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The vector stencils library "Mechanics" contains 29 mechanical symbols.
Use these shapes for drawing mechanics experiment schemes and physical diagrams in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Physics solution from the Science and Education area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ science-education-physics
Rest, rest, stop, detent,
Co-ordinates, co-ordinate, axis, axes, scale,
Inclined plane
Inclined plane, inclined plane,
Block, block,
Block System
Block System, block system,
Mathematical pendulum
Mathematical pendulum, mathematical pendulum,
Inclined plane with block
Inclined plane with block, inclined plane, block,
Vector, vector,
Parabolic motion path
Parabolic motion path, parabolic motion, path,
Parabolic motion path
Parabolic motion path, parabolic motion, path,
Hyperbolic motion path
Hyperbolic motion path, hyperbolic motion, path,
Parabolic motion path
Parabolic motion path, parabolic motion, path,
Elliptical motion path
Elliptical motion path, elliptical motion, path,
Spring, spring,
Angle, angle,
Linear motion path
Linear motion path, linear motion, path,
Stub Reinforcement
Stub Reinforcement, stub reinforcement,
Stick, stick, rod,
Beam balance
Beam balance, beam balance,
Beam balance 2
Beam balance 2, beam balance,
Spring Balance
Spring Balance, spring balance,
Ball, ball, sphere,
Weight, weight, hook,
Weight, hook
Weight, hook, weight, hook,
Globe, parallels, meridians
Globe, parallels, meridians, Earth, globe,
Globe, parallels
Globe, parallels, Earth, globe,
Globe, meridians
Globe, meridians, Earth, globe,
Inclined plane with block 2
Inclined plane with block 2, inclined plane, block,
Inclined plane 2
Inclined plane 2, inclined plane, block,
The vector stencils library "Zodiac constellations" contains 24 icons of Zodiac constellations star charts and Zodiac sign symbols.
Use these shapes to draw astronomical diagrams and illustrations in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Astronomy solution from the Science and Education area in ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Aries, Aries,
Taurus, Taurus,
Gemini, Gemini,
Cancer, Cancer,
Leo, Leo,
Virgo, Virgo,
Libra, Libra,
Scorpius, Scorpius,
Sagittarius, Sagittarius,
Capricornus, Capricornus,
Aquarius, Aquarius,
Pisces, Pisces,
Aries sign
Aries sign, Aries symbol, Aries sign,
Taurus sign
Taurus sign, Taurus symbol, Taurus sign,
Gemini sign
Gemini sign, Gemini symbol, Gemini sign,
Cancer sign
Cancer sign, Cancer symbol, Cancer sign,
Leo sign
Leo sign, Leo symbol, Leo sign,
Virgo sign
Virgo sign, Virgo symbol, Virgo sign,
Libra sign
Libra sign, Libra symbol, Libra sign,
Scorpius sign
Scorpius sign, Scorpius symbol, Scorpius sign,
Sagittarius sign
Sagittarius sign, Sagittarius symbol, Sagittarius sign,
Capricornus sign
Capricornus sign, Capricornus symbol, Capricornus sign,
Aquarius sign
Aquarius sign, Aquarius symbol, Aquarius sign,
Pisces sign
Pisces sign, Pisces symbol, Pisces sign,
The vector stencils library "Mechanics" contains 29 mechanical symbols.
Use these shapes for drawing mechanics experiment schemes and physical diagrams in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Physics solution from the Science and Education area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ science-education-physics
Rest, rest, stop, detent,
Co-ordinates, co-ordinate, axis, axes, scale,
Inclined plane
Inclined plane, inclined plane,
Block, block,
Block System
Block System, block system,
Mathematical pendulum
Mathematical pendulum, mathematical pendulum,
Inclined plane with block
Inclined plane with block, inclined plane, block,
Vector, vector,
Parabolic motion path
Parabolic motion path, parabolic motion, path,
Parabolic motion path
Parabolic motion path, parabolic motion, path,
Hyperbolic motion path
Hyperbolic motion path, hyperbolic motion, path,
Parabolic motion path
Parabolic motion path, parabolic motion, path,
Elliptical motion path
Elliptical motion path, elliptical motion, path,
Spring, spring,
Angle, angle,
Linear motion path
Linear motion path, linear motion, path,
Stub Reinforcement
Stub Reinforcement, stub reinforcement,
Stick, stick, rod,
Beam balance
Beam balance, beam balance,
Beam balance 2
Beam balance 2, beam balance,
Spring Balance
Spring Balance, spring balance,
Ball, ball, sphere,
Weight, weight, hook,
Weight, hook
Weight, hook, weight, hook,
Globe, parallels, meridians
Globe, parallels, meridians, Earth, globe,
Globe, parallels
Globe, parallels, Earth, globe,
Globe, meridians
Globe, meridians, Earth, globe,
Inclined plane with block 2
