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The vector stencils library "Windows 8 round icons" contains 42 Windows 8 user interface (UI) round icons.
Use it to design the graphic user interface (GUI) of your software application for Windows 8 operating system (OS).
The example "Design elements - Windows 8 round icons" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Windows 8 User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
UI round icons
UI round icons, yes icon, volume icon, view icon, unavailable icon, target icon, sync icon, stop icon, skip back icon, skip ahead icon, share icon, search icon, remove icon, refresh icon, quiet sound icon, previous icon, play icon, pause icon, page icon, out icon, no icon, next icon, mute icon, mail icon, list icon, keyboard icon, full screen icon, forward icon, favorite icon, down icon, devices icon, back to window icon, back icon, add icon, Three Bars icon, Sound icon, SkyDrive icon, Settings icon, Photo icon, Maps icon, Location icon, Base Circle icon, App icon,

How To Create Restaurant Floor Plan in Minutes

Developing Floor Plans, Design Drawings, Plans of Furniture Placement for restaurants and cafes is one of the most responsible and important steps at their construction and designing. Selection of favorable design, the right style of furniture and decors largely determine the success and atmosphere of the institution. The restaurant floor planner ConceptDraw DIAGRAM is a perfect choice for architects and designers. Enhanced with Cafe and Restaurant Floor Plans solution it offers a lot of extensive vector symbol libraries and building plan elements for drawing Restaurant floor plans, Restaurant layouts, Restaurant furniture layouts, Cafe floor plans, Bar area floor plan, Fast food restaurant plan, etc. With ConceptDraw DIAGRAM you don't need to be an artist to create great-looking restaurant floor plan drawings in minutes, all needed drawing tools are delivered by Building Plans area solutions. Construct your own general plan of restaurant's premises, choose the furniture for your taste from the Cafe and Restaurant Floor Plans solution libraries and arrange it on the plan as you desire fast and easy. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM has many of the features found in Visio for Mac such as Drawing, Connection, Shape and Editing Tools.
What is ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
What is ConceptDraw DIAGRAM
This vector stencils library contains 184 round icons.
Use it to design cloud computing infographics and diagrams with ConceptDraw PRO software.
"Though service-oriented architecture advocates "everything as a service" (with the acronyms EaaS or XaaS or simply aas), cloud-computing providers offer their "services" according to different models, which happen to form a stack: infrastructure-, platform- and software-as-a-service.
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
In the most basic cloud-service model ... providers of IaaS offer computers — physical or (more often) virtual machines — and other resources. IaaS refers to online services that abstract the user from the details of infrastructure like physical computing resources, location, data partitioning, scaling, security, backup etc.
Platform as a service (PaaS)
PaaS vendors offer a development environment to application developers. The provider typically develops toolkit and standards for development and channels for distribution and payment. In the PaaS models, cloud providers deliver a computing platform, typically including operating system, programming-language execution environment, database, and web server. Application developers can develop and run their software solutions on a cloud platform without the cost and complexity of buying and managing the underlying hardware and software layers.
Software as a service (SaaS)
In the software as a service (SaaS) model, users gain access to application software and databases. Cloud providers manage the infrastructure and platforms that run the applications. SaaS is sometimes referred to as "on-demand software" and is usually priced on a pay-per-use basis or using a subscription fee.
