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IDEF1X Standard

IDEF1x standard diagram example

Integration Definition

Integration Definition

Data modelling

The more commonly used technologies of creation of such schemes are ERD ( Entity Relationship Diagram) and some of IDEF standards (IDEF1, IDEF1x ).

Types of Flowcharts

Planning a new project or representing process operations, illustrating the solutions to appeared problems as well as analyzing, designing, documenting, managing processes in various fields, you find it necessary to structure everything and put things in order with help of the right software which should be suitable for you and easy in use as it’s important to simplify things, not to complicate. Using ConceptDraw PRO you’ll make different flowcharts and their types which are numerous depending on the sourced data and field of activity mentioned. Try to make a basic one first and then go to the next level creating business process one, cross functional or data flow, event-driven process chain diagram and many more. IDEF flowchart will be helpful in creating function models, developing transition schematics, designing system architecture, making object-oriented design. Influence, swim lane, process and work flow diagrams, specification and description language ones as well as value stream mapping can be made in ConceptDraw PRO within short period of time with help of their layouts from Solution Park.