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This cycle diagram sample was created on the base of the figure illustrating the article "Environmental Materials" by Cris Arnold from the website of the UK Centre for Materials Education of the Higher Education Academy. "The figure ... schematically shows how the disparate areas under the heading of 'environmental materials' can be linked via a life cycle analysis approach. ...
Life Cycle Analysis.
Life Cycle Analysis is essentially a method of considering the entire environmental impact, energy and resource usage of a material or product. It is often known as a 'cradle-to-grave' analysis and can encompass the entire lifetime from extraction to end-of-life disposal. Life cycle analysis can be an extremely effective way of linking many different aspects of the environmental impacts of materials usage. ...
Materials Extraction and Resource Implications.
The environmental impact of raw materials extraction and processing together with global resource issues provides a good place to start consideration of environmental aspects of materials. ...
Environmental Impacts of Processing.
... Topics that would come under this subject area include the specific environmental problems associated with processing of metals, polymers, ceramics, composites etc, and how these problems can be overcome.
Design for Sustainability.
This area ... will ... cover issues such as design for successful recycling, waste minimisation, energy efficiency and increased lifetime.
Economic, Social and Legislative Issues.
... For example, materials selection within the automotive industry is now heavily influenced by 'end-of-life vehicle' and 'hazardous material' regulations.
Use of Sustainable Materials.
... It is probably sensible to define such materials as those that have distinct differences that achieve environmental benefit compared to conventional materials. With this definition, the list would include:
(1) Materials of a significantly plant-based nature, including wood, natural fibre composites, natural polymers.
(2) Materials produced using a large proportion of waste material, including recycled polymers, composites made from waste mineral powders, and arguably also much steel and aluminium.
Materials for Green Energy.
The most exciting developments in Materials Science are in the realm of functional materials, and many of these serve an environmentally-beneficial purpose, particularly in the production of green energy.
These include:
(1) Solar-cell materials.
(2) Fuel-cell technology.
(3) Catalytic pollution control.
End-of-Life Issues.
The treatment of materials at the end of their lifetime is a significant subject area and encompasses aspects such as recycling techniques and materials limitations, biodegradabilty and composting, chemical recovery and energy recovery." [ guides/ environmental.asp]
The ring chart example "Life cycle analysis" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Target and Circular Diagrams solution from the Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ marketing-target-and-circular-diagrams
Ring chart
Ring chart, doughnut chart, pie chart, ring chart, donut chart,
The vector stencils library "Fire and emergency planning" contains 52 symbols of firefighting equipment.
Use these shapes for drawing fire and emergency floor plans, equipment layouts, and evacuation schemes in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Fire and Emergency Plans solution from the Building Plans area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ building-fire-emergency-plans
Direction Arrow
Direction Arrow, direction arrow,
Double Stairs
Double Stairs, double stairs,
Stairs, stairs,
Elevator, elevator,
Emergency Exit
Emergency Exit, emergency exit,
Handicapped Emergency Exit
Handicapped Emergency Exit, handicapped emergency exit,
Emergency Phone 1
Emergency Phone 1, emergency phone,
Use Stairs in Fire
Use Stairs in Fire, use stairs in fire,
Fire Escape or Fire Exit
Fire Escape or Fire Exit, fire escape, fire exit,
Black Fire Alarm
Black Fire Alarm, black, fire alarm,
Red Fire Alarm
Red Fire Alarm, red, fire alarm,
Fire Extinguisher 1
Fire Extinguisher 1, fire extinguisher,
Fire Hose without text
Fire Hose without text, fire hose,
Fire Extinguisher 2
Fire Extinguisher 2, fire extinguisher,
Fire Hose with black text
Fire Hose with black text, fire hose,
Fire Hose with red text
Fire Hose with red text, fire hose,
First Aid
First Aid, first aid,
Left Arrow
Left Arrow, left arrow,
Right Arrow
Right Arrow, right arrow,
You are here
You are here, You are here,
Biohazard, biohazard,
Radiation Hazard
Radiation Hazard, radiation hazard,
Obstructions, obstructions,
Hazardous Materials Storage
Hazardous Materials Storage, hazardous materials storage,
Sprinkler Connections
Sprinkler Connections, sprinkler connections,
Private Fire Detection System
Private Fire Detection System, private fire detection system,
Exits and Entrances
Exits and Entrances, exit, entrance,
Water Supplies
Water Supplies, water supplies,
Elevator Shaft
Elevator Shaft, elevator shaft,
Nearest Fire Hydrant
Nearest Fire Hydrant, nearest fire hydrant,
Electric Shut Off
Electric Shut Off, electric shut off,
Knox Box Location
Knox Box Location, knox box location,
Water Shut Off
Water Shut Off, water shut off,
Other Vertical Openings
Other Vertical Openings, other vertical openings,
Roof Access
Roof Access, roof access,
Gas Shut Off
Gas Shut Off, gas shut off,
Emergency Phone 2
Emergency Phone 2, emergency phone,
Emergency contact information
Emergency contact information, emergency contact information,
Fire Alarm
Fire Alarm, fire alarm,
Fire Break Glass
Fire Break Glass, fire break glass,
Fire Escape
Fire Escape, fire escape,
Danger Compressed Gas
Danger Compressed Gas, danger compressed gas,
Flammable Material
Flammable Material, flammable material,
Oxidant Material
Oxidant Material, oxidant material,
Harmful Chemicals
Harmful Chemicals, harmful chemicals,
Non Ionising Radiation
Non Ionising Radiation, Non ionising radiation,
Corrosive Material
Corrosive Material, corrosive material,
High Voltage
High Voltage, high voltage,
Dangerous Chemical
Dangerous Chemical, dangerous chemical,
Danger of Death
Danger of Death, danger of death,
Fire Point
Fire Point, fire point,
Fire Blanket
Fire Blanket, fire blanket,
This reflected ceiling plan example shows the lighting scheme of computer lab with overhead projector. It was drawn on the base of the RCP from website of Elon University, Elon, NC.
[ docs/ e-web/ bft/ cmdept/ Reflected%20 Ceiling.JPG]
"An overhead projector is a variant of slide projector that is used to display images to an audience. ...
Use in education.
The overhead projector facilitates an easy low-cost interactive environment for educators. Teaching materials can be pre-printed on plastic sheets, upon which the educator can directly write using a non-permanent, washable color marking pen. This saves time, since the transparency can be pre-printed and used repetitively, rather than having materials written manually before each class.
The overhead is typically placed at a comfortable writing height for the educator and allows the educator to face the class, facilitating better communication between the students and teacher. The enlarging features of the projector allow the educator to write in a comfortable small script in a natural writing position rather than writing in an overly large script on a blackboard and having to constantly hold his arm out in midair to write on the blackboard.
When the transparency sheet is full of written or drawn material, it can simply be replaced with a new, fresh sheet with more pre-printed material, again saving class time vs a blackboard that would need to be erased and teaching materials rewritten by the educator. Following the class period, the transparencies are easily restored to their original unused state by washing off with soap and water." [Overhead projector. Wikipedia]
The classroom reflected ceiling plan example "Computer lab RCP" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Reflected Ceiling Plans solution from the Building Plans area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Lighting scheme
Lighting scheme, window, casement, single pole switch, modular fluorescent, grille diffuser, grille, floor mounted, outlet, door,

