How To Create the Interaction (Relations) Diagram
Identify relationships between factors affecting a problem using interaction (relation) diagram. The ability to create a Relation diagram from a mind map is supported by the ConceptDraw Seven Management and Planning Tools solution.PROBLEM ANALYSIS. Relations Diagram
Use the Relations Diagram to create a relations factors map and to identify which factors are “drivers” and “indicators”. This diagram identifies causal relationships and determine what factors are causes or effects. ConceptDraw Office suite is a software for relation diagram making.
Entity Relationship Diagram Symbols
The semantic modeling method nowadays is successfully applied in database structure design. It is effective method of modeling the data structures, which is based on the meaning of these data. As a tool of semantic modeling, there are used different types of Entity-Relationship Diagrams. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is applied to visually and clearly represent a structure of a business database. The main components of ERDs are: entity, relation and attributes. An entity is a class of similar objects in the model, each entity is depicted in the form of rectangle and has the name expressed by a noun. Relation is shown in the form of non-directional line that connects two entities. There are several notation styles used for ERDs: information engineering style, Chen style, Bachman style, Martin Style. The Entity Relationship Diagram symbols used for professional ERD drawing are predesigned by professionals and collected in the libraries of the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software.Relations Diagram
The Relations Diagram is used to identify how the factors influence each other, to determine what factors are causes and what are effects. The factors mostly influencing are called “drivers”, the primarily affected factors are “indicators”. The problem solving is focused on the change of "drivers" factors by applying the corrective actions. The "indicators" factors help establish the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to monitor the changes and also define the effectiveness of the corrective actions in resolving a problem. ConceptDraw MINDMAP software ideally suits for designing Relations Diagrams. The easiest way to create the MINDMAP Relations Diagram, is to use the included Relations Diagram input template. Open it in ConceptDraw MINDMAP application from the Input tab and hold a new brainstorming session, identify the central issue and the contributing factors to this issue. Click the Finish Brainstorm button to generate a Mind Map and begin the further work with it, or select Relations Diagram item from the Output tab to automatically draw it in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM application.Relations Diagram
Relations Diagram was first used in electronics industry with a goal to find the key words and phrases in a text, and now is used in variety of fields. Relations Diagram defines visually the complex relationships between different elements and uses the boxes to represent these elements and the arrows to show the links. Relations Diagram allows the most extensively consider the problems, to represent visually relationships between the factors, processes, areas. It can be effective in organizing the diversity of ideas generated during the brainstorming session, lets identify the causes factors called "Drivers" and effects factors called "Indicators", detect such important characteristics as Key Performance Indicators that help to monitor the changes and effectiveness of corrective actions in the process of problem solving. ConceptDraw MINDMAP and ConceptDraw DIAGRAM applications that are included to ConceptDraw suite, offer a lot of useful tools that help perform the brainstorm session and easy design Relations Diagram. To make effectively Relations Diagram simply identify the problem, capture the issues, draw the arrows and count the influencers."Interrelationship Digraph (ID).
This tool displays all the interrelated cause-and-effect relationships and factors involved in a complex problem and describes desired outcomes. The process of creating an interrelationship digraph helps a group analyze the natural links between different aspects of a complex situation." [Seven Management and Planning Tools. Wikipedia]
"Causality (also referred to as causation) is the relation between an event (the cause) and a second event (the effect), where the second event is understood as a consequence of the first.
In common usage, causality is also the relation between a set of factors (causes) and a phenomenon (the effect). Anything that affects an effect is a factor of that effect. A direct factor is a factor that affects an effect directly, that is, without any intervening factors. (Intervening factors are sometimes called "intermediate factors".) The connection between a cause(s) and an effect in this way can also be referred to as a causal nexus.
Though the causes and effects are typically related to changes or events, candidates include objects, processes, properties, variables, facts, and states of affairs; characterizing the causal relation can be the subject of much debate." [Causality. Wikipedia]
The relations diagram example "Health care" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the solution "Seven Management and Planning Tools" from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
This tool displays all the interrelated cause-and-effect relationships and factors involved in a complex problem and describes desired outcomes. The process of creating an interrelationship digraph helps a group analyze the natural links between different aspects of a complex situation." [Seven Management and Planning Tools. Wikipedia]
"Causality (also referred to as causation) is the relation between an event (the cause) and a second event (the effect), where the second event is understood as a consequence of the first.
In common usage, causality is also the relation between a set of factors (causes) and a phenomenon (the effect). Anything that affects an effect is a factor of that effect. A direct factor is a factor that affects an effect directly, that is, without any intervening factors. (Intervening factors are sometimes called "intermediate factors".) The connection between a cause(s) and an effect in this way can also be referred to as a causal nexus.