Inclined plane with block 2, inclined plane, block,
Inclined plane 2
Inclined plane 2, inclined plane, block,
The vector stencils library "Northern constellations" contains 6 icons of Northern constellation maps.
Use these star charts for drawing astronomical diagrams and illustrations in ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Astronomy solution from the Science and Education area in ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Ursa Minor
Ursa Minor, Ursa Minor,
Draco, Draco,
Cassiopeia, Cassiopeia,
Cepheus, Cepheus,
Camelopardalis, Camelopardalis,
Ursa Major
Ursa Major, Ursa Major,
The vector stencils library "Southern constellations" contains 22 icons of Southern constellations maps.
Use these star constellation charts for drawing astronomical diagrams and illustrations in ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Astronomy solution from the Science and Education area in ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Apus, Apus,
Ara, Ara,
Carina, Carina,
Chamaeleon, Chamaeleon,
Circinus, Circinus,
Crux, Crux,
Dorado, Dorado,
Horologium, Horologium,
Hydrus, Hydrus,
Indus, Indus,
Mensa, Mensa,
Musca, Musca,
Norma, Norma,
Octans, Octans,
Pavo, Pavo,
Phoenix, Phoenix,
Pictor, Pictor,
Reticulum, Reticulum,
Telescopium, Telescopium,
Triangulum Australe
Triangulum Australe, Triangulum Australe,
Tucana, Tucana,
Volans, Volans,
The vector stencils library "Mechanics" contains 29 mechanical symbols.
Use these shapes for drawing mechanics experiment schemes and physical diagrams in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Physics solution from the Science and Education area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ science-education-physics
Rest, rest, stop, detent,
Co-ordinates, co-ordinate, axis, axes, scale,
Inclined plane
Inclined plane, inclined plane,
Block, block,
Block System
Block System, block system,
Mathematical pendulum
Mathematical pendulum, mathematical pendulum,
Inclined plane with block
Inclined plane with block, inclined plane, block,
Vector, vector,
Parabolic motion path
Parabolic motion path, parabolic motion, path,
Parabolic motion path
Parabolic motion path, parabolic motion, path,
Hyperbolic motion path
Hyperbolic motion path, hyperbolic motion, path,
Parabolic motion path
Parabolic motion path, parabolic motion, path,
Elliptical motion path
Elliptical motion path, elliptical motion, path,
Spring, spring,
Angle, angle,
Linear motion path
Linear motion path, linear motion, path,
Stub Reinforcement
Stub Reinforcement, stub reinforcement,
Stick, stick, rod,
Beam balance
Beam balance, beam balance,
Beam balance 2
Beam balance 2, beam balance,
Spring Balance
Spring Balance, spring balance,
Ball, ball, sphere,
Weight, weight, hook,
Weight, hook
Weight, hook, weight, hook,
Globe, parallels, meridians
Globe, parallels, meridians, Earth, globe,
Globe, parallels
Globe, parallels, Earth, globe,
Globe, meridians
Globe, meridians, Earth, globe,
Inclined plane with block 2
Inclined plane with block 2, inclined plane, block,
Inclined plane 2
Inclined plane 2, inclined plane, block,
The vector stencils library "Constellations except Zodiac, Northern and Southern" contains 47 star constellation maps of all constellations except Zodiac, Northern (45-90 degrees) and Southern (45-90 degrees).
Use these shapes for drawing astronomical diagrams and illustrations in ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Astronomy solution from the Science and Education area in ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Andromeda, Andromeda,
Antlia, Antlia,
Aquila, Aquila,
Auriga, Auriga,
Bootes, Bootes,
Caelum, Caelum,
Canes Venatici
Canes Venatici, Canes Venatici,
Canis Major
Canis Major, Canis Major,
Canis Minor
Canis Minor, Canis Minor,
Centaurus, Centaurus,
Cetus, Cetus,
Columba, Columba,
Coma Berenices
Coma Berenices, Coma Berenices,
Corona Australis
Corona Australis, Corona Australis,
Corona Borealis
Corona Borealis, Corona Borealis,
Corvus, Corvus,
Crater, Crater,
Cygnus, Cygnus,
Delphinus, Delphinus,
Equuleus, Equuleus,
Eridanus, Eridanus,
Fornax, Fornax,
Grus, Grus,
Hercules, Hercules,
Hydra, Hydra,
Lacerta, Lacerta,
Leo Minor
Leo Minor, Leo Minor,
Lepus, Lepus,
Lupus, Lupus,
Lynx, Lynx,
Lyra, Lyra,
Microscopium, Microscopium,
Monoceros, Monoceros,
Ophiuchus and Serpens
Ophiuchus and Serpens, Ophiuchus and Serpens,
Orion, Orion,
Pegasus, Pegasus,
Perseus, Perseus,
Piscis Austrinus
Piscis Austrinus, Piscis Austrinus,
Puppis, Puppis,
Pyxis, Pyxis,
Sagitta, Sagitta,
Sculptor, Sculptor,
Scutum, Scutum,
Sextans, Sextans,
Triangulum, Triangulum,
Vela, Vela,
Vulpecula, Vulpecula,

