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Risk Diagram (PDPC) - ConceptDraw Office suite is a software for Risks Diagram making. This diagram identifies possible risks in accomplishing corrective actions. With the Risks Diagram, one analyzes each action separately in a tree of all actions and develops a preventive action in response of each potential obstacles or circumstances which may be a risk.
7MP Tools
7MP Tools

PROBLEM ANALYSIS. Prioritization Matrix

ConceptDraw Office suite is a software for Prioritization Matrix diagram making. This diagram ranks the drivers’ factors to determine priority. It identifies the factors of the first priority for analysis of possible corrective actions. It assesses the weight of each factor for each criterion and specifies it in the Prioritization Matrix. The total sum of weights for a factor’s criteria indicates its priority.
7MP Tools
7MP Tools

seven management and planning tools Seven Management and Planning Tools

seven management and planning tools
Seven Management and Planning Tools solution extends ConceptDraw PRO and ConceptDraw MINDMAP with features, templates, samples and libraries of vector stencils for drawing management mind maps and diagrams.
"Process Decision Program Chart (PDPC).
A useful way of planning is to break down tasks into a hierarchy, using a tree diagram. The PDPC extends the tree diagram a couple of levels to identify risks and countermeasures for the bottom level tasks. Different shaped boxes are used to highlight risks and identify possible countermeasures (often shown as 'clouds' to indicate their uncertain nature). The PDPC is similar to the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) in that both identify risks, consequences of failure, and contingency actions; the FMEA also rates relative risk levels for each potential failure point." [Seven Management and Planning Tools. Wikipedia]
The Risk diagram (process decision program chart, PDPC) determines the risks when corrective action is not performed correctly. Also, it helps develop descriptions for preventive actions at the level of execution.
The Risk diagram (PDPC) template for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the solution "Seven Management and Planning Tools" from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Risk diagram
Risk diagram, risk, preventive action, plan,

PROBLEM ANALYSIS. Relations Diagram

Use the Relations Diagram to create a relations factors map and to identify which factors are “drivers” and “indicators”. This diagram identifies causal relationships and determine what factors are causes or effects.
ConceptDraw Office suite is a software for relation diagram making.
7MP Tools
7MP Tools

PROBLEM ANALYSIS. Root Cause Analysis Tree Diagram

Root Cause Analysis Tree Diagram. Use the Root Cause Diagram to perform visual root cause analysis. Root Cause Analysis Tree Diagram is constructed separately for each highly prioritized factor. The goal of this is to find the root causes for the factor and list possible corrective action.
ConceptDraw Office suite is a software for problem analysis.
7MP Tools
7MP Tools

Risk Diagram (Process Decision Program Chart)

Analyze each identified action separately in the tree of all actions and then develop a preventive action in response to potential obstacles or circumstances have been identified as a risk.
The PDPC determines the risks when corrective action is not performed correctly. Also, it helps develop descriptions for preventive actions at the level of execution.

Corrective Action Planning

One of the stages of the problem's solving process scenario is Corrective Action Planning.
Corrective action planning define people and groups involvement in corrective actions by roles, identify logical sequences of scheduled actions and critical path of problem solving, identify possible risks of action plan and propose preventive actions.

PROBLEM ANALYSIS. Identify and Structure Factors

Identify and Structure Factors. Use the Affinity Diagram to collect and structure factors that impact on a problem.
ConceptDraw Office suite is a software for identify and structure factors with affinity diagram. This is a grouping and structuring of factors that impact on a problem.
7MP Tools
7MP Tools

The Action Plan

Action Plan - For the action planning define people and groups involvement in corrective actions by roles, identify logical sequences of scheduled actions and critical path of problem solving, identify possible risks of action plan and propose preventive actions.
ConceptDraw Office suite is a software for decision making and action plan.
7MP Tools
7MP Tools

Preventive Action

Preventive Action - ConceptDraw Office suite is a software for the Preventive Action making. The Seven Management and Planning Tools solution is a set of such tools for problems preventive actions via investigating of the core problem.
Skilled use of these diagrams makes collaborative teamwork both more engaging and more effective.

Cause and Effect Analysis

Cause and Effect Analysis - The Seven Management and Planning Tools is a tool for Cause and Effect Analysis that allows users to analyze the root causes for factors that influenced the problem. This diagram is constructed separately for each highly prioritized factor. The Diagram is then used for further formulation of potential actions.
7MP Tools
7MP Tools

Affinity Diagram

The Affinity Diagram shows the structure of large, complex factors that have an influence on a problem, and then divides them up into a smaller and simpler structure. The Affinity Diagram does not show a causal relationship between the factors. This diagram is designed to prepare the data for further analysis of the cause-effect relationships.

Relationships Analysis

Relationships Analysis. Relations Diagram - factors analysis, factors relations. Create Relations Diagram with ConceptDraw PRO.
The Seven Management and Planning Tools is a tool for Interaction diagram drawing. This diagram identifies causal relationships. Determine what factors are causes and which factors are effects. Interaction diagram helps establish KPIs to monitor changes and the effectiveness of corrective actions in resolving the problem.
The FTA diagram sample "Fault tree analysis - Insulin delivery system" was redesigned from the illustration of "CMSI 641: Introduction to Software Engineering. Design of Critical Systems. B.J. Johnson. 2005. Loyola Marymount University".
"Another way of assessing hazards is using fault tree analysis. In this process, each of the identified hazards is covered by a detailed analysis to find out what might cause it. Either inductive or deductive reasoning is applied. In the case of software hazards, the usual focus is to determine faults that will cause the system to fail to deliver a system service, such as a monitoring system. A "fault tree" is constructed to link all the possible situations together, to help identify the interrelationships of the failures, which modules may cause them, and what "trickle-down effects" there might be. Here is an example of a fault tree, as applied to the Insulin delivery system from Sommerville...
Note that this tree is only partially complete, since only the potential software faults are shown on the diagram. The potential failures involving hardware, such as low battery, blood monitor or sensor failure, patient over-exertion or inattention, or medical staff failure are noticeable by their absence.
The fault tree and safety specification processes are two ways of helping with system risk assessment tasks. Once the risks are identified, there are other assessments that need to take place. First, the likelihood of the risk occurrance must be assessed. This is often quantifiable, so numbers may be assigned based on things like MTBF, latency effects, and other known entities. There may be other non-quantifiable contributors to the risk likelihood, however, such that these must be assessed and estimated by experts in the domain. (Don't short-change this process when dealing with critical systems!) Finally, the risk assessment must include the severity of the risk, meaning an estimation of the cost to the project in the event the risk item actually does occur. "Cost to the project" means all associated costs, including schedule delays, human injury, damage to hardware, corruption of data, and so on."
[ bjohnson/ cmsi641web/ week15-2.html]
The FTA diagram example "Fault tree analysis - Insulin delivery system" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Fault Tree Analysis Diagrams solution from the Engineering area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
FTA diagram
FTA diagram, event, OR gate,