
Direct access storage
Direct access storage, direct access storage,
Disk storage
Disk storage, disk storage,
Display, display,
Divided process (table view)
Divided process (table view), divided process,
Document, document,
Entity (rounded)
Entity (rounded), entity,
Event, event,
Extract, extract, part, device,
Flow line
Flow line, flow line, arrow, connector,
Internal storage
Internal storage, internal storage,
Junction symbol
Junction symbol, junction symbol,
Lined document
Lined document, lined document,
Lined / shaded process
Lined / shaded process, lined process, shaded process,
Loop limit
Loop limit, loop limit,
Manual file
Manual file, manual file,
Manual input
Manual input, manual input,
Manual operation
Manual operation, manual operation,
Merge, merge,
Multi document
Multi document, multi document,
Multi process
Multi process, multi process,
Off-page reference - arrow
Off-page reference - arrow, off-page reference,
Off-page reference - incoming
Off-page reference - incoming, off-page reference,
Off-page reference - outgoing
Off-page reference - outgoing, off-page reference,
On-page reference/ Inspection point
On-page reference/ Inspection point, on-page reference, inspection point,
Or, or,
Page, page,
Paper tape
Paper tape, paper tape,
Predefined process
Predefined process, subroutine, predefined process,
Prepare conditional
Prepare conditional, preparation, prepare conditional,
Process step
Process step, process step,
Reference point
Reference point, reference point,
Sequential access storage
Sequential access storage, sequential access storage,
Sort, sort,
Start (circle)
Start (circle), start,
Start (ellipse)
Start (ellipse), start,
Stickman pictogram
Stickman pictogram, stickman pictogram,
Stored data
Stored data, stored data,
Summary, summary,
Tagged document
Tagged document, tagged document, document,
Tagged process
Tagged process, tagged process,
Terminal point
Terminal point, terminal point,
Title block
Title block, title block,
Torso pictogram
Torso pictogram, torso pictogram,

one-line diagram, single-line diagram, electrical diagram, engineering diagram, electrical symbol, one-line drawing One-line Diagrams

one-line diagram, single-line diagram, electrical diagram, engineering diagram, electrical symbol, one-line drawing
One-line Diagrams solution is a powerful electrical engineering tool to develop precise and detailed One-line Diagram, Single-line Diagram, Electrical diagram. This solution supplies the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM users with a wide set of vector libraries with special icons and electrical symbol elements for one-line drawing and electrical engineering diagram design including. It includes a large collection of samples of One-line Diagrams illustrating high-voltage and low-voltage systems, different electrical configurations and topologies, transmission systems, application of circuit breakers, protection electrical equipment, etc. It is perfect for all power-related workers, engineers, electricians, and other professionals working in power engineering and energy industries.
The vector stencils library "Android selection controls" contains 24 selection controls.
Use it to design user interface of your software applications for Android OS with ConceptDraw PRO software.
"Selection controls allow the user to select options.
Three types of selection controls are covered in this guidance:
= Checkboxes allow the selection of multiple options from a set.
- Radio buttons allow the selection of a single option from a set.
- Switches allow a selection to be turned on or off. ...
Checkboxes allow the user to select multiple options from a set.
If you have multiple options appearing in a list, you can preserve space by using checkboxes instead of on/ off switches. ...
Radio buttons allow the user to select one option from a set. Use radio buttons for exclusive selection if you think that the user needs to see all available options side-by-side.
Otherwise, consider a dropdown, which uses less space than displaying all options. ...
On/ off switches toggle the state of a single settings option. The option that the switch controls, as well as the state it’s in, should be made clear from the corresponding inline label. Switches take on the same visual properties of the radio button." [ guidelines/ components/ selection-controls.html]
The UI elements example "Design elements - Android selection controls" is included in the "Android user interface" solution from the "Software Development" area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Selection controls
Selection controls, switch on, switch off, radio button, radiobutton outline, radio button, radiobutton disabled, radio button, radiobutton, checkbox outline, checkbox,
The vector stencils library "HR flowchart" contains 62 flowchart symbols.
Use it to draw your HR flowcharts, workflow diagrams and process charts with the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software.
