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What Is a Concept Map

What is a Concept Map and what software is effective for its design? A concept map or conceptual diagram is a diagram that depicts suggested relationships between concepts. As for effective software - we suggest you to pay attention for the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software. Extended with Concept Maps Solution from the "Diagrams" Area it is a real godsend for you.

Concept Maps

As concept map consists from conception-blocks and links between them, you can use ConceptDraw library objects and add to a document as much objects as you need. ConceptDraw tools let you to edit, group, move objects, change their appearance and add text signs and raster or vector pictures. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Concept Maps Solution from the "Diagrams" Area is effective tool for creating professional looking Concept Maps.

Total Quality Management

The desire to encourage the production of competitive goods led to the establishment of new method of continuous quality improvement of all organizational processes, production and service. This method successfully launched in Japan and the USA was named Total Quality Management (TQM). Now, the TQM is a dynamically developed concept, a strategic approach to management that is based on manufacturing goods or services of the best quality among innovative counterparts from the point of view of consumers. The main idea of TQM is that the company should work not only on the product quality, but also on the quality of company's work, including the work of staff. The constant parallel improvement of product quality, quality of organization processes, level of qualification the personnel allow to achieve more rapid and effective business development. Mind Maps are effective in a field of quality management and allow to structure all key quality points on one page. This Mind Map designed in ConceptDraw MINDMAP software illustrates the well-known Total Quality Management (TQM) methodology.

How to Create a Custom Library

Why do people use custom clip art to create their mind maps? First, this allows you to create your author's style. Making a mind map is a creative work, and each mind map depicts the personality of its author. More, the custom clip art is needed if your mind map often contains the same set of custom images that are not supplied with the standard software package. ConceptDraw MINDMAP allows you to create a custom clip art library to increase the visual capacity of your mind maps. You can even deploy them inside ConceptDraw MINDMAP so that you can use them through standard interface tools.

Concept Mapping

Being usually a very complex process that requires a lot of skills, patience, time, and artistic abilities, the concept mapping process now is incredibly easy thanks to the Concept Maps Solution from the "Diagrams" Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.

Concept Map Maker

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Concept Maps Solution from the "Diagrams" Area is a powerful Concept Map Maker.

How To Make a Concept Map

How to make a Concept Map fast and easy? ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Concept Maps Solution from the "Diagrams" Area is the best choice for those who want design professional looking Concept Map in minutes.

quality management mind map, quality management mindmap Quality Mind Map

quality management mind map, quality management mindmap
In order to create any needed mind map, the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and drawing software can be used. The Quality Mind Map solution provides the pre-made quality mind map templates, samples and stencil libraries full of design elements. Having such great starting points for identifying, tracking and addressing all the quality initiatives in your organization, you can start using the Quality Mind Map solution right now editing the existing examples and so creating the unique and good-looking drawings. It is useful for a wide range of business specialists, analysts, project managers, creative managers, project members, marketers, teachers and many other specialties.

Enhancing maps using ConceptDraw MINDMAP ′s Theme Gallery

Video tutorials on ConceptDraw products. Try it today!

Exercise your brain

ConceptDraw MINDMAP mind mapping software can help professionals and students alike, whatever sphere they are involved in, to organize their work more effectively. The mind maps created with Macintosh version of ConceptDraw MINDMAP can be freely shared with Windows users without any limitation of your opportunities in communications.

How to Change the Font for an Entire Level of a Mind Map

The visual representation of information is much more productive than simple linear transfer because it is more natural for our brain to understand information in the form of visual images. ConceptDraw MINDMAP will help you put your thoughts and ideas across to any audience in the most intelligible and memorable way. Mind maps can be used in a great number of situations involving analysis, learning, research, and thinking. Use them for personal planning, preparing lists, working on projects, as well as analyzing problems and finding solutions. ConceptDraw MINDMAP provides a variety of style and formatting options for your mind maps, that let you add more information to your mind map without interfering with its readability.

concept map, concept mapping Concept Maps

concept map, concept mapping
The technique of concept mapping was developed as a constructive way of representing knowledge in science and increasing the meaningfulness of learning. Now, the creation of a concept map is extremely helpful when used in education as learning and teaching techniques that assist memorization. Concept maps are also used for idea generation in brainstorming sessions, and for detailing the structure of complex ideas.

How to Brainstorm with ConceptDraw MINDMAP

Brainstorming is a way of generating ideas related to a specific theme. Usually brainstorming involves a group of people generating a lot of ideas in a short period of time. The key to brainstorming is putting off the process of evaluating ideas until a later stage. The participants keep a record of their ideas as they come to mind, without thinking them over. Unorthodox and unusual thoughts are welcome, and no criticism or justification is allowed in order to encourage participation. Though one can brainstorm individually, the technique works better in a group, as ideas expressed by one participant trigger more ideas from others, often based on associations, and the participants can benefit from each other’s experience and knowledge. Brainstorming using a software tool has a lot of advantages over the traditional way of capturing ideas like flip-charts or white-boards. The latter have physical size limitations, which constrain the process as the number of ideas grows. Ideas become scattered around the room, making it is easy to overlook important ideas. Further grouping and prioritizing of ideas is inconvenient and requires a lot of effort. ConceptDraw MINDMAP helps to avoid these problems. Read here how to run a Brainstorming session with ConceptDraw MINDMAP

How to Use Mind Map Exchange Solution

Using ConceptDraw MINDMAP you can import and export files of Microsoft Project, MindManager, XMind, FreeMind, Microsoft Office, and many other project management and mind mapping applications. You can create your own mind map based on the incoming files of different mind mapping software, and then export the final mind map to any desired format from the list of supported ones.

Mac Compatible Remote Presentation

Mac compatible remote presentation, A simple way to share your presentation remotely via Skype. All participants receive presentation file.


Genomics is a section of molecular genetics devoted to the study of genome and genes of living organisms. The human's genome is a totality of inheritable material that is enclosed in a person's cell. The main task of genomics is the establishment of a complete genetic characterization of the whole cell, definition the number of contained genes and their sequences, number of nucleotides in each gene and their sequences, the functions of each gene in relation to the metabolism of an organism. Genomics allows to express the essence of an organism, its potential opportunities, generic and individual differences from other organisms, to anticipate the reaction to the external impacts, knowing the sequence of nucleotides in each of genes and number of genes. Genetic engineering rapidly moves, the new discoveries and achievements in this field occur in incredibly fast pace. This Mind Map represents the list of FAQs about genetic and genomic science, and illustrates how useful are the Mind Maps for structuring information and explaining the complex subjects in a simplified manner. ConceptDraw MINDMAP lets you easy create Mind Map representing the main thesises for any science.

How to Create a PowerPoint Presentation from a SWOT Analysis Mindmap

You can use SWOT analysis PowerPoint presentation to represent strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats involved in your SWOT matrix.

Quality Mind Maps - samples and templates

Use samples and templates to describe your own quality processes, brainstorm, and structure quality issues.