In the SaaS model, cloud providers install and operate application software in the cloud and cloud users access the software from cloud clients. Cloud users do not manage the cloud infrastructure and platform where the application runs. This eliminates the need to install and run the application on the cloud user's own computers, which simplifies maintenance and support. Cloud applications differ from other applications in their scalability — which can be achieved by cloning tasks onto multiple virtual machines at run-time to meet changing work demand." [Cloud computing. Wikipedia]
The vector stencils library "Cloud round icons" is included in the Cloud Computing Diagrams solution from the Computer and Networks area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Add, add,
Analysis, analysis,
App, App,
Archive, archive,
Back, back,
Backup, backup,
Book, book,
Books, books,
Box, box,
Bug, bug,
Calculation, calculation,
Calendar, calendar,
Call, call,
Car, car,
Certificate, certificate,
Cloud alert
Cloud alert, cloud alert,
Cloud analysis
Cloud analysis, cloud analysis,
Cloud authorization
Cloud authorization, cloud authorization,
Cloud collaboration
Cloud collaboration, cloud collaboration,
Cloud communications
Cloud communications, cloud communications,
Cloud computing
Cloud computing, cloud computing,
Cloud configuration
Cloud configuration, cloud configuration,
Cloud connectivity
Cloud connectivity, cloud connectivity,
Cloud control
Cloud control, cloud control,
Cloud cost calculation
Cloud cost calculation, cloud cost calculation,
Cloud database
Cloud database, cloud database,
Cloud download
Cloud download, cloud download,
Cloud drive
Cloud drive, cloud drive,
Cloud error
Cloud error, cloud error,
Cloud failure
Cloud failure, cloud failure,
Cloud FAQ
Cloud FAQ, cloud FAQ,
Cloud feedback
Cloud feedback, сloud feedback,
Cloud files
Cloud files, cloud files,
Cloud gateway
Cloud gateway, cloud gateway,
Cloud hosting
Cloud hosting, cloud hosting,
Cloud info
Cloud info, cloud info,
Cloud Internet storage
Cloud Internet storage, cloud Internet storage,
Cloud lock
Cloud lock, cloud lock,
Cloud locked
Cloud locked, cloud locked,
Cloud mail
Cloud mail, cloud mail,
Cloud music
Cloud music, cloud music,
Cloud paperless office
Cloud paperless office, cloud paperless office,
Cloud performance
Cloud performance, cloud performance,
Cloud photo
Cloud photo, сloud photo,
Cloud safe
Cloud safe, сloud safe,
Cloud search
Cloud search, сloud search,
Cloud security
Cloud security, cloud security,
Cloud servers
Cloud servers, cloud servers,
Cloud services
Cloud services, cloud services,
Cloud shopping
Cloud shopping, cloud shopping,
Cloud success
Cloud success, cloud success,
Cloud synchronization
Cloud synchronization, cloud synchronization,
Cloud tech support
Cloud tech support, cloud tech support,
Cloud transfer
Cloud transfer, cloud transfer,
Cloud unlocked
Cloud unlocked, cloud unlocked,
Cloud upload
Cloud upload, cloud upload,
Cloud video
Cloud video, cloud video,
Code, code,
Collaboration, collaboration,
Communication, communication,
Community cloud
Community cloud, community cloud,
Contact list
Contact list, contact list,
Content, content,
Database, database,
Datacenter, datacenter,
Data storage
Data storage, data storage,
Desktop, desktop,
Display, display,
Document, document,
Documents, documents,
Dollar, drawing shapes, dollar,
Done, done,
Down, drawing shapes, down,
Download, download,
E-commerce, E-commerce,
Earth, earth,
Email, email,
Encryption, encryption,
Error, error,
Ethernet, ethernet,
Euro, euro, drawing shapes,
Failure, failure,
Feed, feed,
File, file,
Files, files,
Filter, filter,
Firewall, firewall,
Flash drive
Flash drive, flash drive,
Folder, folder,
Forward, forward, drawing shapes,
Hard drive
Hard drive, hard drive, drawing shapes,
Hardware, hardware, drawing shapes,
Health, health, drawing shapes,
Health monitoring
Health monitoring, health monitoring, drawing shapes,
Home, home, drawing shapes,
Hosting, hosting,
Image, image,
Info, info,
Innovation, innovation,
Key, key,
Keyboard, keyboard,
Laptop, laptop,
Letter, letter, drawing shapes,
Lightning, lightning, drawing shapes,
Link, link, drawing shapes,
List, list, drawing shapes,
Location, location, drawing shapes,
Lock, lock, drawing shapes,
Log, log, drawing shapes,
Login, login,
Logout, logout,
Mail, mail, drawing shapes,
Mail list
Mail list, mail list, drawing shapes,
Marketplace, marketplace, drawing shapes,
Memory (RAM)
Memory (RAM), memory, RAM, drawing shapes,
Message, message, drawing shapes,
Minus, minus, drawing shapes,
Mobile, mobile, drawing shapes,
Mobile cloud computing
Mobile cloud computing, mobile cloud computing, drawing shapes,
Mouse, mouse, drawing shapes,
Music player
Music player, music player, drawing shapes,
Network, network, drawing shapes,
Notebook, notebook, drawing shapes,