The flow chart symbols library "HR flowchart" is included in the HR Flowcharts solution from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Annotation, annotation,
Card, card,
Check / audit (diamond)
Check / audit (diamond), check, audit,
Check / audit (square)
Check / audit (square), check, audit,
Collate, collate,
Comment / note symbol (brace)
Comment / note symbol (brace), brace callout, comment, note,
Communication link
Communication link, communication link,
Compare (diamond)
Compare (diamond), compare,
Compare (square)
Compare (square), compare,
Completed form
Completed form, completed form, document,
Concurrency symbol (fork / join)
Concurrency symbol (fork / join), concurrency symbol,
Conditional selector
Conditional selector, conditional selector,
Control transfer
Control transfer, control transfer,
Data input / output
Data input / output, data input, data output,
Database, database,
Decision, decision,
Decision indicator - No
Decision indicator - No, decision indicator, no,
Decision indicator - Yes
Decision indicator - Yes, decision indicator, yes,
Delay, delay,
Direct access storage
Direct access storage, direct access storage,
Disk storage
Disk storage, disk storage,
Display, display,
Divided process (table view)
Divided process (table view), divided process,
Document, document,
Entity (rounded)
Entity (rounded), entity,
Event, event,
Extract, extract, part, device,
Flow line
Flow line, flow line, arrow, connector,
Internal storage
Internal storage, internal storage,
Junction symbol
Junction symbol, junction symbol,
Lined document
Lined document, lined document,
Lined / shaded process
Lined / shaded process, lined process, shaded process,
Loop limit
Loop limit, loop limit,
Manual file
Manual file, manual file,
Manual input
Manual input, manual input,
Manual operation
Manual operation, manual operation,
Merge, merge,
Multi document
Multi document, multi document,
Multi process
Multi process, multi process,
Off-page reference - arrow
Off-page reference - arrow, off-page reference,
Off-page reference - incoming
Off-page reference - incoming, off-page reference,
Off-page reference - outgoing
Off-page reference - outgoing, off-page reference,
On-page reference/ Inspection point
On-page reference/ Inspection point, on-page reference, inspection point,
Or, or,
Page, page,
Paper tape
Paper tape, paper tape,
Predefined process
Predefined process, subroutine, predefined process,
Prepare conditional
Prepare conditional, preparation, prepare conditional,
Process step
Process step, process step,
Reference point
Reference point, reference point,
Sequential access storage
Sequential access storage, sequential access storage,
Sort, sort,
Start (circle)
Start (circle), start,
Start (ellipse)
Start (ellipse), start,
Stickman pictogram
Stickman pictogram, stickman pictogram,
Stored data
Stored data, stored data,
Summary, summary,
Tagged document
Tagged document, tagged document, document,
Tagged process
Tagged process, tagged process,
Terminal point
Terminal point, terminal point,
Title block
Title block, title block,
Torso pictogram
Torso pictogram, torso pictogram,

network topology diagram software, network icons, network diagram template, networking icons available, how to draw a network diagram Computer Network Diagrams

network topology diagram software, network icons, network diagram template, networking icons available, how to draw a network diagram
Computer Network Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with samples, templates and libraries of vector icons and objects of computer network devices and network components to help you create professional-looking Computer Network Diagrams, to plan simple home networks and complex computer network configurations for large buildings, to represent their schemes in a comprehensible graphical view, to document computer networks configurations, to depict the interactions between network's components, the used protocols and topologies, to represent physical and logical network structures, to compare visually different topologies and to depict their combinations, to represent in details the network structure with help of schemes, to study and analyze the network configurations, to communicate effectively to engineers, stakeholders and end-users, to track network working and troubleshoot, if necessary.
"Smaller mobile devices such as PDAs and smartphones typically use the WIMP elements with different unifying metaphors, due to constraints in space and available input devices. Applications for which WIMP is not well suited may use newer interaction techniques, collectively named as post-WIMP user interfaces.
