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The vector stencils library "Menus" contains 14 icons of Windows 8 menus.
Use this menu UI icon set to design graphic user interface (GUI) prototypes of your software applications for Windows 8.
"A menu bar is a graphical control element which contains drop down menus. The menu bar's purpose is to supply a common housing for window- or application-specific menus which provide access to such functions as opening files, interacting with an application, or displaying help documentation or manuals. Menu bars are typically present in graphical user interfaces that display documents and representations of files in windows and windowing systems but menus can be used as well in command line interface programs like text editors or filemanagers where drop-down menu is activated with shortcut key or combination. ...
The menu bar in Microsoft Windows is usually anchored to the top of a window under the title bar; therefore, there can be many menu bars on screen at one time. Menus in the menu bar can be accessed through shortcuts involving the Alt key and the mnemonic letter that appears underlined in the menu title. Additionally, pressing Alt or F10 brings the focus on the first menu of the menu bar." [Menu bar. Wikipedia]
The menu elements example "Menus - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Windows 8 User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Menu bar
Menu bar, menu category, menu bar,
Menu category
Menu category, menu category,
Menu category - selected
Menu category - selected, menu category,
Menu bar background
Menu bar background, menu bar,
Drop-down menu
Drop-down menu, drop-down menu,
Separator line
Separator line, separator line,
Check, check,
Option, option,
Menu item
Menu item, menu item, menu category,
Menu item - selected
Menu item - selected, menu item, menu category,
Menu item - disabled
Menu item - disabled, menu item, menu category,
Arrow indicator
Arrow indicator, arrow indicator,
Menu item with arrow
Menu item with arrow, menu item, menu category, arrow indicator,
Menu item with arrow - selected
Menu item with arrow - selected, menu item, menu category, arrow indicator,

How to Create a Column Chart

The question how to create a column chart have a simple answer. Use ConceptDraw tips to find out how to create a column chart depicts your data the best way.

How to Create a Line Chart

Create a Line Chart with ConceptDraw using our tips. Here you can find an explanation of how to create a line chart quickly.
The vector stencils library "MS Windows Vista user interface" contains 76 MS Windows Vista design elements.
Use it for designing Microsoft ribbon graphic user interface (GUI) of software for computers with MS Windows Vista OS in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Graphic User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Window, window,
Dialog Window
Dialog Window, dialog window,
Empty Window
Empty Window , empty window ,
Field, field,
Horizontal Scrollbar
Horizontal Scrollbar, horizontal scrollbar,
Vertical Scrollbar
Vertical Scrollbar, vertical scrollbar,
Window Buttons
Window Buttons , window buttons ,
Window Buttons
Window Buttons, window buttons ,
Window Button 1
Window Button 1, window button,
Window Button 2
Window Button 2, window button,
Window Button 3
Window Button 3, window button,
Window Button 4
Window Button 4, window button,
Navigation, navigation,
Menu Bar
Menu Bar, menu bar,
Gradient Menu Bar
Gradient Menu Bar, menu bar,
Drop-down Menu
Drop-down Menu, drop-down menu,
Button, button,
Toolbar Pannel
Toolbar Pannel, toolbar pannel,
Tool Button
Tool Button, tool button,
Primary Toolbar
Primary Toolbar, primary toolbar,
Toolbar 1
Toolbar 1, toolbar,
Toolbar 2
Toolbar 2, toolbar,