Notification, notification, drawing shapes,
Package, package, drawing shapes,
Patch, patch, drawing shapes,
Performance, performance, drawing shapes,
Personal cloud
Personal cloud, personal cloud,
Phone book
Phone book, phone book, drawing shapes,
Photo, photo, drawing shapes,
Plug, plug, drawing shapes,
Pound, pound, drawing shapes,
Power, power, drawing shapes,
Power button
Power button, power button, drawing shapes,
Process, process, drawing shapes,
Processing, processing, drawing shapes,
Puzzles, puzzles, drawing shapes,
Question sign
Question sign, question sign, drawing shapes,
Recovery, recovery, drawing shapes,
Remote, remote, drawing shapes,
Repair, repair, drawing shapes,
Restore, restore, drawing shapes,
Rocket (Logic app)
Rocket (Logic app), rocket, logic app, drawing shapes,
Router, router, drawing shapes,
Safety, safety, drawing shapes,
Schedule, schedule,
Script, script, drawing shapes,
SDK, drawing shapes, SDK,
Search (Scan)
Search (Scan), search, scan, drawing shapes,
Security, security, drawing shapes,
Server, server, drawing shapes,
Server rack
Server rack, server rack, drawing shapes,
Services, services,
Sharing, sharing, drawing shapes,
Shopping basket
Shopping basket, shopping basket, drawing shapes,
Sign in
Sign in, sign in, drawing shapes,
Smartphone, smartphone, drawing shapes,
Song, song, drawing shapes,
Sound, sound, drawing shapes,
Stethoscope, stethoscope, drawing shapes,
Stickman, stickman, drawing shapes,
Subscription, subscription, drawing shapes,
Sync, sync, drawing shapes,
Tablet, tablet, drawing shapes,
Tech support
Tech support, tech support, drawing shapes,
Time, time, drawing shapes,
Top rated
Top rated, top rated, drawing shapes,
Transfer, transfer, drawing shapes,
Unlink, unlink, drawing shapes,
Unlock, unlock, drawing shapes,
Up, up, drawing shapes,
Upload, upload,
User, user, drawing shapes,
Video mail
Video mail, video mail, drawing shapes,
View (visual)
View (visual), view, visual, drawing shapes,
Virus protection
Virus protection, virus protection, drawing shapes,
Waste bin
Waste bin, waste bin, drawing shapes,
Web, web, drawing shapes,
Wifi, wifi, drawing shapes,
Wireless, wireless, drawing shapes,
Yen sign
Yen sign, yen sign, drawing shapes,
The vector stencils library "Mac OS X buttons and segmented controls" contains 51 shapes of buttons and segmented controls.
Use it for designing Mac OS X graphic user interface (GUI) of software for Apple computers in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Graphic User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Button, button,
Button, button,
Gradient Button
Gradient Button, button,
Gradient Button
Gradient Button, button,
Round Rect Button
Round Rect Button, button,
Round Rect Button
Round Rect Button, button,
Round Textured Button
Round Textured Button, button,
Round Textured Button
Round Textured Button, button,
Textured Button
Textured Button, button,
Textured Button
Textured Button, button,
Bevel Button
Bevel Button, button,
Bevel Button
Bevel Button, button,
Square Button
Square Button, button,
Square Button
Square Button, button,
Round Button
Round Button, button,
Round Button
Round Button, button,
Disclosure Triangle
Disclosure Triangle, disclosure triangle,
Help Button
Help Button, help button,
Disclosure Button
Disclosure Button, disclosure button,
Window Buttons
Window Buttons, window buttons,
Window Buttons Gray
Window Buttons Gray, window buttons,
Window Button Gray
Window Button Gray, window button,
Window Button Red
Window Button Red, window button,
Window Button Yellow
Window Button Yellow, window button,
Window Button Green
Window Button Green, window button,
Capsule Left
Capsule Left , capsule,
Capsule Center
Capsule Center, capsule,
Capsule Right
Capsule Right, capsule,
Capsule Left (Selected)
Capsule Left (Selected), capsule,
Capsule Center (Selected)
Capsule Center (Selected), capsule,
Capsule Right (Selected)
Capsule Right (Selected), capsule,
Round Rect Left
Round Rect Left,
Round Rect Center
Round Rect Center,
Round Rect Right
Round Rect Right,
Round Rect Left (Selected)
Round Rect Left (Selected),
Round Rect Center (Selected)
Round Rect Center (Selected),
Round Rect Right (Selected)
Round Rect Right (Selected),
Rounded Left
Rounded Left,
Rounded Center
Rounded Center ,
Rounded Right
Rounded Right,
Rounded Left (Selected)
Rounded Left (Selected),
Rounded Center (Selected)
Rounded Center (Selected),
Rounded Right (Selected)
Rounded Right (Selected),
Textured Left
Textured Left ,
Textured Center
Textured Center,
Textured Right
Textured Right ,
Textured Left (Selected)
Textured Left (Selected),
Textured Center (Selected)
Textured Center (Selected),
Textured Right (Selected)
Textured Right (Selected),
Small Square
Small Square,
Small Square (Selected)
Small Square (Selected),
The vector stencils library "Cloud round icons" contains 184 cloud computing pictograms.