As of 2011, some touch-screen-based operating systems such as Apple's iOS (iPhone) and Android use the class of GUIs named post-WIMP. These support styles of interaction using more than one finger in contact with a display, which allows actions such as pinching and rotating, which are unsupported by one pointer and mouse." [Graphical user interface. Wikipedia]
"In computing post-WIMP comprises work on user interfaces, mostly graphical user interfaces, which attempt to go beyond the paradigm of windows, icons, menus and a pointing device, i.e. WIMP interfaces. ...
However WIMP interfaces are not optimal for working with complex tasks such as computer-aided design, working on large amounts of data simultaneously, or interactive games. WIMPs are usually pixel-hungry, so given limited screen real estate they can distract attention from the task at hand. Thus, custom interfaces can better encapsulate workspaces, actions, and objects for specific complex tasks. Applications for which WIMP is not well suited include those requiring continuous input signals, showing 3D models, or simply portraying an interaction for which there is no defined standard widget.
Interfaces based on these considerations, now called "post-WIMP", have made their way to the general public. Examples include the interface of the classic MP3 player iPod and a bank's automated teller machine screen." [Post-WIMP. Wikipedia]
The example "iPhone OS (iOS) graphic user interface (GUI) - Activity indicator view" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Graphic User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
iPhone GUI
iPhone GUI, toolbar, status bar, activity indicator, status bar, simple list, navigation bar, controls, activity indicator,

graphical user interface, UI patterns, GUI interface iPhone User Interface

graphical user interface, UI patterns, GUI interface
In order to draw the iPhone-related illustrations mentioning this phone’s capabilities, the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM charting and drawings software is used. Having all the basic tools from the mentioned application and those from the iPhone User Interface solution it becomes possible to create the needed drawing within only a few minutes as the solution contains a wide range of the pre-made samples and templates of the iPhone-related drawings and the vector stencils libraries that support iPhone 6 UI diagrams.
This example shows iPhone 6 Notification Center screen.
"Notification Center is a feature in iOS and OS X that provides an overview of alerts from applications. It displays notifications until the user completes an associated action, rather than requiring instant resolution. Users may choose what applications appear in Notification Center, and how they are handled. Initially released with iOS 5 in October 2011... Notification Center was released in iOS 5 to replace the previous system for dealing with push and local notifications. Instead of interrupting the user with an alert, Notification Center instead displays a banner at the top of the screen. This allows the user to continue using their device, and disappears after a set period of time. All previous notifications are collated into the Notification Center panel, which can be displayed in iOS by dragging down from the status bar... Notification Center on iPhone and iPod Touch also includes Weather and Stocks widgets, displaying information on the weather at the user's current location, and any stocks that the user has selected in the Stocks application." [Notification Center. Wikipedia]
The sample "Notification Center" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the iPhone User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
iPhone screen - Notification Center
iPhone screen - Notification Center, wifi icon, table view cell, table view, switch on, switch off, status bar, navigation bar, menu bar, label, iPhone 6, button text label, bluetooth icon, back button,
The vector stencils library "Audio" contains 91 audio, sound and music icons. Use it to design your audio, video and multimedia illustrations, presentations, web pages and infographics with ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software.
