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Software Development area

Solutions from the Software Development Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park extend ConceptDraw DIAGRAM with variety of templates, samples, graphical user interface examples, user interface design examples and libraries of design elements of graphical user interface, UI patterns , and many other vector objects for drawing ERD diagrams, DFDs, IDEF0 Diagrams, GUI interfaces, Windows 8 UI design patterns, and other software engineering diagrams, and designing prototypes that help you to illustrate, present and explain the technical documentation of your GUI software system.

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Object-Role Modeling (ORM) Diagrams

Succeed in data modeling and software engineering with ConceptDraw’s Object-role Modeling (ORM) Diagrams solution tools. Develop in minutes the data models and design the Object-role Modeling diagrams using the premade library's objects corresponding to common ORM notation.

Jackson Structured Programming (JSP) Diagrams
Succeed in Jackson Structured Programming (JSP) and Jackson structured development with the ConceptDraw’s Jackson Structured Programming (JSP) Diagram solution, which is the best for Jackson systems design and drawing Jackson structured programming diagrams, JSP diagram, Jackson structure diagram (JSD), Program structure diagram.
EXPRESS-G data Modeling Diagram

Use the capabilities of EXPRESS data modeling language and succeed in data modeling, database design, and in drawing EXPRESS-G Data Modeling Diagrams, Express-G Diagrams and Database Model Diagrams with new ConceptDraw’s EXPRESS-G data Modeling Diagram solution.

Class Hierarchy Tree new-label

Succeed in object oriented programming, building the Java class hierarchy, Python class hierarchy, in organizing the code, demonstrating the work of classes, constructing the Class Hierarchy Trees and Class Hierarchy Mind Maps with their further autogeneration from ConceptDraw MINDMAP to ConceptDraw DIAGRAM file.

DOM Tree new-label

Use it to design in a moment the Document Object Model (DOM model), DOM tree diagram, DOM hierarchy in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM, or make the DOM Tree Mind Map in ConceptDraw MINDMAP and instantly autogenerate the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM file.

Android User Interface‏

The Android User Interface solution is available for any gadget-loving ConceptDraw DIAGRAM user who needs to create a mobile technology themed design.

Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)

Another useful solution for system designers, with icons and connectors available to help you map out a system's data flow.

IDEF0 Diagrams

IDEF0 Diagrams visualize system models using the Integration Definition for Function Modeling (IDEF) methodology. Use them for analysis, development and integration of information and software systems, and business process modelling.

iPhone User Interface

iPhone users can show off their products latest features using the illustrations found in this solution.

macOS User Interface

This solution allows you to produce a perfect representation of the Mac user interface, using the icons found in macOS Sierra.

Rapid UML

Create Unified Modeling Language diagrams quickly and effectively using this solution, which combines with the powerful RapidDraw technology from ConceptDraw DIAGRAM


ConceptDraw DIAGRAM aids system engineers by offering a comprehensive selection of graphic icons, samples and templates based upon the Systems Modeling Language.

Website Wireframe

Before there is a website, there is content. Before content, there is a plan. To make a plan, there is the Website Wireframe solution for ConceptDraw DIAGRAM

Windows 10 User Interface

The Windows 10 User Interface solution enables you to design professional Windows 10 user interface designs, GUI prototypes, and design patterns.

Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Map out a database using an entity-relationship model, using standard Chen's and Crow's Foot notations.
