House of Quality
House of Quality solution provides the powerful drawing tools, numerous specific samples and examples, and set of vector design elements of House of Quality shapes and symbols, which will help you in application the Quality function deployment (QFD) methodology and in easy creation the House of Quality Matrices intended for satisfaction the consumers' desires and requirements, for representing them in a visual way and then transformation into the targets and technical requirements to be followed for development the best products.
This house of quality matrix sample was designed on the base of the Wikimedia Commons file: Het kwaliteitshuis.png.
[ wiki/ File:Het_ kwaliteitshuis.png]
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. [ licenses/ by-sa/ 3.0/ deed.en]
"The House of Quality is an assembly of several deployment hierarchies and tables, including the Demanded Quality Hierarchy, Quality Characteristics Hierarchy, the relationships matrix, the Quality Planning Table, and Design Planning Table. It is a table that connects dots between the Voice of the Customer and the Voice of the Engineer." ["Frequently Asked Questions about QFD". QFD Institute. web/ 20131213044623/ http:/ / what_ is_ qfd/ faqs_ about_ qfd.htm#What%20 is%20 the%20 House%20 of%20 Quality%20 Why%20 it%20 isnt%20 a%20 QFD]
The HOQ example "QFD house of quality" was designed using ConceptDraw PRO software extended with House of Quality solution from Quality area of ConceptDraw PRO Solution Park.
[ wiki/ File:Het_ kwaliteitshuis.png]
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. [ licenses/ by-sa/ 3.0/ deed.en]
"The House of Quality is an assembly of several deployment hierarchies and tables, including the Demanded Quality Hierarchy, Quality Characteristics Hierarchy, the relationships matrix, the Quality Planning Table, and Design Planning Table. It is a table that connects dots between the Voice of the Customer and the Voice of the Engineer." ["Frequently Asked Questions about QFD". QFD Institute. web/ 20131213044623/ http:/ / what_ is_ qfd/ faqs_ about_ qfd.htm#What%20 is%20 the%20 House%20 of%20 Quality%20 Why%20 it%20 isnt%20 a%20 QFD]
The HOQ example "QFD house of quality" was designed using ConceptDraw PRO software extended with House of Quality solution from Quality area of ConceptDraw PRO Solution Park.
How to Create a House of Quality Diagram
The House of Quality diagram is a part of quality function deployment method (QFD) designed by Japanese planning specialists to help turn customer requirements (voice of the customer) into technical features of a final product. The House of Quality solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a tool for designing HOQ diagrams. There are 2 libraries containing 54 vector stencils you can use to create House of Quality diagrams of any type.QFD | Quality Function Deployment Diagram
Having both mentioned tools anyone can make all the needed thematic drawings, such as the QFD diagrams and other HOQ ones, such as the HOQ matrices. Having the House of Quality solution downloaded from the ConceptDraw STORE application means having all the needed tools for creating the House of Quality drawings either using the design elements from one of two stencil libraries, such as a “House of Quality Symbols” one, or by having the pre-made templates as the drafts for creating the unique matrices and diagrams.Quality Function Deployment
There are many different methods used in the product engineering field of business activity, such as the Quality function deployment one. It was developed in Japan in order to help transform the so-called “voice of the customer”, or simply “VOC”, into some particular engineering characteristics for a product.Use this house of quality template to design your house of quality diagrams and quality function deployment matrices.
The HOQ template "QFD matrix" was designed using ConceptDraw PRO software extended with House of Quality solution from Quality area of ConceptDraw PRO Solution Park.
Use this quality function deployment matrix template to design your house of quality diagrams and QFD matrices.
"Quality function deployment (QFD) is a method developed in Japan beginning in 1966 to help transform the voice of the customer [VOC] into engineering characteristics for a product." [Quality function deployment. Wikipedia]
The quality function deployment matrix template "QFD matrix" was designed using ConceptDraw PRO software extended with House of Quality solution from Quality area of ConceptDraw PRO Solution Park.
"Quality function deployment (QFD) is a method developed in Japan beginning in 1966 to help transform the voice of the customer [VOC] into engineering characteristics for a product." [Quality function deployment. Wikipedia]
The quality function deployment matrix template "QFD matrix" was designed using ConceptDraw PRO software extended with House of Quality solution from Quality area of ConceptDraw PRO Solution Park.