"Digital audio refers to technology that can be used to record, store, generate, manipulate, and reproduce sound using audio signals encoded in digital form. Following significant advances in digital audio technology during the 1970s, it rapidly replaced analog audio technology in most areas of sound production, sound engineering and telecommunications. Sound is converted to an analog electrical signal by a microphone, then an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), typically using pulse-code modulation, is used to convert it to a digital signal. A digital-to-analog converter performs the reverse process, converting a digital signal back into an analog signal, which can be converted to an audible sound by a loudspeaker. Digital audio systems may include compression, storage, processing and transmission components. Conversion to a digital format allows convenient manipulation, storage, transmission and retrieval of an audio signal." [Digital audio. Wikipedia]
The vector stencils library "Audio" is included in the Audio, Video, Media solution from the Illustration area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Audio wave
Audio wave, audio wave,
Mute, no sound, mute,
Volume, sound, volume,
Music, music,
Note, note,
Notes, notes,
Music keys
Music keys, music keys,
Piano, piano,
Acoustic guitar
Acoustic guitar, acoustic guitar,
Guitar 1
Guitar 1, guitar,
Guitar 2
Guitar 2, guitar,
Electric guitar
Electric guitar, electric guitar,
Violin, violin,
Gramophone, gramophone,
Trumpet, trumpet,
Accordion, accordion,
Microphone 1
Microphone 1, microphone,
Microphone 2
Microphone 2, microphone,
Microphone 3
Microphone 3, microphone,
Microphone 4
Microphone 4, microphone,
Microphone 5
Microphone 5, microphone,
Turn off microphone
Turn off microphone, turn off microphone,
Wire microphone
Wire microphone, wire microphone,
Mic 1
Mic 1, microphone, mic,
Mic 2
Mic 2, microphone, mic,
Karaoke, microphone, karaoke,
Singer, singer,
Megaphone 1
Megaphone 1, megaphone,
Megaphone 2
Megaphone 2, loudspeaker, megaphone,
Loudspeaker, loudspeaker, megaphone,
Bluetooth earpiece
Bluetooth earpiece, bluetooth earpiece, headset ear hook,
Headset ear hook
Headset ear hook, headset ear hook, bluetooth earpiece,
Earphones 1
Earphones 1, earphones,
Earphones 2
Earphones 2, earphones,
Headset 1
Headset 1, headset, headphones,
Headset 2
Headset 2, headset,
Headset 3
Headset 3, headset,
Headphones 1
Headphones 1, headphones,
Headphones 2
Headphones 2, headphones,
Headphones 3
Headphones 3, headphones,
Headphones 4
Headphones 4, headphones,
Music player
Music player, music player,
Audio system
Audio system, audio system,
Stereo music system
Stereo music system, stereo music system, drawing shapes,
Music system
Music system, music system,
Home theatre 1
Home theatre 1, home theatre,
Home theatre 2
Home theatre 2, home theatre,
Amplifier 1
Amplifier 1, amplifier,
Amplifier 2
Amplifier 2, drawing shapes, amplifier,
Loudspeaker 1
Loudspeaker 1, loudspeaker,
Loudspeaker 2
Loudspeaker 2, loudspeaker,
Loudspeaker sound waves
Loudspeaker sound waves, loudspeaker,
Speaker 1
Speaker 1, speaker,
Speaker 2
Speaker 2, speaker, audio,
Speaker box
Speaker box, speaker box,
Woofer, woofer,
Woofer speaker
Woofer speaker, woofer speaker,
Subwoofer 1
Subwoofer 1, subwoofer,
Subwoofer 2
Subwoofer 2, subwoofer,
Stereo, stereo, speaker,
Sound control
Sound control, sound control,
Vinyl, vinyl,
Audio cassette 1
Audio cassette 1, audio cassette,
Audio cassette 2
Audio cassette 2, audio cassette, audiocassette,
Cassette, cassette,
Audio tape
Audio tape, audio cassette, audio tape,
Turntable, turntable, drawing shapes,
Record player
Record player, record player,
Cassette player
Cassette player, cassette player,
Tape player
Tape player, tape player,
Boombox 1
Boombox 1, boombox,
Boombox 2
Boombox 2, boombox,
Boombox 3
Boombox 3, drawing shapes, boombox, cassette player,
Portable radio
Portable radio, portable radio, cassette recorder,
Radio set
Radio set, radio set, transmission,
Radio 1
Radio 1, radio,
Radio 2
Radio 2, radio, drawing shapes,
Mixer, mixer,
Equalizer 1
Equalizer 1, equalizer,
Equalizer 2
Equalizer 2, equalizer,
Equalizer 3
Equalizer 3, equalizer,
Volume adjuster
Volume adjuster, volume adjuster, equalizer, sound settings,
Volume control
Volume control, volume control, equalizer,
DJ, dj,
Mixer table
Mixer table, mixer table,
Midi, midi,
Piano keyboard
Piano keyboard, piano keyboard,
Audio file
Audio file, audio file,
Music album
Music album, music album,
Audio cable 1
Audio cable 1, audio cable,
Audio cable 2
Audio cable 2, audio cable,

Electrical Diagram Symbols F.A.Q.
