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Use this circle chart template to design your sector diagrams.
"A chart is a graphical representation of data, in which the data is represented by symbols, such as ... slices in a pie chart. ... Charts are often used to ease understanding ... the relationships between parts of the data. ... For example, data that presents percentages in different groups (such as "satisfied, not satisfied, unsure") are often displayed in a pie chart ... A pie chart shows percentage values as a slice of a pie." [Chart. Wikipedia]
The template "Sector diagram" for the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is included in the Pie Charts solution of the Graphs and Charts area in ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Circle chart
Circle chart, pie chart,

How To Create Onion Diagram

An onion diagram is a kind of chart that shows the dependencies among parts of an organization or process. The chart displays items in concentric circles, where the items in each ring depend on the items in the smaller rings. The Onion Diagram is able to show layers of a complete system in a few circles.
But how to create Onion Diagram? Now, it's very easy thanks to the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Stakeholder Onion Diagrams Solution from the Management Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Process Flowchart

ConceptDraw is Professional business process mapping software for making process flow diagram, workflow diagram, general flowcharts and technical illustrations for business documents. It is includes rich examples, templates, process flowchart symbols. ConceptDraw flowchart maker allows you to easier create a process flowchart. Use a variety of drawing tools, smart connectors, flowchart symbols and shape libraries to create flowcharts of complex processes, process flow diagrams, procedures and information exchange.
How To Create a Process Flow Chart (business process modelling techniques)
How To Create a Process Flow Chart (business process modelling techniques)

Onion Diagram Process Design

Onion diagram is a type of circular diagram that consists of the core circle representing the product/solution and concentric circles around it, which dependent on the core and look like the cross sections of onion.
ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software supplied with Stakeholder Onion Diagrams Solution from the Management Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is an ideal software for effective Onion diagram process design.

stakeholder management, stakeholder onion diagram template, onion diagram process design, stakeholder analysis Stakeholder Onion Diagrams

stakeholder management, stakeholder onion diagram template, onion diagram process design, stakeholder analysis
The Stakeholder Onion Diagram is often used as a way to view the relationships of stakeholders to a project goal. A basic Onion Diagram contains a rich information. It shows significance of stakeholders that will have has influence to the success achieve

Pie Chart Examples and Templates

A pie chart or a circle graph is a circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating numerical proportion. In a pie chart, the arc length of each sector and consequently its central angle and area, is proportional to the quantity it represents.

Pie chart examples and templates created using ConceptDraw PRO software helps you get closer with pie charts and find pie chart examples suite your needs.

Lean Six Sigma Diagram Software

Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is a well-known in all over the world methodology of quality improvement and business perfection. ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is a powerful Lean Six Sigma Diagram Software thanks to the included Value Stream Mapping solution from the Quality Management Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Bar Diagrams for Problem Solving. Create manufacturing and economics bar charts with Bar Graphs Solution

Create bar charts for visualizing problem solving in manufacturing and economics using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Bar Graphs Solution from the Graphs and Charts area of ConceptDraw Solition Park.

SWOT Matrix

SWOT matrix is a structured planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a project or in a business venture. ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams Solution from the Management Area will help you design SWOT Matrix of any complexity quick and easy.

How to Create an IDEF0 Diagram for an Application Development

IDEF0 methods are intended to model the functions of a process, creating a graphical model that displays: what controls the function, who makes it, what resources are used and how they are connected with other functions. The IDEF0 tool is used to model the decisions, actions, and activities of a software system during the development process . IDEF0 diagram graphically depicts a model of a desired version of the application. ConceptDraw PRO allows you to create and communicate the IDEF0 diagrams of any complexity.
This enterprise architecture diagram sample was redesigned from the Wikipedia file: TEAF Work Products for EA Direction, Description, and Accomplishment.jpg. [ wiki/ File:TEAF_ Work_ Products_ for_ EA_ Direction,_ Description,_ and_ Accomplishment.jpg]
"Treasury Enterprise Architecture Framework (TEAF) was an Enterprise architecture framework for treasury, based on the Zachman Framework. It was developed by the US Department of the Treasury and published in July 2000. May 2012 this framework has been subsumed by evolving Federal Enterprise Architecture Policy as documented in "The Common Approach to Federal Enterprise Architecture".
The material presented here is obsolete and only useful for historical reference and is not the current policy in use by the Department of the Treasury." [ wiki/ Treasury_ Enterprise_ Architecture_ Framework]
The enterprise architecture diagram example "Resources and TEAF Work Products for EA Direction, Description, and Accomplishment" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Enterprise Architecture Diagrams solution from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Enterprise architecture diagram
Enterprise architecture diagram, manager, business intent sector,
This sample was created on the base of the SWOT matrix illustrating the webpage "SWOT Analysis" of "Scottish Energy Study Volume 4: Issues, Opportunities and Barriers" from the website of the Scottish Government. [ Publications/ 2009/ 09/ 24094712/ 6]
The diagram example "Domestic sector SWOT" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the SWOT Analysis solution from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
SWOT matrix
SWOT matrix, pentagons SWOT matrix,
This step chart sample shows engineering value chain. It was designed on the base of the Wikimedia Commons file: The engineering value chain.png. "The engineering value chain (EVC) refers to a series of engineering activities and capabilities contributing to value creation encompassing essential elements such as idea generation & selection, design & development, production & delivery, service & support, and disposal & recycling for example." [ wiki/ File:The_ engineering_ value_ chain.png]
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. [ licenses/ by-sa/ 3.0/ deed.en]
The diagram example "Step chart - Value chain" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Marketing Diagrams solution from the Marketing area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Marketing diagram
Marketing diagram, process chart, step chart, step diagram block,

How to Build Cloud Computing Diagram Principal Cloud Manufacturing

The term “cloud” is very popular and widely used now, it is a server, data processing centre, or a network which lets to store the data and software, provides access to them, allows to run applications without installation and gives the possibility to process data hosted remotely via the Internet connection.
For documenting the Cloud Computing Architecture with a goal to facilitate the communication between stakeholders are successfully used the Cloud Computing Architecture diagrams. It is convenient and easy to draw various Cloud Computing Architecture diagrams in ConceptDraw PRO software with help of tools of the Cloud Computing Diagrams Solution from the Computer and Networks Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.