Samples / Management / Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance
Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance
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Environmental, Social, and Corporate GovernanceConceptDraw DIAGRAM
Sample 1: Biodiversity and Food
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance infographics sample: This sample shows the problem of biodiversity loss on Earth. Losses concern all forms of life: fauna, birds, insects, plants, and the underwater world.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 2: Car Life Cycle
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance infographics sample: This sample shows an auto life cycle and is a way of its whole-life cost accounting from construction to recycling. The cost of living is a key component of economic valuation. It includes financial costs for the material extraction and processing, auto production and operation, and longer-term costs including maintenance, depreciation, and recycling.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 3: Climate Change and Ocean
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance infographics sample: Ocean warming is one of the global issues nowadays. This sample helps investigate the cause and effects of ocean surface warming.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 4: Corporate Social Responsibility Pyramid
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance infographics sample: This sample illustrates corporate social responsibility (CSR). It is international private business self-regulation including internal responsibility and regulation at all levels including regional, national, and international. The offered pyramid describes corporate social responsibility as a combination of several responsibilities.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 5: Cradle to Cradle Design
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance infographics sample: This sample shows a cradle-to-cradle (C2C) approach to product and system design. It takes natural processes as the basis of an industry model and aims to create efficient and waste-free systems. The C2C concept suggests that the industry should protect and enrich ecosystems.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 6: Purchasing Flowchart Example
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance infographics sample: This sample represents the key points of ESG. It is a complex approach including three aspects — environmental, social, and corporate governance. The environmental aspect includes climate change strategy, biodiversity, water efficiency, energy efficiency, carbon intensity, and environmental management system. The social aspect of ESG includes equal opportunities, freedom of association, health and safety, human rights, customer and product responsibility, and child labor. And finally, the governance aspect contains business ethics, compliance, board independence, executive compensation, and shareholder democracy.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 7: ESG Risks
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance infographics sample: This sample shows three categories of risks: environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) risks. The ESG risk management policy involves the timely identification, management, and mitigation of ESG risks. This is necessary to reduce the negative impact on the environment, eliminate future risks, support sustainability, and social justice, and organize a balanced work of companies.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 8: ESG
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance infographics sample: This example infographic illustrates environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) responsibilities.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 9: Greenhouse Effect
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance infographics sample: This sample illustrates the greenhouse effect. The Earth's atmosphere is transparent for the sunlight that passes through it and heats the planet's surface, and only some sunlight is reflected back into space. Greenhouse gases are capable to catch solar radiation energy within a planet's atmosphere. They include gases with three or more atoms and most diatomic gases with two different atoms. Water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and tropospheric ozone are the most common examples of greenhouse gases.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 10: Health Effects of Pollution
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance infographics sample: This sample includes an overview of the main effects of environmental pollution on human health. The presence of harmful substances in the atmosphere, water, and soil damages the environment, changes the climate, destroys the ozone layer, degrades the environment, and harms the health of people and other living beings.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 11: Life-cycle Assessment
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance infographics sample: This sample shows the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) stages. The main goal of the LCA is to document and improve the overall environmental profile of a certain product, service, or process. It includes the inventory of materials, accounting of energy inputs, calculation of emissions to the environment and ecological consequences, and considers the impact on human health.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 12: Renewable Energy
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance infographics sample: This sample illustrates the renewable energy types. With rapid technological developments, renewable energy systems are becoming more efficient and cheaper, and their popularity is growing. Renewable energy sources currently account for about 20% of global energy consumption and this amount will increase.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 13: Renewable Resources
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance infographics sample: This sample shows renewable natural resources. These resources are restored, reproduced again and again, and replaced in a short and finite amount of time. Renewable energy resources are a part of Earth's natural environment and the largest components of Earth's ecosphere. Sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat are examples of renewable energy sources.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Sample 14: Triple Bottom Line
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance infographics sample: This sample shows a triple bottom line (TBL or 3BL). It is an accounting system used to evaluate the performance of a company or organization and add value to the business. TBL expands on the traditional reporting structure to include three parts: social, environmental (or ecological), and economic (or financial). TBL's social line includes charitable contributions, employee welfare, and fair trade. The ecological line includes waste management, resource consumption, and land use. And the economic line includes the costs of underemployment, growth, and income.
This drawing is created using ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming software enhanced with Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park.

All samples are copyrighted CS Odessa's.
Usage of them is covered by Creative Commons “Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives” License.
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