How to Create a Plant Layout Design

A plant construction process begins from a plant layout stage - an engineering stage used to design, analyze and finally choose the suitable configurations for a manufacturing plant. Plant Layout issues are core to any enterprise and are challenged in all types of manufacturing process. The sufficiency of layout influences the efficiency of subsequent operations. It is an important background for efficient manufacturing and also has a great deal with many questions. Once the place of the plant has been determined, the next important task before the management of the plant is to plan appropriate layout for the enterprise. Plant layout is used to create the most effective physical arrangement of machinery and equipment, with the plant building in such a manner so as to make quickest and cheapest way from a raw material to the shipment of the completed product Making a plan that shows the location of industrial equipment involves many different elements that can be managed using Con

How to Create a VSM Diagram Using ConceptDraw Value Stream Mapping Solution

Value Stream Mapping is a Lean Manufacturing tool that uses a flow diagram to document in great detail every step of a manufacturing process. This graphical representation of a process is a powerful tool that helps in the diagnosis of process efficiency and allows companies to develop improved processes. Many lean practitioners use Value Stream Mapping as a fundamental tool to identify waste, cut process cycle times, and implement process improvement. Many organizations use value stream mapping as a key portion of their lean efforts. Value Stream Maps are used to analyze and design the flow of materials and information required to bring a product or service to a consumer. You can create a Value Stream Mapping flowchart using ConceptDraw PRO tools.
This divided bar chart sample shows the petroleum products yielded from 1 barrel of crude oil in California in 2004. It was drawn using data from the chart on the California Energy Almanac website. [ gasoline/ whats_ in_ barrel_ oil.html]
"Petroleum products are useful materials derived from crude oil (petroleum) as it is processed in oil refineries. Unlike petrochemicals, which are a collection of well-defined usually pure chemical compounds, petroleum products are complex mixtures. The majority of petroleum is converted to petroleum products, which includes several classes of fuels.
According to the composition of the crude oil and depending on the demands of the market, refineries can produce different shares of petroleum products. The largest share of oil products is used as "energy carriers", i.e. various grades of fuel oil and gasoline. These fuels include or can be blended to give gasoline, jet fuel, diesel fuel, heating oil, and heavier fuel oils. Heavier (less volatile) fractions can also be used to produce asphalt, tar, paraffin wax, lubricating and other heavy oils. Refineries also produce other chemicals, some of which are used in chemical processes to produce plastics and other useful materials. Since petroleum often contains a few percent sulfur-containing molecules, elemental sulfur is also often produced as a petroleum product. Carbon, in the form of petroleum coke, and hydrogen may also be produced as petroleum products. The hydrogen produced is often used as an intermediate product for other oil refinery processes such as hydrocracking and hydrodesulfurization." [Petroleum product. Wikipedia]
The chart example "Petroleum products yielded from one barrel of crude oil" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Divided Bar Diagrams solution from the Graphs and Charts area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Divided bar chart
Divided bar chart, divided bar diagram,