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entity-relationship diagram, ER-diagram, database ERD Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)

entity-relationship diagram, ER-diagram, database ERD
Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) solution extends ConceptDraw PRO software with templates, samples and libraries of vector stencils from drawing the ER-diagrams by Chen's and crow’s foot notations.

entity-relationship diagram, ER-diagram, database ERD Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)

entity-relationship diagram, ER-diagram, database ERD
An Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a visual presentation of entities and relationships. That type of diagrams is often used in the semi-structured or unstructured data in databases and information systems. At first glance ERD is similar to a flowch

Databases Access Objects Model with ConceptDraw PRO

ConceptDraw Basic gives the opportunity of interaction with any ODBC-compatible databases. For this the Database Access Objects Model is provided. All calls to the database are made by certain methods of objects of this model.

Use Case Diagrams technology with ConceptDraw PRO

Use case diagrams are used at the development of software and systems for definition of functional system requirements or system of systems. Use case diagram presents the consecution of object’s actions (user’s or system’s) which are executed for reaching the definite result.
The vector stencils library "Bank UML deployment diagram" contains 10 shapes for drawing UML deployment diagrams.
Use it for object-oriented modeling of your bank information system.
"A deployment diagram in the Unified Modeling Language models the physical deployment of artifacts on nodes. To describe a web site, for example, a deployment diagram would show what hardware components ("nodes") exist (e.g., a web server, an application server, and a database server), what software components ("artifacts") run on each node (e.g., web application, database), and how the different pieces are connected (e.g. JDBC, REST, RMI).
The nodes appear as boxes, and the artifacts allocated to each node appear as rectangles within the boxes. Nodes may have subnodes, which appear as nested boxes. A single node in a deployment diagram may conceptually represent multiple physical nodes, such as a cluster of database servers.
There are two types of Nodes:
1. Device Node.
2. Execution Environment Node.
Device nodes are physical computing resources with processing memory and services to execute software, such as typical computers or mobile phones. An execution environment node (EEN) is a software computing resource that runs within an outer node and which itself provides a service to host and execute other executable software elements." [Deployment diagram. Wikipedia]
This example of UML deployment diagram symbols for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the ATM UML Diagrams solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
UML deployment diagram symbols
UML deployment diagram symbols, node, execution environment, device, deployment specification, deployment, communication path, artifact,