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How To Create MS Visio Flowchart

A flowchart is a diagram that successively depicts all process steps. The basic flowchart is the easiest and understandable type of flowchart. Making a processor workflow step-by-step visualization helps you to better understand it and effectively communicate with your audience. Flowcharting is the best way to do this. Using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM you can design flowcharts of any complexity on Windows or macOS. Then you can export them to Visio format to share with the users of MS Visio. Moreover, using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM you can open and edit a flowchart made in Visio, regardless of whether you are using macOS or Windows.

How To Create MS Visio Cross-Functional Flowchart

Cross-functional is a process involving several functional layers. Such processes typically cause the most problems, and therefore, is the most potential for improvement. Cross-functional business processes usually illustrate the processes of product development, commercial proposal development, the order execution process - everything, that involves several departments. The package of possible improvements - is the task of re-engineering. To illustrate the cross-functional processes often use cross-functional flowchart is often used to illustrate the cross-functional processes. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM allows you to easily create a cross-functional flowchart. Then, you can export it to MS Visio VSDX or VDX format and successfully share it with your colleagues still using MS Visio.