Though the causes and effects are typically related to changes or events, candidates include objects, processes, properties, variables, facts, and states of affairs; characterizing the causal relation can be the subject of much debate." [Causality. Wikipedia]
The relations diagram example "Health care" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the solution "Seven Management and Planning Tools" from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Relationships Analysis
Relationships Analysis. Relations Diagram - factors analysis, factors relations. Create Relations Diagram with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM. The Seven Management and Planning Tools is a tool for Interaction diagram drawing. This diagram identifies causal relationships. Determine what factors are causes and which factors are effects. Interaction diagram helps establish KPIs to monitor changes and the effectiveness of corrective actions in resolving the problem.
Entity Relationship Diagram Examples
Creation of Entity-Relationship (ER) model is a visual representation the structure of a business database, where data equates to entities or objects, which are linked by defined relationships expressing dependencies and requirements. By the nature, the ER model is an abstract visualization, a first step in design process towards creating a logical and functional database. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM professional software gives the ability to effectively describe a database using the Entity-Relationship model. Included to ConceptDraw Solution Park, the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution contains the set of predesigned vector icons advocated by Chen's and Crow’s Foot notations that both can be used for data modeling and describing a database. Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution includes also helpful templates and incredibly large collection of varied Entity Relationship Diagram examples and samples offered at ConceptDraw STORE. Each of them can be used to develop your own model of a database of arbitrary complexity.
Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) is applied for detailed description of structures and high-level (conceptual) design databases using the Chen's and Crow's Foot notations. An ERD represents a diagram constructed mainly of rectangular blocks (for entities, data) linked with relationships. The links between the blocks are used to describe relations between the entities. There are three types of relationships: one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many. Use the specialized ERD software - ConceptDraw DIAGRAM to create the Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) of any degree of complexity with Chen's and Crow's Foot notations. Draw them easily applying the powerful built-in tools and libraries of predesigned ERD vector objects from Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. You can also start with one of ready template or sample included to this solution. Designing the ERDs in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM you can easy move the objects within a diagram with saving the relationships between them.
ERD Symbols and Meanings
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a popular software engineering tool for database modeling and illustration the logical structure of databases, which uses one of two notations - Chen's or Crow’s Foot. Crow's foot notation is effective when used in software engineering, information engineering, structured systems analysis and design. Each of these notations applies its own set of ERD symbols. Crow's foot diagrams use boxes to represent entities and lines between these boxes to show relationships. Varied shapes at the ends of lines depict the cardinality of a given relationship. Chen's ERD notation is more detailed way to represent entities and relationships. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM application enhanced with all-inclusive Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution allows design professional ER diagrams with Chen's or Crow’s Foot notation on your choice. It contains the full set of ready-to-use standardized ERD symbols and meanings helpful for quickly drawing, collection of predesigned ERD samples, examples and templates. ConceptDraw Pro is a great alternative to Visio for Mac users as it offers more features and can easily handle the most demanding professional needs.
Entity Relationship Diagram Software for Mac
Great part of modern approaches to the database design are based on the use of different versions of ER-models. The important feature of entity-relationship model is that it can be visually represented as a graphical diagram. ER-models and Entity Relationship Diagrams are so popular due to the simplicity and the presentation clarity. The conceptual basis led to their widespread use in CASE-systems, which support automatic design of relational databases. The typical concepts for ER-models are entity, relation and attribute. Relation is a graphically represented association between two entities, that establishes certain rules and all instances of the linked entity types are subject to these rules. In common ER-model this association is always binary. For representing entity-relationship elements, there are used Crow’s foot and Chen notations. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a famous Entity Relationship Diagram software for Mac OSX which gives the ability to describe visually the databases with Chen’s and Crow’s Foot notation icons from Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution.PROBLEM ANALYSIS. Root Cause Analysis Tree Diagram
Root Cause Analysis Tree Diagram. Use the Root Cause Diagram to perform visual root cause analysis. Root Cause Analysis Tree Diagram is constructed separately for each highly prioritized factor. The goal of this is to find the root causes for the factor and list possible corrective action. ConceptDraw Office suite is a software for problem analysis.
