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ConceptDraw Solution Park ConceptDraw Solution Park

ConceptDraw Solution Park
ConceptDraw Solution Park collects graphic extensions, examples and learning materials

entity-relationship diagram, ER-diagram, database ERD Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)

entity-relationship diagram, ER-diagram, database ERD
An Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a visual presentation of entities and relationships. That type of diagrams is often used in the semi-structured or unstructured data in databases and information systems. At first glance ERD is similar to a flowch

Process Flowchart

The main reason of using Process Flowchart or PFD is to show relations between major parts of the system. Process Flowcharts are used in process engineering and chemical industry where there is a requirement of depicting relationships between major components only and not include minor parts. Process Flowcharts for single unit or multiple units differ in their structure and implementation. ConceptDraw PRO is Professional business process mapping software for making Process flowcharts, Process flow diagram, Workflow diagram, flowcharts and technical illustrations for business documents and also comprehensive visio for mac application. Easier define and document basic work and data flows, financial, production and quality management processes to increase efficiency of your business with ConcepDraw PRO. Business process mapping software with Flowchart Maker ConceptDraw PRO includes extensive drawing tools, rich examples and templates, process flowchart symbols and shape libraries, smart connectors that allow you create the flowcharts of complex processes, process flow diagrams, procedures and information exchange. Process Flowchart Solution is project management workflow tools which is part ConceptDraw Project marketing project management software. Drawing charts, diagrams, and network layouts has long been the monopoly of Microsoft Visio, making Mac users to struggle when needing such visio alternative like visio for mac, it requires only to view features, make a minor edit to, or print a diagram or chart. Thankfully to MS Visio alternative like ConceptDraw PRO software, this is cross-platform charting and business process management tool, now visio alternative for making sort of visio diagram is not a problem anymore however many people still name it business process visio tools.
How To Create a Process Flow Chart (business process modelling techniques)
How To Create a Process Flow Chart (business process modelling techniques)

telecommunication networking, networking and telecommunications, telecommunications network, computer systems networking and telecommunications Telecommunication Network Diagrams

telecommunication networking, networking and telecommunications, telecommunications network, computer systems networking and telecommunications
Telecommunication Network Diagrams solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with samples, templates, and great collection of vector stencils to help the specialists in a field of networks and telecommunications, as well as other users to create Computer systems networking and Telecommunication network diagrams for various fields, to organize the work of call centers, to design the GPRS networks and GPS navigational systems, mobile, satellite and hybrid communication networks, to construct the mobile TV networks and wireless broadband networks.

Scrum workflow

ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with unique SCRUM Workflow solution from the Project Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park allows fast and easy design professional-looking Scrum Workflow Diagrams and Scrum workflow scheme for projects required when working on projects and managing them, when developing software with cutting-edge Agile methodologies.

scrum, agile methodology, scrum methodology, scrum board Scrum Workflow

scrum, agile methodology, scrum methodology, scrum board
The Scrum Workflow Solution extends the capabilities of ConceptDraw PRO 10 with a large collection of professionally-designed samples and a selection of ready-to-use scrum design elements: scrum diagrams and arrows, scrum icons of people, artifacts, workflow, workspace and other colorful scrum clipart, and also scrum charts.

Agile Methodology

Agile methodology is an excellent alternative to waterfall and traditional sequential development. ConceptDraw PRO software extended with SCRUM Workflow solution is ideal for quick and easy designing various diagrams, charts, mind maps and schematics illustrating software development using Agile methodologies, and in particular Scrum methodology.

status dashboard, status indicators Status Dashboard

status dashboard, status indicators
Status dashboard solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with templates, samples and vector stencils libraries with graphic indicators for drawing the visual dashboards showing status data.
The vector stencils library "Scrum workspace" contains 21 icons.
Use this clipart set to design your agile software development diagrams and infographics with ConceptDraw PRO software.
"... a list of all the things that ... should be visible within the ideal agile workspace:
Big Visible Charts. ... the sprint burndown chart, showing the number of hours remaining as of each day of the current sprint. ... big visible charts showing the number of passing customer acceptance tests, the pass/ fail status of tests by day, sprint and release burndown charts, number of new stories introduced to the product backlog per sprint, and more.
Additional feedback devices. In addition to big, visible charts, it is common for an agile team to use additional visual feedback devices in their workspace. One of the most common is a lava lamp that is turned on whenever the automated build is broken.
... flashing red traffic lights to indicate exceptional conditions such as an issue on a production server. Also popular are ambient orbs and Nabaztag rabbits, which are wireless programmable devices that can also be configured to change colors, speak messages, or wiggle their ears as a team desires. ...
Everyone on your team. Each person on the team should ideally be able to see each other person on the team. This absolutely includes the ScrumMaster and ideally includes the product owner. ...
The sprint backlog. One of the best ways to ensure that everything necessary is completed in the sprint is to make the sprint backlog visible. The best way to do that is by displaying the sprint backlog on a wall, ideally in the form of a task board ...
The product backlog. One problem with running an endless series of sprints is that each can feel disconnected or isolated from the whole of a planned released or related set of new capabilities. A good way to reduce the impact of this problem is by displaying the product backlog somewhere clearly visible. ... tack the index cards with those upcoming user stories on a wall where all can see them. This allows team members to see how the user stories they are working on in the current sprint relate to others that are coming soon.
At least one big white board. ... Locating this in the team’s common workspace encourages spontaneous meetings." [ blog/ the-ideal-agile-workspace]
The clip art sample "Design elements - Scrum workspace" is included in the Scrum solution from the Project Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Icon set
Icon set, window, white board, under-desk refrigerator, sticky notes, servers, server rack mount, server tower case, red traffic lights, push pins, printer, office table, office chair, nabaztag rabbit, lava lamp, laptop computer, notebook, egg timer, desktop computer, cork board, computer monitor, coffee machine, ambient orb,

meter dashboard, quantitative indicators Meter Dashboard

meter dashboard, quantitative indicators
Meter dashboard solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with templates, samples and vector stencils library with meter indicators for drawing visual dashboards showing quantitative data.

business processes, business management, plan projects Business Package for Management

business processes, business management, plan projects
Package intended for professional who designing and documenting business processes, preparing business reports, plan projects and manage projects, manage organizational changes, prepare operational instructions, supervising specific department of an organization, workout customer service processes and prepare trainings for customer service personal, carry out a variety of duties to organize business workflow.

comparison chart, indicators Comparison Dashboard

comparison chart, indicators
Comparison dashboard solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with samples, templates and vector stencils library with charts and indicators for drawing the visual dashboard comparing data.

food art, food pictures, pictures of food, food court, food images, fruit art, pictures of vegetables Food Court

food art, food pictures, pictures of food, food court, food images, fruit art, pictures of vegetables
Use the Food Court solution to create food art. Pictures of food can be designed using libraries of food images, fruit art and pictures of vegetables.

project management, planning, meeting, dashboards, teams, presentation, solution park Project Management Area

project management, planning, meeting, dashboards, teams, presentation, solution park
Project Management area provides Toolbox solutions to support solving issues related to planning, tracking, milestones, events, resource usage, and other typical project management functions.