This house of quality matrix sample was designed on the base of the Wikimedia Commons file: Casa de la calidad QFD.png.
[ wiki/ File:A1_ House_ of_ Quality.png]
This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. [ publicdomain/ zero/ 1.0/ deed.en]
"The house of quality, a part of QFD, identifies and classifies customer desires, identifies the importance of those desires, identifies engineering characteristics which may be relevant to those desires, correlates the two, allows for verification of those correlations, and then assigns objectives and priorities for the system requirements. This process can be applied at any system composition level (e.g. system, subsystem, or component) in the design of a product, and can allow for assessment of different abstractions of a system." [Quality function deployment. Wikipedia]
The HOQ example "House of quality of buses" was designed using ConceptDraw PRO software extended with House of Quality solution from Quality area of ConceptDraw PRO Solution Park.
[ wiki/ File:A1_ House_ of_ Quality.png]
This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. [ publicdomain/ zero/ 1.0/ deed.en]
"The house of quality, a part of QFD, identifies and classifies customer desires, identifies the importance of those desires, identifies engineering characteristics which may be relevant to those desires, correlates the two, allows for verification of those correlations, and then assigns objectives and priorities for the system requirements. This process can be applied at any system composition level (e.g. system, subsystem, or component) in the design of a product, and can allow for assessment of different abstractions of a system." [Quality function deployment. Wikipedia]
The HOQ example "House of quality of buses" was designed using ConceptDraw PRO software extended with House of Quality solution from Quality area of ConceptDraw PRO Solution Park.
This house of quality matrix sample was designed on the base of the Wikimedia Commons file: Building the House of Quality - Example.jpg. [ wiki/ File:Building_ the_ House_ of_ Quality_ -_ Example.jpg]
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. [ licenses/ by-sa/ 4.0/ deed.en]
"The “house of quality,” the basic design tool of the management approach known as quality function deployment (QFD)...
The foundation of the house of quality is the belief that products should be designed to reflect customers’ desires and tastes—so marketing people, design engineers, and manufacturing staff must work closely together from the time a product is first conceived.
The house of quality is a kind of conceptual map that provides the means for interfunctional planning and communications. People with different problems and responsibilities can thrash out design priorities while referring to patterns of evidence on the house’s grid." [Hauser, John R.; Clausing, Don. "The House of Quality". Harvard Business Review. No. May 1988. 1988/ 05/ the-house-of-quality]
The HOQ example "Building the House of Quality" was designed using ConceptDraw PRO software extended with House of Quality solution from Quality area of ConceptDraw PRO Solution Park.
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. [ licenses/ by-sa/ 4.0/ deed.en]
"The “house of quality,” the basic design tool of the management approach known as quality function deployment (QFD)...
The foundation of the house of quality is the belief that products should be designed to reflect customers’ desires and tastes—so marketing people, design engineers, and manufacturing staff must work closely together from the time a product is first conceived.
The house of quality is a kind of conceptual map that provides the means for interfunctional planning and communications. People with different problems and responsibilities can thrash out design priorities while referring to patterns of evidence on the house’s grid." [Hauser, John R.; Clausing, Don. "The House of Quality". Harvard Business Review. No. May 1988. 1988/ 05/ the-house-of-quality]
The HOQ example "Building the House of Quality" was designed using ConceptDraw PRO software extended with House of Quality solution from Quality area of ConceptDraw PRO Solution Park.
Quality Management
Quality management is what most of the managers, who are responsible for the product development and production, should know. It ensures that some particular product (or service, or even an organization) is consistent. Quality management has four main components, which are quality planning, quality improvement, quality assurance and quality control. Being focused not only on either product or service quality but also on the available means to achieve it, quality management uses both quality assurance and control of the processes and products in order to achieve the needed quality.- QFD house of quality
- Quality function deployment chart - Handheld projector | QFD matrix ...
- QFD matrix - Template | QFD diagram - Template | Quality function ...
- House of Quality | Interactive Voice Response Diagrams | Quality ...
- How to Create a House of Quality Diagram | House of quality 9 step ...
- How to Create a House of Quality Diagram | House of Quality ...
- House of Quality | House of Quality Matrix Software | How to Create ...
- Quality Function Deployment
- House of Quality | Customer types matrix | Product Planning ...
- QFD diagram - Template