Onion Diagram Templates

The Onion Diagram is a type of circular diagram which consists of the core circle and concentric circles that look like the cross sections of onion. The key value of the Onion Diagram is to visually demonstrate the relationships that lead to a successful final product or deliverable.
Design of Onion Diagrams and Stakeholder Onions Diagrams is a complex process, but ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software makes it easier thanks to the Stakeholder Onion Diagrams Solution from the Management Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park, and the set of included libraries and Onion Diagram templates.

How To Create Onion Diagram

An onion diagram is a kind of chart that shows the dependencies among parts of an organization or process. The chart displays items in concentric circles, where the items in each ring depend on the items in the smaller rings. The Onion Diagram is able to show layers of a complete system in a few circles.
But how to create Onion Diagram? Now, it's very easy thanks to the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Stakeholder Onion Diagrams Solution from the Management Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
The vector stencils library "Galaxies" contains 15 galaxy symbols for drawing astronomical diagrams.
"A galaxy is a massive, gravitationally bound system consisting of stars, stellar remnants, an interstellar medium of gas and dust, and dark matter, an important but poorly understood component. The word galaxy is derived from the Greek galaxias ..., literally "milky", a reference to the Milky Way. Examples of galaxies range from dwarfs with as few as ten million (10^7) stars to giants with one hundred trillion (10^14) stars, each orbiting their galaxy's own center of mass.
Galaxies contain varying numbers of planets, star systems, star clusters and types of interstellar clouds. In between these objects is a sparse interstellar medium of gas, dust, and cosmic rays. Supermassive black holes reside at the center of most galaxies. They are thought to be the primary driver of active galactic nuclei found at the core of some galaxies. The Milky Way galaxy is known to harbor at least one such object.
Galaxies have been historically categorized according to their apparent shape, usually referred to as their visual morphology. A common form is the elliptical galaxy, which has an ellipse-shaped light profile. Spiral galaxies are disk-shaped with dusty, curving arms. Those with irregular or unusual shapes are known as irregular galaxies and typically originate from disruption by the gravitational pull of neighboring galaxies. Such interactions between nearby galaxies, which may ultimately result in a merger, sometimes induce significantly increased incidents of star formation leading to starburst galaxies. Smaller galaxies lacking a coherent structure are referred to as irregular galaxies."
[Galaxy. Wikipedia]
The example "Design elements - Galaxies" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Astronomy solution from the Science and Education area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Galaxy symbols
Galaxy symbols, irregular galaxy, Irr, Sc galaxy, Sb galaxy, Sa galaxy, SBc galaxy, SBb galaxy, SBa galaxy, S0 galaxy, lenticular galaxy, E7 galaxy, E6 galaxy, E5 galaxy, E4 galaxy, E3 galaxy, E2 galaxy, E1 galaxy, E0 galaxy,
This interior design sample shows the layout of exercise equipment, furniture and appliances on the gym floor plan.
"A health club (also known as a fitness club, fitness center, and commonly referred to as a gym) is a place which houses exercise equipment for the purpose of physical exercise. ...
Most health clubs have a main workout area, which primarily consists of free weights including dumbbells, barbells and exercise machines. ...
