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This work flow chart sample was redesigned from the picture "Simulation for earthquake disaster assessment" from the article "Simulation Workflows".
[ forschung/ projects/ simtech/ sim-workflows.php]
" This simulation was developed to have an in depth understanding of the destructions and the decisions to be made in various phases of crisis management (Source: Mahdi Hashemi and Ali A. Alesheikh (2010). "Developing an agent based simulation model for earthquakes in the context of SDI." GSDI 12 World Conference. 19 – 22 October 2010. Singapour). The simulation process contains following major steps:
(1) All spatial information including satellite images (before and after the earthquake) and topographic/ cadastral maps of the area are mosaicked and georeferenced. The parts of the city that contain various levels of destructions are selected. Three types of features namely buildings, roads and recreational areas are classified and extracted from the satellite images.
(2) The governing factors of destructions are identified; a mathematical model that integrates the factors is constructed.
(3) The simulation is constructed for various parameter values (different earthquake strength, time elapses, etc.)" [ forschung/ projects/ simtech/ sim-workflows.php]
The example "Workflow diagram - Earthquake disaster assessment" was drawn using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Workflow Diagrams solution from the Business Processes area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Work flow chart
Work flow chart, satellite, sand-glass, sandglass, sand glass, puzzle, production, online booking, international division, business meeting, meeting, atom, uranium,

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM Compatibility with MS Visio

The powerful diagramming and business graphics tools are now not exception, but the norm for today’s business, which develop in incredibly quick temp. But with the abundance of powerful business diagramming applications it is important to provide their compatibility for effective exchange the information between the colleagues and other people who maybe use different software in their work. During many years Microsoft Visio™ was standard file format for the business and now many people need the visual communication software tools that can read the Visio format files and also export to Visio format. The powerful diagramming and vector drawing software ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is ideal from the point of view of compatibility with MS Visio. Any ConceptDraw DIAGRAM user who have the colleagues that use MS Visio or any who migrates from Visio to ConceptDraw DIAGRAM , will not have any problems. The VSDX (Visio′s open XML file format) and VDX formatted files can be easily imported and exported by ConceptDraw DIAGRAM , you can see video about this possibility.

ConceptDraw Arrows10 Technology

With ConceptDraw Arrows10 Technology - You can delete a single connector, by using the Delete key. If you need to delete more than a single connector in a complex diagram that contains many relations there is a special Delete Links tool which deletes the connectors only, no other drawing objects are deleted.

Diagrama de Topologia

PRO is a powerful drawing tool that changes the way diagrams are produced. ConceptDraw Arrows10 Technology - This is more than enough versatility to draw any type of diagram with any degree of complexity. Diagrama de Topologia or Topology Diagram helps you see the big picture as you develop a service.

Beautiful Nature Scene: Drawing

The Nature Solution addition to ConceptDraw Solution Park for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM includes new libraries that provide a wide range nature objects and it can be used to augment documentation and graphics. Draw beautiful nature scenes using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with Nature solution.