Customizable Tollbar
Customizable Tollbar, toolbar,
Tab View
Tab View , tab view ,
List View
List View, list view,
Text Field
Text Field, text field,
Vertical Separator
Vertical Separator,
Horizontal Separator
Horizontal Separator,
Group Box
Group Box , group box ,
Text Label
Text Label,
Line Edit
Line Edit, line edit,
Search, search,
Search with Button
Search with Button , search, button,
Spin Box
Spin Box , spin box ,
Combo-box, combo-box,
Editable Combo-box
Editable Combo-box, combo-box,
Editable List Box
Editable List Box, list box ,
List Box
List Box, list box,
Single-selection List
Single-selection List, single-selection list,
Multiple-selection List
Multiple-selection List, multiple-selection list,
Check Box
Check Box, check box,
Radio Button
Radio Button, radio button,
Check box group
Check box group, check box group,
Radio Buttons Group
Radio Buttons Group, radio buttons group,
Progress Bar
Progress Bar , progress bar,
Modal Progress Bar
Modal Progress Bar, modal, progress bar,
Vertical Slider with Ticks
Vertical Slider with Ticks, slider, ticks,
Horizontal Slider with Ticks
Horizontal Slider with Ticks, slider, ticks,
Dial , dial,
Catalogue Tree
Catalogue Tree, catalogue tree,
Tree View 1
Tree View 1, tree view,
Tree View 2
Tree View 2, tree view,
Vertical Spacer
Vertical Spacer,
Horizontal Spacer
Horizontal Spacer,
Chevron 1
Chevron 1, chevron,
Arrow 1
Arrow 1, arrow,
Arrow 2
Arrow 2, arrow,
Plus/Minus Control
Plus/Minus Control, plus, minus, control,
Rotating Triangle
Rotating Triangle, rotating triangle,
Chevron 3
Chevron 3, chevron,
Chevron 2
Chevron 2, chevron,
Normal Select Cursor
Normal Select Cursor, select cursor,
Link Select Cursor
Link Select Cursor, select cursor, link,
Text Select Cursor
Text Select Cursor, select cursor, text,
Working in Background Pointer
Working in Background  Pointer, background pointer,
Busy Pointer
Busy Pointer, busy pointer,
Unavailable Cursor
Unavailable Cursor, unavailable cursor,
Precision Select Cursor
Precision Select Cursor, precision, select cursor,
Error Icon
Error Icon, error icon,
Warning Icon
Warning Icon, warning icon,
Information Icon
Information Icon, information icon,
Question Mark Icon
Question Mark Icon, question mark icon,
Balloon, balloon,
Tooltip/Infotip, tooltip, infotip,
Calendar, calendar,
The vector stencils library "Menus" contains 22 menu elements.
Use this UI icon set to design graphic user interface (GUI) of your software application for OS X 10.10 Yosemite Apple Mac operating system.
The example "Menus - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Mac OS User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Menu bar
Menu bar, menu bar,
Menu bar menu
Menu bar menu, menu bar menu,
Menu bar menu - selected
Menu bar menu - selected, menu bar menu,
Apple menu
Apple menu, menu item, Apple menu, Apple icon, Mac OS icon,
Apple menu - selected
Apple menu - selected, menu item, Apple menu, Apple icon, Mac OS icon,
General menu
General menu, general menu, drop-down menu,
Dock menu
Dock menu, dock menu,
Menu item
Menu item, menu item,
Menu item - selected
Menu item - selected, menu item,
Menu item - disabled
Menu item - disabled, menu item,
Divider, divider,
AirPlay, AirPlay icon,
Time Machine
Time Machine, Time Machine icon,
Bluetooth, bluetooth icon,
AirPort, AirPort icon,
Eject, eject icon,
Sound, sound,
Battery, battery,
Battery - charging
Battery - charging, battery,
Power icon
Power icon, power icon, battery,
Spotlight, Spotlight icon,
Notifications, Notifications icon,
The vector stencils library "Toolbar control elements" contains 42 toolbar graphical control elements.
Use this tool bar control element UI icon set to design graphic user interface (GUI) of your software application for OS X 10.10 Yosemite Apple Mac operating system.
