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How to Create an ERD Diagram

ERD (entity relationship diagram) is used to show the logical structure of databases. It represents the interrelationships between components of database (entities). Entity relationship diagrams are a widely used in software engineering. Using ERD software engineers can control the every aspect of database development. ER diagram can be used as guide for testing and communicating before the release of software product. ERD displays data as entities that are connected with connections that show the relationships between entities. There is some ERD notations used by data bases developers for representing the relationships between the data objects. ConceptDraw PRO and its ERD solution allow you to build ERD diagram of any notation.
The vector stencils library "Internal block diagram" contains 22 SysML symbols.
Use it to design your internal block diagrams using ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software.
"Internal Block Diagram
An internal block diagram is based on the UML composite structure diagram, with restrictions and extensions as defined
by SysML. ...
Property types
Four general categories of properties of blocks are recognized in SysML: parts, references, value properties, and
constraint properties. ... A part or value property is always shown on an internal block diagram with a solid-outline box. A reference property is shown by a dashed-outline box, consistent with UML. Ports are special cases of properties, and have a variety of notations... Constraint properties and their parameters also have their own notations... " [ spec/ SysML/ 1.3/ PDF]
The SysML shapes example "Design elements - Internal block diagram" is included in the SysML solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Internal block diagram symbols
Internal block diagram symbols, unidirectional connector, shared association, required interface, required and provided interfaces, proxy port, property specific type, property, port, object node, nested port, namespace compartment, item flow, item property, item flow, internal block diagram, interface block, interface, interface, full port, dependency, control operator frame, conjugated port, binding connector, bidirectional connector, actor part,

entity-relationship diagram, ER-diagram, database ERD Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)

entity-relationship diagram, ER-diagram, database ERD
Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with templates, samples and libraries of vector stencils from drawing the ER-diagrams by Chen's and crow’s foot notations.

How to Draw a Block Diagram in ConceptDraw PRO

Block diagram is a simple chart that use blocks to show some elements or activities, and connectors that show the relationship between neighboring blocks. They are commonly simple, giving an overview of a process without necessarily going into the specifics of implementation. Block diagrams are commonly used to depict a general description of a system and its activity. A most known sample of a block diagram is a flow chart, used in many types of business as a common method of representing repeated processes. Easy and a simple creation, a number of objects and connectors make the block diagram a many-sided tool for various industries. The ability to make block diagrams is delivered by the ConceptDraw Block Diagrams solution.