ConceptDraw DIAGRAM Compatibility with MS Visio
The powerful diagramming and business graphics tools are now not exception, but the norm for today’s business, which develop in incredibly quick temp. But with the abundance of powerful business diagramming applications it is important to provide their compatibility for effective exchange the information between the colleagues and other people who maybe use different software in their work. During many years Microsoft Visio™ was standard file format for the business and now many people need the visual communication software tools that can read the Visio format files and also export to Visio format. The powerful diagramming and vector drawing software ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is ideal from the point of view of compatibility with MS Visio. Any ConceptDraw DIAGRAM user who have the colleagues that use MS Visio or any who migrates from Visio to ConceptDraw DIAGRAM , will not have any problems. The VSDX (Visio′s open XML file format) and VDX formatted files can be easily imported and exported by ConceptDraw DIAGRAM , you can see video about this possibility.MS Visio Look a Like Diagrams
No need for any special drawing skills to create professional looking diagrams outside of your knowledge base. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM takes care of the technical details, allowing you to focus on your job, not the drawing. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM delivers full-functioned alternative to MS Visio. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM supports import of Visio files. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM supports flowcharting, swimlane, orgchart, project chart, mind map, decision tree, cause and effect, charts and graphs, and many other diagram types.
Visio Exchange
Our Visio Exchange tool allows you to Import and export native MS Visio 2013 files that are in the new MS Visio drawing (VSDX) format introduced in the most recent Visio iteration. In addition, ConceptDraw DIAGRAM supports the import and export of MS Visio 2007-2010 XML. (VDX) files more accurately then previous versions of ConceptDraw DIAGRAM. If you have the older MS Visio 2007-2010.
Is ConceptDraw DIAGRAM an Alternative to Microsoft Visio?
Visio for Mac and Windows - ConceptDraw as an alternative to MS Visio. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM delivers full-functioned alternative to MS Visio. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM supports import of Visio files. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM supports flowcharting, swimlane, orgchart, project chart, mind map, decision tree, cause and effect, charts and graphs, and many other diagram types.Fault Tree Diagram
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software offers the Fault Tree Analysis Diagrams Solution from the Industrial Engineering Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park for quick and easy creating the Fault Tree Diagram of any degree of detailing.
Genogram solution including professionally designed genogram samples and a wide range of high-quality vector design elements of genogram symbols, medical genogram symbols, emotional relationships and family relationships, makes the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software the best for drawing the informative Genograms, genealogy schematics and illustrations, and family tree of any depth, and for any quantity of generations. It perfectly suits for the medical specialists of different profiles, medical consultants, therapists, genetics, psychologists, and other medical professionals, each individual and couple.
How to Convert MS Visio® 2003-2010 File to ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is such a viable alternative for individuals and organizations that are looking for a professional business solution. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM file import and export works roundtrip with the Visio 2010-2013 file formats. With the introduction of Visio 2013 Microsoft has changed the native binary file format used in earlier versions of Microsoft Visio. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM file import and export works with the new Visio VSDX file format and at the same time supports the improved import of VDX file format. To Import Visio vsd files to ConceptDraw follow the steps described in this article.HelpDesk
How To Create Root Cause Analysis Diagram Using Solutions
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is used to determine the main causes of the problem. If the certain factor is the root cause, this mean that its vanishing will help to prevent the further recurrence of the problem. Root Cause Analysis diagram is used to analyze the root causes of factors that influence the problem. It helps to identify the root causes for a factor and then propose possible corrective actions. A diagram is constructed separately for each high priority factor. The ability to create a RCA tree diagram from a mind map is supported by the ConceptDraw Seven Management and Planning Tools solution.HelpDesk
How to Convert MS Visio Custom Stencil to ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
Microsoft Visio allows users to create a new custom stencil to store objects that one want to reuse later or share it with other people. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM supports the possibility to open Visio custom stencils and shapes. With the introduction of Visio 2013 Microsoft has changed the native file format used in earlier versions of Microsoft Visio. Thus, when you are looking for professional tool to open and save in the newer Visio 2013 file format on Mac. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is exactly solution for you.Cause and Effect Diagrams
Cause and Effect Diagrams are designed to identify the potential factors that cause an overall effect. The causes are grouped into the categories, each cause is a source of variation. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM powerful diagramming and vector drawing software provides the Fishbone Diagrams solution from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park that allows to design the Cause and Effect Diagrams quick, easy and effective.HelpDesk
How To Create Visio Network Diagram
IT professionals are accustomed to using MS Visio for their network diagrams. Nevertheless, ConceptDraw DIAGRAM also powers, and in some cases and more feature-rich product. Given the fact that many professional people committed to MS Visio, ConceptDraw DIAGRAM developers provided users with the opportunity to share their diagrams with MS Visio users. You can use the export to VSDX and VSD format. By exporting your network diagram to MS Visio, you can easily solve the issues in communication with the users of this widespread software product.HelpDesk
How to Create a Fault Tree Analysis Diagram (FTD)
Fault Tree Diagram is a logic diagram that shows the state of an entire system in a relationship of the conditions of its elements. Fault Tree Diagram is used to analyze the probability of functional system failures and safety accidents. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM allows you to create professional Fault Tree Diagrams using the basic FTD symbols. An FTD visualizes a model of the processes within a system that can lead to the unlikely event. A fault tree diagrams are created using standard logic symbols. The basic elements in a fault tree diagram are gates and events.HelpDesk
How to Open Visio® VDX File Using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
MS Visio file with the extension. VDX can be created with the MS Visio 2003-2007. It is a filename extension for the MS Visio XML drawing file format. MS Visio 2010 and earlier versions support reading and writing files in a binary VSD or XML-based VDX file formats. Since MS Visio 2013 drawing files are written in the new VSDX and VSDM file formats. The writing VDX files are no longer supported. If you used MS Visio 2003-2010 before and now is considering to switch to ConceptDraw DIAGRAM, maybe this is a good news - ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is still supported reading and writing of Microsoft Visio XML file format. Thus replacing the diagramming software, allows keeping all your drawings, created in the old versions of MS Visio. Making business drawings with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is easier than using MS Visio. Moreover, you will be able to use a huge number of business-oriented libraries supplied by ConceptDraw Solutions. Also, using ConceptDraw you can create your custom objects and supplement libraries to cover your requirements.