Martin ERD Diagram
The vector stencils library Crow's Foot Notation from the solution Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERD) contains specific symbols of the Crow's foot notation such as relationship symbols and entity symbols for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software. The Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERD) solution is contained in the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.Entity Relationship Diagram Software Engineering
Entity Relationship Diagram (aka ER Diagram, E-R Diagram, ERD) is a time-tested and widespread software development and software engineering method for data modeling, illustrating the logical structure of databases and system design. For ERDs construction are used three basic elements: entities, attributes, and relationships. Chen's notation for ERD supposes the use of rectangles (boxes) to represent entities and diamonds to depict relationships between first-class objects. This notation is popular when creating conceptual data models of information systems. Another standardized notation for ER diagrams is Crow's foot notation. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM as a powerful Entity Relationship Diagram software engineering provides the tools of Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution from Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park for instantly describing databases using ERDs of Crow’s Foot and Chen’s notations. Use the predesigned vector elements for both these notations from 2 libraries included to Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution.Affinity Diagram Software
Affinity Diagram Software - ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a powerful diagramming and vector drawing software that allows quick, easy and effective create the Affinity Diagrams. Seven Management and Planning Tools solution from the Business Productivity area of ConceptDraw Solution Park provides templates, samples and ready-to-use vector stencils that will help you design the professional looking Affinity Diagrams in a few moments."The Interrelationship Digraph is used to determine, analyse and classify the cause and effect relationship that occurs between all of the important issues. This process is used when a group is unsure which of a group of issues has the greatest effect on all of the other issues." [ speced2/ files/ links/ link_ 66898.pdf]
The relations diagram example "Sales process" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the solution "Seven Management and Planning Tools" from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
The relations diagram example "Sales process" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the solution "Seven Management and Planning Tools" from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
"Interrelationship digraph is a method to identify relationships among a set of items. Items that have a cause or effect associated on another item are linked together (and given weight) for the purpose of identifying the items most affected or items affecting other items the most, giving emphasis on those items for risk mitigation planning. Items involved in risk management could be risks being mitigated, risk strategies, project activities or resources. ...
This method fosters broad thinking of individuals to identify interrelationships of risk items that affect the whole project, determining critical risk areas that must be dealt first and ensures efficient allocation of project resources." [ helm/ Risk_ Man_ WEB/ Planning%20 Worksheet%20 Notes_ files%5Cintrldgm.htm]
Relation diagram (interrelationship digraph, relationships digram) helps identify what factors are causes and which factors are effects. Factors help establish KPI (Key Performance Indicators) to monitor changes and the effectiveness of corrective actions in resolving a problem.
The relations diagram is one of the Seven Management and Planning Tools (7 MP tools, Seven New Quality Tools).
The relations diagram template for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the solution "Seven Management and Planning Tools" from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
This method fosters broad thinking of individuals to identify interrelationships of risk items that affect the whole project, determining critical risk areas that must be dealt first and ensures efficient allocation of project resources." [ helm/ Risk_ Man_ WEB/ Planning%20 Worksheet%20 Notes_ files%5Cintrldgm.htm]
Relation diagram (interrelationship digraph, relationships digram) helps identify what factors are causes and which factors are effects. Factors help establish KPI (Key Performance Indicators) to monitor changes and the effectiveness of corrective actions in resolving a problem.
The relations diagram is one of the Seven Management and Planning Tools (7 MP tools, Seven New Quality Tools).
The relations diagram template for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the solution "Seven Management and Planning Tools" from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Entity-Relationship Diagram
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is the world-known way to show the logical structure of databases in visual manner. The best software tool for drawing Entity-Relationship Diagram is ConceptDraw DIAGRAM ector graphics software with Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution from Software Development area which gives the ability to describe a database using the Entity-Relationship model. The vector graphic diagrams produced using this solution can be successfully used in whitepapers, presentations, datasheets, posters, or any technical materials.Drawing ER diagrams on a Mac
The drawing of ER diagrams on a Mac, PC with Windows or on the computer with cross-platform environment is smooth and incredibly easy when you have professional ERD drawing software tool well-suited for both these platforms. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software extended with Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution from Software Development Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is certainly the best tool for drawing ER diagrams. Use the powerful drawing tools of the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution, built-in templates, samples, examples and 2 libraries ERD Chen's Notation and ERD Crow’s Foot Notation with numerous predesigned vector objects for easy drawing the ER diagram of any type that you need. A few simple steps will allow you to achieve the best result and design great-looking ER diagram: drag the required vector objects from the libraries offered by Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) Solution on your document, connect them in a needed order, apply the commands from the Action menus of these objects, edit the diagram's style with Line, Fill, Shadow and Text tools.Developing Entity Relationship Diagrams
When you need to visually represent the structure of relational database, Entity relationship diagram (ERD) is a type of diagram for that case. Most entity-relationship diagrams can be built with objects from Flowchart solution or ERD Solution which contains inbuilt templates. Follow these steps to create your own custom ERD diagram. Don't be frightened if it looks complex, ConceptDraw DIAGRAM makes it easy to create an ERD, and hundreds of other diagrams, in minutes.- Industrial Relations Diagrams
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