Use it to design your cloud computing diagrams and infographics with ConceptDraw PRO software.
"Graphically, the icon is a stylized picture of objects that users are familiar with from office environment or from other professional arenas. ...
The design of all computer icons is constricted by the limitations of the device display. ... They are frequently scalable, as they are displayed in different positions in the software. The colors used, of both the image and the icon background, should stand out on different system backgrounds. The detailing of the icon image needs to be simple, remaining recognizable in varying graphical resolutions and screen sizes. Computer icons are by definition language-independent; they do not rely on letters or words to convey their meaning." [Icon (computing). Wikipedia]
The icon set example "Design elements - Cloud round icons" is included in the Cloud Computing Diagrams solution from the Computer and Networks area from ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Cloud computing pictograms
Cloud computing pictograms, сloud search, сloud safe, сloud photo, сloud feedback, yen sign, wireless, wifi, web, waste bin, virus protection, view, visual, video mail, user, upload, up, unlock, unlink, transfer, top rated, time, tech support, tablet, sync, subscription, stickman, stethoscope, sound, song, smartphone, sign in, shopping basket, sharing, services, server rack, server, security, search, scan, script, schedule, safety, router, rocket, logic app, restore, repair, remote, recovery, question sign, puzzles, processing, process, power button, power, pound, plug, photo, phone book, personal cloud, performance, patch, package, notification, notebook, network, music player, mouse, mobile cloud computing, mobile, minus, message, memory, RAM, marketplace, mail list, mail, logout, login, log, lock, location, list, link, lightning, letter, laptop, keyboard, key, innovation, info, image, hosting, home, health monitoring, health, hardware, hard drive, forward, folder, flash drive, firewall, filter, files, file, feed, failure, euro, ethernet, error, encryption, email, earth, drawing shapes, download, down, done, dollar, documents, document, display, desktop, datacenter, database, data storage, content, contact list, community cloud, communication, collaboration, code, cloud video, cloud upload, cloud unlocked, cloud transfer, cloud tech support, cloud synchronization, cloud success, cloud shopping, cloud services, cloud servers, cloud security, cloud performance, cloud paperless office, cloud music, cloud mail, cloud locked, cloud lock, cloud info, cloud hosting, cloud gateway, cloud files, cloud failure, cloud error, cloud drive, cloud download, cloud database, cloud cost calculation, cloud control, cloud connectivity, cloud configuration, cloud computing, cloud communications, cloud collaboration, cloud authorization, cloud analysis, cloud alert, cloud Internet storage, cloud FAQ, certificate, car, call, calendar, calculation, bug, box, books, book, backup, back, archive, analysis, add, SDK, E-commerce, CPU, CD, App, API,

Design Data Flow. DFD Library

Data flow diagram or DFD is a type of diagrams used for graphical representation the "flow" of data through an information system, for effective modeling its process aspects and for visualization the data processing. They are one of the best tools for clearly making an overview of the system that will be developed, for depiction in details what kinds of information will be inputted to the system and outputted from it, where they will be stored, and other details. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software with Data Flow Diagrams solution from Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is powerful in a field of designing the DFDs. Three libraries containing 49 vector DFD shapes and symbols are offered by Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) solution. Use them to design data flow diagrams, information flow diagrams, data flowcharts, data process diagrams, structured analysis diagrams, to create the data-oriented models or process-oriented models, and so on. Pay also attention for the included collection of DFD samples, examples and built-in templates at ConceptDraw STORE.
The vector stencils library "Mac OS X Lion buttons and segmented controls" contains 52 shapes of buttons and segmented controls.