The example "Toolbar control elements - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Mac OS User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Drop-down button
Drop-down button, tool bar drop-down button,
Drop-down button - ON press left
Drop-down button - ON press left, tool bar drop-down button,
Drop-down button - ON press right
Drop-down button - ON press right, tool bar drop-down button,
Tool bar button
Tool bar button, tool bar button,
Tool bar button - ON press
Tool bar button - ON press, tool bar button,
Tool bar button - selected
Tool bar button - selected, tool bar button,
Left segment
Left segment, segmented button control,
Left segment - ON press
Left segment - ON press, segmented button control,
Left segment - selected
Left segment - selected, segmented button control,
Middle segment
Middle segment, segmented button control,
Middle segment - ON press
Middle segment - ON press, segmented button control,
Middle segment - selected
Middle segment - selected, segmented button control,
Right segment
Right segment, segmented button control,
Right segment - ON press
Right segment - ON press, segmented button control,
Right segment - selected
Right segment - selected, segmented button control,
Segmented control - 2 buttons
Segmented control - 2 buttons, segmented control, segmented button control,
Segmented control - 3 buttons
Segmented control - 3 buttons, segmented control, segmented button control,
Segmented control - 4 buttons
Segmented control - 4 buttons, segmented control, segmented button control,
Small button toggle
Small button toggle, small button toggle,
Back - Forward button
Back - Forward button, button 4  drop down, back forward button,
List/Icons view control
List/Icons view control, list-icons view,
Arrange button
Arrange button, shape, arrange button, gradient button,
Action menu
Action menu, shape, settings, action menu button,
Downloads button
Downloads button, downloads button, gradient button,
Copy button
Copy button, copy button, gradient button,
Share button
Share button, share button, gradient button,
Edit tags button
Edit tags button, edit tags button, gradient button,
Sidebar button
Sidebar button, sidebar button, gradient button, shape,
Slider element
Slider element, slider element,
Tool bar button 2
Tool bar button 2, tool bar button,
Tool bar button 2 - ON press
Tool bar button 2 - ON press, tool bar button,
Tool bar button 2 - selected
Tool bar button 2 - selected, tool bar button,
Search field
Search field, search field,
Search field - active
Search field - active, search field,
"Stoplights" control
Close button
Close button, action button,
Minimize button
Minimize button, action button,
Maximize button
Maximize button, action button,
Close button - hover
Close button - hover, action button,
Minimize button - hover
Minimize button - hover, action button,
Maximize button - hover
Maximize button - hover, action button,
Action button - inactive
Action button - inactive, action button,
The vector stencils library "MS Windows Vista user interface" contains 76 MS Windows Vista design elements.
Use it for designing Microsoft ribbon graphic user interface (GUI) of software for computers with MS Windows Vista OS in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Graphic User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Window, window,
Dialog Window
Dialog Window, dialog window,
Empty Window
Empty Window , empty window ,
Field, field,
Horizontal Scrollbar
Horizontal Scrollbar, horizontal scrollbar,
Vertical Scrollbar
Vertical Scrollbar, vertical scrollbar,
Window Buttons
Window Buttons , window buttons ,
Window Buttons
Window Buttons, window buttons ,
Window Button 1
Window Button 1, window button,
Window Button 2
Window Button 2, window button,
Window Button 3
Window Button 3, window button,
Window Button 4
Window Button 4, window button,
Navigation, navigation,
Menu Bar
Menu Bar, menu bar,
Gradient Menu Bar
Gradient Menu Bar, menu bar,
Drop-down Menu
Drop-down Menu, drop-down menu,
Button, button,
Toolbar Pannel
Toolbar Pannel, toolbar pannel,
Tool Button
Tool Button, tool button,
Primary Toolbar
Primary Toolbar, primary toolbar,
Toolbar 1
Toolbar 1, toolbar,
Toolbar 2
Toolbar 2, toolbar,
Customizable Tollbar
Customizable Tollbar, toolbar,
Tab View
Tab View , tab view ,
List View
List View, list view,
Text Field
Text Field, text field,
Vertical Separator
Vertical Separator,
Horizontal Separator
Horizontal Separator,
Group Box
Group Box , group box ,
Text Label
Text Label,
Line Edit
Line Edit, line edit,
Search, search,
Search with Button
Search with Button , search, button,
Spin Box
Spin Box , spin box ,
