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How to Operate a Multiple Main Idea on Your Mind Map

If you are using multiple Main Ideas your maps, it is necessary to know that there is a difference in behavior between the original primary Main Idea and the other Ideas you add.

How to Make a Mind Map from a Project Gantt Chart

ConceptDraw Office allows you to see the project data from ConceptDraw PROJECT in a mind map structure by opening your project in ConceptDraw MINDMAP.

How to Operate with Project Time Frames in ConceptDraw PROJECT

ConceptDraw PROJECT applies an advanced scheduling facilities to enable you arrange your project's tasks with existing human and material resources. Comprehension of project scheduling principle allows you to plan the project the best way to execute it. Sometimes user is wondering why the task is moved to a different time than he supposed. Or he may be confused when a task's tardiness provoke the unwanted shift of other tasks. This article describes how do changes to the Start/Finish dates, or the Duration of the task affect the project schedule, created in ConceptDraw PROJECT.

How to Work with Multiple Licenses in a Cross-Platform Environment

ConceptDraw multiuser license is used for installation on both macOS and Window. Our Licensing policy concerning Multi-user licensing allows for each named user to install ConceptDraw software on one Macintosh and one Windows computer.

Bubble diagrams in Landscape Design with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM

Bubble Diagrams are the charts with a bubble presentation of data with obligatory consideration of bubble's sizes. They are analogs of Mind Maps and find their application at many fields, and even in landscape design. At this case the bubbles are applied to illustrate the arrangement of different areas of future landscape design, such as lawns, flowerbeds, playgrounds, pools, recreation areas, etc. Bubble Diagram helps to see instantly the whole project, it is easy for design and quite informative, in most cases it reflects all needed information. Often Bubble Diagram is used as a draft for the future landscape project, on the first stage of its design, and in case of approval of chosen design concept is created advanced detailed landscape plan with specification of plants and used materials. Creation of Bubble Diagrams for landscape in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software is an easy task thanks to the Bubble Diagrams solution from "Diagrams" area. You can use the ready scanned location plan as the base or create it easy using the special ConceptDraw libraries and templates.

Collaborative business with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM

Collaborative business with ConceptDraw. Collaborative-business strategies - the sharing of business information and ideas among partners, suppliers and customers can help increase sales, improve service, and decrease costs.

How to Create a Wireless Network Diagram Using ConceptDraw Solutions

A wireless network diagram is a specialized type of computer network diagrams. Wireless Network diagrams are used to develop, operate and maintain the WLAN systems. Making a Wireless Network diagram involves many different elements that can be managed using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM. With ConceptDraw DIAGRAM you can easily create and communicate the Wireless Network diagram of any complexity.

Design Element: IVR for Network Diagrams

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is perfect for software designers and software developers who need to draw IVR Network Diagrams.

Network Diagram Software IVR Services

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Services

IVR Network Diagram

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Network Diagram

Interactive Voice Response Network Diagram

ConceptDraw solution Computer and Networks provides Interactive Voice Response samples, templates and library of 35 vector stencils for drawing the IVR network diagrams. Use ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software enhanced with solution Computer and Networks to visualize the logical and physical structure of IVR systems for inbound and outbound call centers and voice mail systems.