Use it for designing Mac OS X Lion graphic user interface (GUI) of software for Apple computers in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Graphic User Interface solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Button, button,
Button, button,
Gradient Button
Gradient Button, button,
Gradient Button
Gradient Button, button,
Round Rect Button
Round Rect Button, button,
Round Rect Button
Round Rect Button, button,
Round Textured Button
Round Textured Button, button,
Round Textured Button
Round Textured Button, button,
Textured Button
Textured Button, button,
Textured Button
Textured Button, button,
Bevel Button
Bevel Button, button,
Bevel Button
Bevel Button, button,
Square Button
Square Button, button,
Square Button
Square Button, button,
Round Button
Round Button, button,
Round Button
Round Button, button,
Help Button
Help Button, help button,
Disclosure Triangle
Disclosure Triangle, disclosure triangle,
Disclosure Button
Disclosure Button, disclosure button,
Disclosure Button
Disclosure Button, disclosure button,
Recessed Button
Recessed Button, recessed button,
Recessed Button
Recessed Button, recessed button,
Traffic Lights
Traffic Lights, traffic lights,
Traffic Lights (disabled)
Traffic Lights (disabled), traffic lights,
Close Button
Close Button, close button,
Minimize Button
Minimize Button, minimize button,
Zoom Button
Zoom Button, zoom button,
Disabled Close, Minimize or Zoom Button
Disabled Close, Minimize or Zoom Button, disabled button,
Textured Rounded Left
Textured Rounded Left,
Textured Rounded Center
Textured Rounded Center,
Textured Rounded Right
Textured Rounded Right,
Textured Rounded Left (Selected)
Textured Rounded Left (Selected),
Textured Rounded Center (Selected)
Textured Rounded Center (Selected),
Textured Rounded Right (Selected)
Textured Rounded Right (Selected),
Rounded Left
Rounded Left,
Rounded Center
Rounded Center,
Rounded Right
Rounded Right,
Rounded Left (Selected)
Rounded Left (Selected),
Rounded Center (Selected)
Rounded Center (Selected),
Rounded Right (Selected)
Rounded Right (Selected),
Round Rect Left
Round Rect Left,
Round Rect Center
Round Rect Center,
Round Rect Right
Round Rect Right,
Round Rect Left (Selected)
Round Rect Left (Selected),
Round Rect Center (Selected)
Round Rect Center (Selected),
Round Rect Right (Selected)
Round Rect Right (Selected),
Small Square
Small Square,
Small Square (Selected)
Small Square (Selected),
Options Button
Options Button, options button,
Count Button
Count Button, count button,
Navigation Button
Navigation Button, navigation button,
Display Mode Buttons
Display Mode Buttons, display mode buttons,

Restaurant Floor Plan Software

The restaurant is a beautiful place for relax and recreation. But not all the restaurants are popular. What is the secret of popularity and active visiting of some restaurant? People pay special attention for design and atmosphere, they must be pleasant and unique. All design elements, correct planning and furniture layout, location of the main hall and kitchen, beautiful music and good service, delicious dishes, create an unforgettable atmosphere of comfort, harmony, and convenience. Having a powerful ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software extended with Cafe and Restaurant Plans solution from Building Plans Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park, you can create your unique and successful Restaurant Floor plans, Restaurant layouts, and Restaurant designs in a few minutes. This solution includes a lot of Restaurant floor plan samples, examples, templates, and variety of libraries with professionally designed vector objects of different furniture, appliances, and other restaurant design elements helpful for fast and easy drawing Floor plan of restaurant.

Basic Flowchart Symbols and Meaning

Flowcharts are the best for visually representation the business processes and the flow of a custom-order process through various departments within an organization. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Flowcharts solution offers the full set of predesigned basic flowchart symbols which are gathered at two libraries: Flowchart and Flowcharts Rapid Draw. Among them are: process, terminator, decision, data, document, display, manual loop, and many other specific symbols. The meaning for each symbol offered by ConceptDraw gives the presentation about their proposed use in professional Flowcharts for business and technical processes, software algorithms, well-developed structures of web sites, Workflow diagrams, Process flow diagram and correlation in developing on-line instructional projects or business process system. Use of ready flow chart symbols in diagrams is incredibly useful - you need simply drag desired from the libraries to your document and arrange them in required order. There are a few serious alternatives to Visio for Mac, one of them is ConceptDraw DIAGRAM. It is one of the main contender with the most similar features and capabilities.
How to Build a Flowchart
How to Build a Flowchart
The vector stencils library Cafe and restaurant contains symbols of furniture, equipment and interior design elenebts.
Use the shapes library Cafe and restaurant to draw the interior design floor plans and furniture and equipment layouts of coffeehouses, restaurants and bars using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software.
"Various types of restaurant fall into several industry classifications based upon menu style, preparation methods and pricing. Additionally, how the food is served to the customer helps to determine the classification.