Combo-box, combo-box,
Editable Combo-box
Editable Combo-box, combo-box,
Editable List Box
Editable List Box, list box ,
List Box
List Box, list box,
Single-selection List
Single-selection List, single-selection list,
Multiple-selection List
Multiple-selection List, multiple-selection list,
Check Box
Check Box, check box,
Radio Button
Radio Button, radio button,
Check box group
Check box group, check box group,
Radio Buttons Group
Radio Buttons Group, radio buttons group,
Progress Bar
Progress Bar , progress bar,
Modal Progress Bar
Modal Progress Bar, modal, progress bar,
Vertical Slider with Ticks
Vertical Slider with Ticks, slider, ticks,
Horizontal Slider with Ticks
Horizontal Slider with Ticks, slider, ticks,
Dial , dial,
Catalogue Tree
Catalogue Tree, catalogue tree,
Tree View 1
Tree View 1, tree view,
Tree View 2
Tree View 2, tree view,
Vertical Spacer
Vertical Spacer,
Horizontal Spacer
Horizontal Spacer,
Chevron 1
Chevron 1, chevron,
Arrow 1
Arrow 1, arrow,
Arrow 2
Arrow 2, arrow,
Plus/Minus Control
Plus/Minus Control, plus, minus, control,
Rotating Triangle
Rotating Triangle, rotating triangle,
Chevron 3
Chevron 3, chevron,
Chevron 2
Chevron 2, chevron,
Normal Select Cursor
Normal Select Cursor, select cursor,
Link Select Cursor
Link Select Cursor, select cursor, link,
Text Select Cursor
Text Select Cursor, select cursor, text,
Working in Background Pointer
Working in Background  Pointer, background pointer,
Busy Pointer
Busy Pointer, busy pointer,
Unavailable Cursor
Unavailable Cursor, unavailable cursor,
Precision Select Cursor
Precision Select Cursor, precision, select cursor,
Error Icon
Error Icon, error icon,
Warning Icon
Warning Icon, warning icon,
Information Icon
Information Icon, information icon,
Question Mark Icon
Question Mark Icon, question mark icon,
Balloon, balloon,
Tooltip/Infotip, tooltip, infotip,
Calendar, calendar,

How to Create a Bar Chart

The answer how to create a bar chart can be found in ConceptDraw software. The simple tips guide you through the software to quickly learn how to create a bar chart.
The vector stencils library "Glyph icons" contains 38 glyph and symbol UI icons. Use this glyph UI icon set to design graphic user interface (GUI) of your software application for OS X 10.10 Yosemite Apple Mac operating system.
The example "Glyph icons - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Mac OS User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Check mark grey
Check mark grey, check mark grey,
Check mark black
Check mark black, check mark black,
Submenu indicator
Submenu indicator, submenu indicator,
Command glyph
Command glyph, command glyph,
Add glyph
Add glyph, add glyph,
Delete glyph
Delete glyph, delete glyph,
Drag vertical glyph
Drag vertical glyph, drag vertical glyph,
Drag horizontal glyph
Drag horizontal glyph, drag horizontal glyph,
Expand corner
Expand corner, expand corner,
Collapse up icon
Collapse up icon, collapse up,
Collapse down icon
Collapse down icon, collapse down,
Settings icon
Settings icon, settings icon,
Chevron, chevron,
Up-down arrows
Up-down arrows, arrows,
Divider, divider,
Up arrow
Up arrow, up arrow,
Delete key
Delete key, delete key,
Key control
Key control, key control,
Search icon
Search icon, search icon,
Search icon 2
Search icon 2, search icon,
All My Files icon
All My Files icon, All my files icon, sidebar icon,
AirDrop icon
AirDrop icon, AirDrop icon, sidebar icon,
iCloud icon
iCloud icon, iCloud icon, sidebar icon,
Applications icon
Applications icon, Applications icon, sidebar icon,
Documents icon
Documents icon, documents icon, sidebar icon,
Downloads icon
Downloads icon, downloads icon, sidebar icon,
Desktop icon
Desktop icon, desktop icon, sidebar icon,
Tag - red
Tag - red, tag,
Tag - orange
Tag - orange, tag,
Tag - yellow
Tag - yellow, tag,
Tag - green
Tag - green, tag,
Tag - blue
Tag - blue, tag,
Tag - purple
Tag - purple, tag,
Tag - gray
Tag - gray, tag,
All tags
All tags, all tags glyph, tag,
Apple icon
Apple icon, Apple icon, Mac OS icon,
Disclosure triangle
Disclosure triangle, disclosure triangle,
Refresh, refresh icon,
Use this template to prototype and design the Windows graphic user interface.
"In human–computer interaction, WIMP stands for "windows, icons, menus, pointer", denoting a style of interaction using these elements of the user interface. ... Other expansions are sometimes used, substituting "mouse" and "mice" or "pull-down menu" and "pointing", for menus and pointer, respectively. ...
In a WIMP system:
(1) A window runs a self-contained program, isolated from other programs that (if in a multi-program operating system) run at the same time in other windows.