Chess solution extends ConceptDraw DIAGRAM application with samples, special templates and libraries of 2D and 3D elements of chessboards and chess pieces to help display any events on the chessboard, to illustrate the winning positions and chess combinations, to analyze the famous games played by prominent chess masters, to simulate gambits, to teach the audience to play chess and to demonstrate visually the chess rules, to show the variations of moves and ways of setting the checkmate to opponent in a fewest number of steps. Special template ConceptDraw DIAGRAM allows to play chess on a local network.
Network Diagram Software. LAN Network Diagrams. Physical Office Network Diagrams
Physical LAN Diagrams illustrate the communication schemes of Local Area Networks, the physical network connection of computers and networks arrangement on the small areas - at homes, offices, and other buildings. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a perfect network diagramming software with samples and examples of WAN and LAN Diagrams, templates and collection of network components libraries. Computer Network Diagrams Solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM Mac and Windows is ideal for IT professionals, network engineers and network designers who need to visualize network architecture, to document LANs physical structure and arrangement, to draw Local Area Network (LAN) diagrams and schematics, WAN diagrams, physical office network diagrams and topologies, wiring drawings, etc. You can design all them easy using the predesigned vector objects of computers and computer network devices, hardware devices, peripheral devices, external digital devices, internet and logical symbols, and many other stencils from the Computer Network Diagrams libraries. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM offers a powerful and easy-to-use solution for those who looking for a Visio alternative for Mac. It is a world-class diagramming platform with dynamic presentation power.
Accounting Flowchart Symbols
Accounting is a well known and popular tool used for gaining full quantitative information about the finances. The accounting process includes extensive set of activities that begins with transactions and ends with closing of books. It contains all financial information for a given organization, the data about incomes, expenditures, purchases, sales, return, payroll, and many other numerical information. The excellent possibility to create great-looking Accounting Flowcharts is offered by professional ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software. It includes the Accounting Flowcharts solution containing wide variety of predesigned accounting flowchart symbols. All symbols are easy recognizable, commonly used, vector and professionally designed, so are capable effectively save your time and efforts when representing all stages of accounting work process, the flow of data in an organization, accounting procedures and processes, documents, tasks, responsible people, users, components and authorizations.UML Diagram Visio
This sample shows the UML Class Diagram that was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM on the Mac and then was opened for editing in MS Visio. Using the 13 libraries of the Rapid UML Solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM you can create your own visual vector UML diagrams quick and easy.HelpDesk
How To Create Cause and Effect (Fishbone) Diagram in MS Visio
Cause-and-Effect Ishikawa Diagram is a graphical method of analysis and cause-effect relationships, a tool in the form of fish bone. It is used to systematically determine the cause of the problem and represent it graphically. The technique is primarily used in the framework of quality management for the analysis of quality problems and their causes. Nowadays, it has found worldwide distribution and is used in multiple problem areas. It is one of the tools of lean manufacturing, which is used in group work to find the problems and their causes. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM allows you to easily create Fishbone (Ishikawa) diagram and then make a MS Visio VSDX, or VSD files from your diagrams in a couple clicks, using the export capabilities of ConcewptDraw DIAGRAM.Decision Tree Analysis
Decision trees are widely used in operations research. It is mostly applied in decision analysis in order to help and identify that strategy that most likely may lead to reaching a goal. It is also known as a popular tool in machine learning, thus it worth knowing about it from this article.The ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and drawing software is the one that can help with creating the needed drawing, including a decision tree. Making decision tree analysis, it is always easy to make the needed matrix as there are plenty of pre-made templates to be used.
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