Historically, restaurant referred only to places that provided tables where one sat down to eat the meal, typically served by a waiter. Following the rise of fast food and take-out restaurants, a retronym for the older "standard" restaurant was created, sit-down restaurant. Most commonly, "sit-down restaurant" refers to a casual dining restaurant with table service, rather than a fast food restaurant or a "diner", where one orders food at a counter." [Types of restaurant. Wikipedia]
The design elements library Cafe and restaurant is included in the Cafe and Restaurant Floor Plans solution from the Building Plans area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
 , square table, table, salad bar, round table, table, rectangular table, table, patio table, patio awning, ice cream bar, hostess podium, demicircular bench, curved back, chair, corner table, table, corner counter, corner booth, corner bench, chair, booth, bistro set,

Interior Design. Office Layout Plan Design Element

Lucky interior design is an integral part of succesful work at office. The important challenge in office design planning is to find a balance between two main office activities: concentration and communication. Primarily you need to determine with a type of office space, this can be an open space or separate rooms. The first type is more suitable for communication and rapid interaction. That's why open offices and combined spaces are modern types of work space and often used, especially for private offices. Traditional office basically represents separate rooms arranged along the corridor. It is applied for the companies with small number of people or for enterprises divided on separate departments, and is practically inapplicable for teamwork. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Office Layout Plans solution offers a lot of vector stencils libraries with design elements of office furniture and equipment for effective office interior design and office space planning, for easy creation Office Floor Plans and Office Layout Plans. Use ConceptDraw DIAGRAM to visualize process flowcharts, network architecture and program workflows like Visio for Mac and even more. The software can be used with different fields like business, engineering and construction, etc.
How to Draw a Floor Plan
How to Draw a Floor Plan
The vector stencils library "Cafe and restaurant" contains shapes of furniture and equipment. Use these shapes for drawing cafe and restaurant design plans, arrangement and layouts in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Cafe and Restaurant solution from the Building Plans area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Bistro Set for 2
Bistro Set for 2, bistro set,
Booth - Left Facing
Booth - Left Facing, booth,
Booth - Right Facing
Booth - Right Facing, booth,
Corner Booth
Corner Booth, corner booth,
Corner Bench with Rounded End
Corner Bench with Rounded End, corner bench,
Corner Bench 1
Corner Bench 1, corner bench,
Corner Bench 2
Corner Bench 2, corner bench,
Corner Bench 3
Corner Bench 3, corner bench,
Semicircular Bench
Semicircular Bench, demicircular bench,
Hostess Podium
Hostess Podium, hostess podium,
Patio Table for 4
Patio Table for 4, patio table,
Rectangular Table for 4
Rectangular Table for 4, rectangular table, table,
Square Table for 4
Square Table for 4, square table, table,
Round Table for 4
Round Table for 4, round table, table,
Corner Counter
Corner Counter, corner counter,
Round Table
Round Table, round table, table,
Square Table with Rounded Corners
Square Table with Rounded Corners, square table, table,
Corner Table
Corner Table, corner table, table,
Curved back chair
Curved back chair, curved back, chair,
Chair 2
Chair 2, chair,
Salad Bar
Salad Bar, salad bar,
Patio Awning
Patio Awning, patio awning,
The vector stencils library "Kitchen and dining room" contains 22 shapes of furniture and equipment. Use it for drawing kitchen and dining room design plans, furniture and applience layouts in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Floor Plans solution from the Building Plans area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Sink 1
Sink 1, sink,
Sink 2
Sink 2, sink,
Sink 3
Sink 3, sink,
Countertop, countertop,
Island 1
Island 1, island,
Island 2
Island 2, island,
Island 3
Island 3, island,
Island 4
Island 4, island,
Corner Counter 1
Corner Counter 1, corner counter,
Corner Counter 2
Corner Counter 2, corner counter,
Corner Counter 3
Corner Counter 3, corner counter,
Bullnose Counter
Bullnose Counter, bullnose counter,
Full Bullnose Counter
Full Bullnose Counter, full bullnose counter,
Platter Counter
Platter Counter, platter counter,
Bevel Counter
Bevel Counter, bevel counter,
Bent Counter
Bent Counter, bent counter,
Buffet/Hutch, buffet, hutch,
Square Dining Table
Square Dining Table, square, dining table,
Rectangular Dining Table
Rectangular Dining Table, rectangular, dining table,
Square Dining Table with Rounded Corners
Square Dining Table with Rounded Corners, square, dining table, rounded corners,
Rectangular Dining Table with Rounded Corners
Rectangular Dining Table with Rounded Corners, rectangular dining table, rounded corners,
Round Dining Table
Round Dining Table, round dining table,