This object-role modeling (ORM) diagram sample shows disjunctive mandatory role constraint.
It was designed on the base of the Wikimedia Commons file: 9 DisjunktyvusPrivalomumoRibojimas.jpg. [ wiki/ File:9_ DisjunktyvusPrivalomumoRibojimas.jpg]
"2.7. Mandatory Role Constraints.
The ORM 1 tool indicates simple mandatory constraints by a solid dot either (a) at the intersection of an entity type shape and the line connecting it to a role, or (b) at the role end. Option (b) is needed to avoid ambiguity when an object type plays many mandatory roles whose connections to the object type are too close to distinguish which role the dot applies to. Currently, disjunctive mandatory (inclusive-or) constraints are depicted by placing the solid dot in a circle connected by dotted lines to the roles it applies to. ORM 2 retains this notation, except that the solid dot is consistently colored violet and a global configuration option determines the default placement of simple mandatory dots at the role or object type end. Users may override this global setting on an individual role basis." [ pdf/ ORM2_ TechReport1.pdf]
The object-role model example "Disjunctive mandatory constraint ORM diagram" was designed using ConceptDraw PRO software extended with ORM Diagrams solution from Software Development area of ConceptDraw PRO Solution Park.
It was designed on the base of the Wikimedia Commons file: 9 DisjunktyvusPrivalomumoRibojimas.jpg. [ wiki/ File:9_ DisjunktyvusPrivalomumoRibojimas.jpg]
"2.7. Mandatory Role Constraints.
The ORM 1 tool indicates simple mandatory constraints by a solid dot either (a) at the intersection of an entity type shape and the line connecting it to a role, or (b) at the role end. Option (b) is needed to avoid ambiguity when an object type plays many mandatory roles whose connections to the object type are too close to distinguish which role the dot applies to. Currently, disjunctive mandatory (inclusive-or) constraints are depicted by placing the solid dot in a circle connected by dotted lines to the roles it applies to. ORM 2 retains this notation, except that the solid dot is consistently colored violet and a global configuration option determines the default placement of simple mandatory dots at the role or object type end. Users may override this global setting on an individual role basis." [ pdf/ ORM2_ TechReport1.pdf]
The object-role model example "Disjunctive mandatory constraint ORM diagram" was designed using ConceptDraw PRO software extended with ORM Diagrams solution from Software Development area of ConceptDraw PRO Solution Park.
Object-Role Modeling (ORM) Diagrams
Object-role Modeling (ORM) Diagram solution with powerful vector diagramming and data modeling tools, large quantity of specially developed samples and examples, and rich variety of vector objects corresponding to common ORM notation, ideally suits for developing the comprehensive, clear and visual Object-role Modeling (ORM) diagrams and schematics, understandable for all interested people from the different fields and business directions, for designing the ORM models, and demonstrating advantages from the use of ORM and its notation. It is intended for software developers and computer engineers, specialists in a field of Object-oriented programming (OOP), database architects, web-application constructors and developers, etc.
IDEF4 Standard
Use Case Diagrams technology. IDEF4 standard implies not only graphical presentation but the additional information about diagrams of heredity, methods systematization and types which are contained in specifications.This object-role modeling (ORM) diagram sample shows model of employee data: birthdate, hiredate, rank, company car number. It was designed on the base of the Wikimedia Commons file: ORM-diagram-tkz-orm.png. [ wiki/ File:ORM-diagram-tkz-orm.png]
Object-role models are based on elementary facts, and expressed in diagrams that can be verbalised into natural language. ...
This "fact-based" approach facilitates modeling, transforming, and querying information from any domain. ...
ORM is attribute-free: unlike models in the entity–relationship (ER) and Unified Modeling Language (UML) methods, ORM treats all elementary facts as relationships and so treats decisions for grouping facts into structures (e.g. attribute-based entity types, classes, relation schemes, XML schemas) as implementation concerns irrelevant to semantics. By avoiding attributes in the base model, ORM improves semantic stability and enables verbalization into natural language. ...
Fact-based modeling.
Fact-based modeling includes procedures for mapping facts to attribute-based structures, such as those of ER or UML. ...
Fact-based graphical notations are more expressive than those of ER and UML. ...
Design procedure.
System development typically involves several stages such as: feasibility study; requirements analysis; conceptual design of data and operations; logical design; external design; prototyping; internal design and implementation; testing and validation; and maintenance." [Object-role modeling. Wikipedia]
The object-role modeling diagram example "Employee ORM diagram" was designed using ConceptDraw PRO software extended with ORM Diagrams solution from Software Development area of ConceptDraw PRO Solution Park.
Object-role models are based on elementary facts, and expressed in diagrams that can be verbalised into natural language. ...
This "fact-based" approach facilitates modeling, transforming, and querying information from any domain. ...
ORM is attribute-free: unlike models in the entity–relationship (ER) and Unified Modeling Language (UML) methods, ORM treats all elementary facts as relationships and so treats decisions for grouping facts into structures (e.g. attribute-based entity types, classes, relation schemes, XML schemas) as implementation concerns irrelevant to semantics. By avoiding attributes in the base model, ORM improves semantic stability and enables verbalization into natural language. ...
Fact-based modeling.
Fact-based modeling includes procedures for mapping facts to attribute-based structures, such as those of ER or UML. ...
Fact-based graphical notations are more expressive than those of ER and UML. ...
Design procedure.
System development typically involves several stages such as: feasibility study; requirements analysis; conceptual design of data and operations; logical design; external design; prototyping; internal design and implementation; testing and validation; and maintenance." [Object-role modeling. Wikipedia]
The object-role modeling diagram example "Employee ORM diagram" was designed using ConceptDraw PRO software extended with ORM Diagrams solution from Software Development area of ConceptDraw PRO Solution Park.