How to Use Electrical ConceptDraw Diagram Software

When drawing Electrical Schematics, Electrical Circuit Diagrams, Power Systems Diagrams, Circuit and Wiring Diagrams, Digital and Analog Logic Schemes, you will obligatory need the electrical symbols and pictograms to represent various electrical and electronic devices, such as resistors, wires, transistors, inductors, batteries, switches, lamps, readouts, amplifiers, repeaters, relays, transmission paths, semiconductors, generators, and many more. Today these symbols are internationally standardized, so the diagrams designed using them are recognizable and comprehensible by specialists from different countries. Electrical Engineering Solution included to ConceptDraw Solution Park provides 26 libraries with 926 commonly used electrical schematic and electrical engineering symbols making the reality the easy drawing of Electrical diagrams, schematics and blueprints. Now you need only a few minutes to create great-looking Electrical diagram, simply choose required electrical design elements from the libraries, drag them on the needed places at the document and connect in a suitable way.
This vector stencils library contains 22 symbols of process annotations for setting automatic labels to display a datasheet field for a pipeline shape, labels, captions, outlines, off-sheet labels, text balloons, annotations, outlines, tags, and descriptions.
Use these shapes for drawing Process Flow Diagrams (PFD) and Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID) in the ConceptDraw PRO software extended with the Chemical and Process Engineering solution from the Chemical and Process Engineering area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ engineering-chemical-process
Interface point
Interface point, interface point, flag, division of work, boundary point,
Interface point 2 (1st half filled)
Interface point 2 (1st half filled), interface point, flag, division of work, boundary point,
Interface point 3 (2nd half filled)
Interface point 3 (2nd half filled), interface point, flag, division of work, boundary point,
Interface point 4
Interface point 4, interface point, flag, division of work, boundary point,
Interface point 5 (1st half filled)
Interface point 5 (1st half filled), interface point, flag, division of work, boundary point,
Interface point 6 (2nd half filled)
Interface point 6 (2nd half filled), interface point, flag, division of work, boundary point,
Slope, slope,
Off-sheet label 1
Off-sheet label 1, off-sheet, pipelines,
Off-sheet label 2
Off-sheet label 2, off-sheet, pipelines,
Off-sheet label 3
Off-sheet label 3, off-sheet, pipelines,
Callout 1
Callout 1,
Callout 2
Callout 2,
Callout 3
Callout 3,
Callout 4
Callout 4,
Callout 5
Callout 5,
Callout 6
Callout 6,
8 pt text and line
8 pt text and line,
10 pt text and line
10 pt text and line,
12 pt text and line
12 pt  text and line,
12 pt Arial text block
12 pt Arial text block,
10 pt Arial text block
10 pt Arial text block,
8 pt Arial text block
8 pt Arial text block,
The vector stencils library "Computer peripheral devices" contains 18 clipart images of computer peripheral devices and equipment for drawing network diagrams.
"A peripheral is a device that is connected to a host computer, but not an integral part of it. It expands the host's capabilities but does not form part of the core computer architecture. It is often, but not always, partially or completely dependent on the host.
There are three different types of peripherals:
(1) Input, used to interact with, or send data to the computer (mouse, keyboards, etc.).
(2) Output, which provides output to the user from the computer (monitors, printers, etc.).
(3) Storage, which stores data processed by the computer (hard drives, flash drives, etc.)" [Peripheral. Wikipedia]
The clip art example "Computer peripheral devices - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Computer and Networks solution from the Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Uninterruptible power supply
Uninterruptible power supply, UPS,
Webcam, webcam,
Keyboard, keyboard,
Optical mouse
Optical mouse, mouse,
Computer speakers
Computer speakers, speakers,
Headphones, earphones,
VoIP phone
VoIP phone, IP phone,
Apple Keyboard
Apple Keyboard, Apple keyboard,
Apple Mouse
Apple Mouse, Apple mouse,
LCD projector
LCD projector, LCD TV projector,
Port adapter
Port adapter, port adapter,
Airport Express
Airport Express, Airport Express,
Joystick, joystick,
Webcam, Web camera,
Video projector
Video projector, projector,