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How to Make a Mind Map from a Project Gantt Chart . ConceptDraw

ConceptDraw Office allows you to see the project data from ConceptDraw PROJECT in a mind map structure by opening your project in ConceptDraw MINDMAP . Project managers widely used mind maps for organizing project team , project tideas, and visualize every moving part of project workflow. ConceptDarw 

Drawing a Project Gantt Chart . ConceptDraw HelpDesk

A Gantt chart is intended to provide a visualization of a project schedule. It is developed Gantt chart's function is to show project tasks completion in a progress, and to make a project manager sure that project tasks were completed on time. ConceptDraw Office is a clear and easy-to-use tool for project management. It is a 

Gantt Chart Diagram

Misunderstanding Product Purpose

Inserting mind map into project. ConceptDraw HelpDesk

The InGyre technology provided in ConceptDraw Office makes it easy to copy one or more task branches from ConceptDraw MINDMAP to ConceptDraw PROJECT. Topics that are copied from ConceptDraw MINDMAP and pasted into a Gantt Chart view of ConceptDraw PROJECT become a project's tasks.

ConceptDraw MINDMAP : Brainstorming, Mind Mapping for macOS

Example of usage mind map for progect management

Looking at ConceptDraw MINDMAP as a Replacement for Mindjet

ConceptDraw MindMap benefits comparing to Mindjet Mindmanager

ConceptDraw PROJECT Product Overview

ConceptDraw PROJECT input/output capabilities

Creating a Mind Map from Selected Tasks in Project. ConceptDraw

Select the tasks, you need to modify. create mind map from project; From context menu select “Create Mind Map ”. The mind map that contains selected tasks will be generated in ConceptDraw MINDMAP . mind map from project tasks. Result: You can work with the same data both in the Gantt chart and mind map view.