(2) An icon acts as a shortcut to an action the computer performs (e.g., execute a program or task).
(3) A menu is a text or icon-based selection system that selects and executes programs or tasks.
(4) The pointer is an onscreen symbol that represents movement of a physical device that the user controls to select icons, data elements, etc.
(5) cut, copy, and paste.
This style of system improves human–computer interaction (HCI) by emulating real-world interactions and providing better ease of use for non-technical people - both novice and power users. Users can carry skill at a standardized interface from one application to another.
Due to the nature of the WIMP system, simple commands can be chained together to undertake a group of commands that would have taken several lines of command line instructions." [WIMP (computing). Wikipedia]
The Windows Vista graphic user interface template for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the Graphic User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Windows GUI template
Windows GUI template, window, vertical scrollbar, field, check box group, button,
The vector stencils library "Ribbon interface" contains 41 ribbon shapes.
Use it for designing Microsoft ribbon graphic user interface (GUI) of software for Windows computers in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Graphic User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Main Window with Menu
Main Window with Menu, main window, menu,
Main Window
Main Window, main window,
Menu, menu,
Special Menu
Special Menu, menu,
Field, field,
Tools Group
Tools Group, tools group,
Tools Group Minimized
Tools Group Minimized, tools group,
Tool Button
Tool Button, tool button,
Tool Button
Tool Button, tool button,
Toolbar, toolbar,
Label, label,
Text Label
Text Label,
Edit Box
Edit Box, edit box,
Combobox, combobox,
Combobox with List
Combobox with List, combobox,
Drop-down Menu
Drop-down Menu, drop-down menu,
Spin Box
Spin Box, spin box,
Check Box
Check Box, check box,
Radio Button
Radio Button, radio button,
Styles Control 1
Styles Control 1, styles control,
Styles Control 2
Styles Control 2, styles control,
Rounded Tab
Rounded Tab, rounded tab,
Floating Dialogue
Floating Dialogue, floating dialogue,
Status Bar
Status Bar, status bar,
Small Toolbar (for Status Bar)
Small Toolbar (for Status Bar), toolbar,
Zoom Slider
Zoom Slider, zoom slider,
Horizontal Scroll
Horizontal Scroll, horizontal scroll,
Vertical Scroll
Vertical Scroll, vertical scroll,
Drop-down List
Drop-down List, drop-down list,
Arrow, arrow,
Close, close,
Drop-down Menu Base
Drop-down Menu Base, drop-down menu,
Drop-down Menu Left Part
Drop-down Menu Left Part, drop-down menu,
Menu/List Item (Text)
Menu/List Item (Text), menu, list, text,
Menu/List Item (Image)
Menu/List Item (Image), menu, list, image,
Menu/List Item (Image with Text)
Menu/List Item (Image with Text), menu, list,text, image,
Meny/List Header
Meny/List Header, menu, list, header,
Drop-down Menu Separator
Drop-down Menu Separator, drop-down menu,
Vertical Separator
Vertical Separator,
Chek/Option for Drop-down Menu
Chek/Option for Drop-down Menu, chek, option, drop-down menu,
Image, image,

How to create a UML Diagram

ConceptDraw PRO extended with the Rapid UML solution is perfect for drawing professional UML diagrams.
The vector stencils library "Progressive disclosure controls" contains 12 icons of Windows 8 progressive disclosure controls.
Use it to design graphic user interface (GUI) prototypes of your software applications for Windows 8.
"With a progressive disclosure control, users can show or hide additional information including data, options, or commands. Progressive disclosure promotes simplicity by focusing on the essential, yet revealing additional detail as needed. ...
Chevrons show or hide the remaining items in completely or partially hidden content. Usually the items are shown in place, but they can also be shown in a pop-up menu. When in place, the item stays expanded until the user collapses it. ...
Arrows show a pop-up command menu. The item stays expanded until the user makes a selection or clicks anywhere.
If the arrow button is an independent control, it receives input focus and is activated with the space bar. If the arrow button has a parent control, the parent receives input focus and the arrow is activated with Alt+down arrow and Alt+up arrow keys, as with the drop-down list control. ...
