How to Convert a Mind Map into MS Project XML
The easiest way to start this project is to conduct a brainstorm session that identifies necessary tasks, then prepare a project schedule in the form of a Gantt chart and assign resources to tasks. With ConceptDraw MINDMAP, you can initiate a project using mind map to represent all critical and important tasks. ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports a mind map export to MS Project; it also allows import a project file from MS Project giving team members who use OS X or Windows a working visual map of a planned project.HelpDesk
How to Set the Default Theme for your Mind Maps
Find out a favorite style for your mind maps, then set it as the default for all your new mind maps.HelpDesk
How to Create a PowerPoint® Presentation from a Mind Map
ConceptDraw MINDMAP allows you to create a traditional PowerPoint Presentation from your mind mind maps. There are two different variants when exporting to PowerPoint - one places editable text into the template of your choice, the other places the pieces of the map that you want to show into the slides.HelpDesk
ConceptDraw Office for Windows Installation Definition
With the introduction of version 3, ConceptDraw Office has been redesigned to better accommodate future developments and solution plugins. ConceptDraw Office 3 includes ConceptDraw PRO 10, ConceptDraw MINDMAP 8, and ConceptDraw PROJECT 7. Owners of ConceptDraw Office v1 and ConceptDraw Office v2, please read this description of the specific features of the ConceptDraw Office 3 installation for Windows before updating.How to Import Mind Maps from FreeMind
ConceptDraw MINDMAP is great for breaking through barriers in your workflow. Its intuitive thought organization abilities jumpstart stagnant processes and provide a platform for bursts of creativity that launch stalled projects to new heights. In the continued spirit of breaking down barriers, CS Odessa brings you Mind Map Exchange Phase.HelpDesk
How to Improve a Project by Using a Mind Map
The InGyre technology provided in ConceptDraw Office makes it easy to copy one or more task branches from ConceptDraw MINDMAP to ConceptDraw PROJECT.HelpDesk
How to Draw a Mind Map on PC Using ConceptDraw MINDMAP
Mind maps are useful forcapturing ideas, organizing and structuring information in a visual form, that is easier to understand, and easier to explain to others. Mind map consists of a general Main Idea surrounded by other related topics and subtopics, which are displayed in a radial hierarchical structure. Read this step-by-step guide on how to create a mind map using ConceptDraw MINDMAP for Windows.
How to Share Mind Maps via Internet
ConceptDraw MINDMAP provides a variety of export capabilities to help with that situation. Exporting the mind map to HTML format, preserving the links so they can be used to download documents.Helpful in all stages of quality management
ConceptDraw Mind maps can be used to depict a quality process.HelpDesk
How to Start Mind Mapping from a Custom Template
In this article, find out how you can make your favorite template the default map when launching ConceptDraw MINDMAP.
Downloading the Old Versions of ConceptDraw Products
These are the last updates that were released for the previous versions of ConceptDraw products.HelpDesk
How to Change the Form and Color of a Topic’s Line in Your Mind Map
You can completely customize the style of your mind maps, including the style of topic lines and outlines. This article describes how to change the form and color of a topic’s line in your mind map.How to Exchange ConceptDraw MINDMAP Files with Mindjet MindManager
ConceptDraw MINDMAP has impressive import and export capabilities includes following formats: OPML Mindjet™ MindManager™ Microsoft™ Office products: PowerPoint™ Project™ Word™ FreeMind (import only) XMind (import only)
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- Conceptdraw Mindmap 7
- 8 Mind Map Example
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- 8 Element Of Tqm
- Creating a default presentation in ConceptDraw MINDMAP | Geo ...
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- Company Mind Map
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- Looking at ConceptDraw MINDMAP as a Replacement for Mindjet ...
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- Enhancing maps using ConceptDraw MINDMAP ′s Theme Gallery ...