Diagram Software - The Best Choice for Diagramming
For vector shapes and connector tools for quick and easy drawing diagrams for business, technology, science and education - The best choice for Diagramming is ConceptDraw DIAGRAM.Best Diagramming
Need to draw a diagram, process chart, flowchart, organizational chart, graphic design? ConceptDraw can help you to make professional graphic documents quickly.Drawing Workflow Diagrams
Drawing workflow diagrams combines both creative and analytic practice. To be the most effective in this process you should find a software that suites this kind of practice. Using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software for drawing workflow diagrams you get support of features, libraries, templates and samples boosts you creativity and keep you focus on analytic practice, not drawing specifics.Flow Diagrams
Flow diagrams is a diagram used for structuring complex system and visually representing a flow and interactions of elements in a system. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software enhanced with Flowcharts Solution from the "Diagrams" Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is perfect for easy drawing professional looking Flow Diagrams. For drawing Flow Diagrams the Flowcharts Solution provides: 2 libraries with commonly used predesigned vector objects - Flowchart library and Flowcharts Rapid Draw library; collection of Flow Diagrams samples; Basic Flowchart template.UML Use Case Diagram. Design Elements
UML Use Case Diagrams are used to illustrate the structure of arbitrarily complex systems and illustrates the service consumer - service provider relationship between components.Interactive Voice Response Diagrams
Interactive Voice Response Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with samples, templates and libraries of ready-to-use vector stencils that help create Interactive Voice Response (IVR) diagrams illustrating in details a work of interactive voice response system, the IVR system’s logical and physical structure, Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) diagrams, and Action VoIP diagrams with representing voice actions on them, to visualize how the computers interact with callers through voice recognition and dual-tone multi-frequency signaling (DTMF) keypad inputs.
Timeline Diagrams
Timeline Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software with samples, templates and libraries of specially developed smart vector design elements of timeline bars, time intervals, milestones, events, today marker, legend, and many other elements with custom properties, helpful for professional drawing clear and intuitive Timeline Diagrams. Use it to design simple Timeline Diagrams and designate only the main project stages, or highly detailed Timeline Diagrams depicting all project tasks, subtasks, milestones, deadlines, responsible persons and other description information, ideal for applying in presentations, reports, education materials, and other documentation.
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EXPRESS-G data Modeling Diagram
EXPRESS-G data Modeling Diagram solution extends the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software functionality with capabilities of EXPRESS data modeling language, includes powerful data modeling tools, Express-G diagram tool, database diagram tool, database design tool, wide variety of pre-made vector objects of EXPRESS-G notation and EXPRESS-G diagrams samples allowing software developers, software designers, software engineers and other stakeholders to make their data models for information systems, to develop the databases, to learn the principles of construction EXPRESS-G diagrams and helping to draw their own EXPRESS-G Data Modeling Diagrams, Express-G Diagrams or Database Model Diagram without any efforts.
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Creating a P&ID diagram is a complicated process, but professional drawing software makes easier the drawing process. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM with Chemical and Process Engineering solution is excellent P&ID diagram software for both beginners and professional engineers to create P&ID and save time on documentation. Create unique content for industrial, business, and individual purposes easily with amazing features and a significant number of pre-made symbols and icons. Show the connectivity in a control system and process sequence.Business Diagrams
The Business Diagrams Solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM with an extensive collection of professionally designed illustrative samples and a wide variety of vector stencils libraries, which are the real help for all business-related people, business analysts, business managers, business advisers, marketing experts, PR managers, knowledge workers, scientists, and other stakeholders allowing them to design the bright, neat, expressive and attractive Bubble Diagrams, Circle-Spoke Diagrams, Circular Arrows Diagrams, and Venn Diagrams with different quantity of sets in just minutes; and then successfully use them in documents, reports, statistical summaries, and presentations of any style.
Powerful Drawing Feature for Creating Professional Diagrams
This will let you create professional diagrams and charts using its simple RapidDraw option just in clicks. Take a look on a diagram you are looking for and create it fast and quickly.Workflow Flowchart Symbols
The Workflow diagrams are the specialized type of flowcharts which allow to visualize any sorts of step-by-step processes. They are usually created as flowcharts, with objects that represent in a simple visual manner the steps in the process connected by arrows that indicate the next step. The ability easily create Workflow diagrams visually describing the tasks, documents associated with the tasks, people which are responsible for execution at each stage of workflow is made possible with Workflow Diagrams solution. This solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM with a Workflow Diagram library that contains large collection of predesigned workflow flowchart symbols.PERT Chart Software
PERT Chart Software - Activity Network and Project Evaluation and Review Technique, or PERT, charts are a way of documenting and analyzing the tasks in a project. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a powerful diagramming and vector drawing software for designing professional looking PERT Charts quick and easy.HR Flowcharts
The HR Flowcharts solution is ideal for using while creating the HR-related drawings in the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM charting and drawing software, providing with a comprehensive collection of human resources themed icons, connectors, and images from the available stencil libraries, helping illustrating flowcharts, infographics and workflow diagrams.
Network Layout Floor Plans
Network Layout Floor Plans solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software functionality with powerful tools for quick and efficient documentation the network equipment and displaying its location on the professionally designed Network Layout Floor Plans. Never before creation of Network Layout Floor Plans, Network Communication Plans, Network Topologies Plans and Network Topology Maps was not so easy, convenient and fast as with predesigned templates, samples, examples and comprehensive set of vector design elements included to the Network Layout Floor Plans solution. All listed types of plans will be a good support for the future correct cabling and installation of network equipment.
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