Plus and minus controls expand or collapse to show container content in place when navigating through a hierarchy. The item stays expanded until the user collapses it. Although these look like buttons, their behavior is in-place.
The associated object receives input focus. The plus is activated with the right arrow key, and the minus with the left arrow key. ...
Rotating triangles show or hide additional information in place for an individual item. They are also used to expand containers. The item stays expanded until the user collapses it.
The associated object receives input focus. The collapsed (right-pointing) triangle is activated with the right arrow key, and the expanded (downward-pointing) triangle with the left arrow key. ...
Like chevrons, additional information is shown or hidden in place. The item stays expanded until the user collapses it. Unlike chevrons, the glyphs have a graphical representation of the action, typically with an arrow indicating what will happen. ... Preview arrows are best reserved for situations where a standard chevron doesn't adequately communicate the control's behavior, such as when the disclosure is complex or there is more than one type of disclosure." [ en-us/ library/ windows/ desktop/ dn742409%28v=vs.85%29.aspx]
The icons example "Progressive disclosure controls - Vector stencils library" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Windows 8 User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Single chevron control - down
Single chevron control - down, progressive disclosure controls,
Single chevron control - up
Single chevron control - up, progressive disclosure controls,
Double chevron control - back
Double chevron control - back, progressive disclosure controls,
Double chevron control - forward
Double chevron control - forward, progressive disclosure controls,
Arrow control button - down
Arrow control button - down, arrow control,
Arrow control button - right
Arrow control button - right, arrow control,
Arrow control - down
Arrow control - down, arrow control,
Arrow control - right
Arrow control - right, arrow control,
Plus control
Plus control, progressive disclosure controls, plus control, expand,
Minus control
Minus control, progressive disclosure controls, minus control, collapse,
Rotating triangle - expand
Rotating triangle - expand, progressive disclosure controls, triangle control,
Rotating triangle - collapse
Rotating triangle - collapse, progressive disclosure controls, triangle control,

Network Topology Mapper

Network Topology in communication networks, a topology is a usually schematic description of the arrangement of a network, including its nodes and connecting lines. There are two ways of defining network geometry: the physical topology and the logical topology. Network Topology Mapper offers extensive drawing tools professional-looking network diagrams quickly and easily allowing you to clearly represent and communicate network architecture, topology, and design to engineers, stakeholders and end-users.
The vector stencils library "General window elements" contains 31 window elements.
Use this window UI icon set to design graphic user interface (GUI) of your software application for OS X 10.10 Yosemite Apple Mac operating system.
"A window provides a frame for viewing and interacting with content in an app. ...
A window consists of window-frame areas and a window body. The window-frame areas are the title bar and toolbar, which are typically combined. ... The window body can extend from the top edge of the window (that is, underneath the combined title bar/ toolbar area) to the bottom edge of the window.
The window body represents the main content area of the window. ...
OS X defines appearances that can affect the look of controls and views in particular contexts, such as a window’s sidebar. ...
OS X specifies a set of control/ style combinations that are designed to look good on the toolbar, whether the toolbar is translucent or opaque. ...
Every document window, app window, and panel has, at a minimum:
- A title bar (or a combined title bar and toolbar), so that users can move the window.
- A close button, so that users have a consistent way to dismiss the window.
A standard document window may also have the following additional elements that an app window or panel might not have:
- Transient horizontal or vertical scroll bars, or both (if not all the window’s contents are visible).
- Minimize and fullscreen buttons (note that the fullscreen button changes to a zoom button if the window doesn’t support fullscreen mode or when users hold down the Option key).
- A proxy icon and a versions menu (after the user has given a document a name and save location for the first time).
- The title of the document (that functions as the title of the window).
- Transient resize controls." [https:/ / library/ mac/ documentation/ UserExperience/ Conceptual/ OSXHIGuidelines/ WindowAppearanceBehavior.html#/ / apple_ ref/ doc/ uid/ 20000957-CH33-SW1]
The example "Design elements - General window elements" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Mac OS User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Window elements
Window elements, window panel, volume slider, text label, text field, segmented control, scroll bar, push button, pop-up menu, main sidebar, main app window area, little arrows, stepper control, image well, help button, group box, general slider, divider line, disclosure button, expand field button, disclosure button, collapse field button, chevron, check box, audio level, add-subtract accounts,