A cardio theater or cardio area includes many types of cardiovascular training-related equipment such as rowing machines, stationary exercise bikes, elliptical trainers and treadmills." [Health club. Wikipedia]
The interior design example "Gym floor plan" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Gym and Spa Area Plans solution from the Building Plans area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Health club layout
Health club layout, window, casement, weight bench, wall, upright bicycle, stationary bike, treadmill, toilet, built-in cistern, tanning bed, stair stepper, stair climber, sofa, self spotting, rowing machine, multi purpose bench, multi press, multipress, massage table, left rectangle table leaf, rectangle table leaf, dumbbell rack, dumbbell, double door, door, crossover machine, climbing wall, basin,

Restaurants and cafes are popular places for recreation, relaxation, and are the scene for many impressions and memories, so their construction and design requires special attention. Restaurants must to be projected and constructed to be comfortable and e Cafe and Restaurant Floor Plans

Restaurants and cafes are popular places for recreation, relaxation, and are the scene for many impressions and memories, so their construction and design requires special attention. Restaurants must to be projected and constructed to be comfortable and e
Restaurants and cafes are popular places for recreation, relaxation, and are the scene for many impressions and memories, so their construction and design requires special attention. Restaurants must to be projected and constructed to be comfortable and e
"A communications satellite or comsat is an artificial satellite sent to space for the purpose of telecommunications. Modern communications satellites use a variety of orbits including geostationary orbits, Molniya orbits, elliptical orbits and low (polar and non-polar) Earth orbits.
For fixed (point-to-point) services, communications satellites provide a microwave radio relay technology complementary to that of communication cables. They are also used for mobile applications such as communications to ships, vehicles, planes and hand-held terminals, and for TV and radio broadcasting." [Communications satellite. Wikipedia]
"Satellite telecommunication services:
Satellite crop monitoring,
Satellite Internet access,
Satellite navigation,
Satellite phone,
Satellite radio,
Satellite television." [Satellite. Wikipedia]
This hybrid satellite and common carrier network diagram example was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Telecommunication Network Diagrams solution from the Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Satellite network diagram
Satellite network diagram, server, satellite dish, satellite, router, radio waves, office building, laptop computer, notebook, in-vehicle station, fax, building, base station, antenna, Internet, cloud, IP phone,

Stakeholder Onion Diagram Template

For depicting the onion model are actively used Stakeholder Onion Diagrams. The ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Stakeholder Onion Diagrams Solution from the Management Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park offers the number of useful tools and Stakeholder Onion Diagram template for their easy design.

stakeholder management, stakeholder onion diagram template, onion diagram process design, stakeholder analysis Stakeholder Onion Diagrams

stakeholder management, stakeholder onion diagram template, onion diagram process design, stakeholder analysis
The Stakeholder Onion Diagram is often used as a way to view the relationships of stakeholders to a project goal. A basic Onion Diagram contains a rich information. It shows significance of stakeholders that will have has influence to the success achieve