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The design elements library Walls, shell and structure contains 29 symbols of structural elements: walls, rooms, windows, doors, pillars.
Use the vector stencils library Walls, shell and structure to draw the floor plans and other architectural drawings, blueprints, home and building interior design, space layout plans, construction and house framing diagrams using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software.
"A wall is a horizontal structure, usually solid, that defines and sometimes protects an area. Most commonly, a wall delineates a building and supports its superstructure, separates space in buildings into sections, or protects or delineates a space in the open air. There are three principal types of structural walls: building walls, exterior boundary walls, and retaining walls.
Building walls have one main purpose: to support roofs and ceilings. Such walls most often have three or more separate components. In today's construction, a building wall will usually have the structural elements (such as 2×4 studs in a house wall), insulation, and finish elements or surface (such as drywall or panelling). In addition, the wall may house various types of electrical wiring or plumbing. Electrical outlets are usually mounted in walls.
Building walls frequently become works of art externally and internally, such as when featuring mosaic work or when murals are painted on them; or as design foci when they exhibit textures or painted finishes for effect.
In architecture and civil engineering, the term curtain wall refers to the facade of a building which is not load-bearing but functions as decoration, finish, front, face, or history preservation." [Wall. Wikipedia]
This shapes library Walls, shell and structure is provided by the Floor Plans solution from the Building Plans area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Wall symbols
Wall symbols, window wall, wall, pocket, wall, slab, room divider, room, rectangular column, column, pilaster, opening, grid, grid origin, grid, grid line, exterior wall, curtain wall, corner pilaster, closet, circular column, column, T-room, L-room,

How To Make a Floor Plan

How To Make a Floor Plan? Usually drawing of Floor Plans is quite complex and time-taking process. But now thanks to the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Floor Plans Solution from the Building Plans area of ConceptDraw Solution Park this process became quick and simple.

floor plan sample Floor Plans

floor plan sample
Construction, repair and remodeling of the home, flat, office, or any other building or premise begins with the development of detailed building plan and floor plans. Correct and quick visualization of the building ideas is important for further construction of any building.

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pvc pipe furniture plans, pvc pipe plans, plumbing plans examples, How to read plumbing plans? plumbing floor plan, plumbing layout plan, half pipe plans, pipe bender plans, plumbing plan symbols
Plumbing and Piping Plans solution extends ConceptDraw PRO v10.2.2 software with samples, templates and libraries of pipes, plumbing, and valves design elements for developing of water and plumbing systems, and for drawing Plumbing plan, Piping plan, PVC Pipe plan, PVC Pipe furniture plan, Plumbing layout plan, Plumbing floor plan, Half pipe plans, Pipe bender plans.

Home Architect Software. Home Plan Examples

Everyone who starts the construction, repair or remodeling of the home, flat or office, is facing with a need of visualization its ideas for visual explanation how all should to be for the foreman and construction team. It is incredibly convenient to use for this professional home architect software. ConceptDraw PRO software enhanced with Floor Plans solution provides a lot of built-in drawing tools which allow you quick and easy create design plans for the home of your dreams.

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ceiling ideas, reflected ceiling plans, ceiling ideas for living room, reflected ceiling plan symbols, reflective ceiling plans, ceiling design ideas, reflected ceiling plan‏
Reflected Ceiling Plans solution is effective tool for architects, designers, electricians, and other people which every day need convenient tool for representing their ceiling ideas. Use it to create without efforts professional Reflected Ceiling plans and Reflective Ceiling plans, showing the location of light fixtures, drywall or t-bar ceiling patterns, lighting panels, and HVAC grilles and diffusers that may be suspended from the ceiling.

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seating chart for a classroom, classroom seating chart template, school floor plans, high school floor plans, classroom seating charts, classroom seating chart, classroom seating chart maker, classroom layout‏
Planning a school and its campus layout needs to depict the premises, represent internal spaces, location of windows and direction of natural light. Detailed classroom seating chart helps you visualize location of the blackboard and desks, taking into account the specifics of the room and its lighting, with a goal to design the classroom to be comfortable for each pupil and teacher.

Ceiling Design Ideas

Quick and easy drawing professional looking plans with Ceiling Design Ideas for demonstration on the screen during discussions and also printing them on the paper. It is reality with ConceptDraw PRO extended with Reflected Ceiling Plans Solution from the Building Plans Area.

Computer and Network Package

Computer and Network Package is a large set of valuable graphical solutions from ConceptDraw Solution Park, developed and specially selected to help computer network specialists and IT professionals to realize their daily work the most efficiently and quickly. This package contains extensive set of graphic design tools, ready-to-use vector elements, built-in templates and samples for designing professional-looking diagrams, charts, schematics and infographics in a field of computer network technologies, cloud computing, vehicular networking, wireless networking, ensuring networks security and networks protection. It is useful for designing different floor plans and layout plans for homes, offices, hotels and instantly construction detailed schemes of computer networks and wireless networks on them, for making professional-looking and colorful Pie Charts, Bar Graphs and Line Charts visualizing the relevant information and data.