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The vector stencils library "Fault tree analysis diagrams" contains 12 symbols for drawing FTA diagrams in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Fault Tree Analysis Diagrams solution from the Engineering area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. solution-park/ engineering-fault-tree-analysis-diagrams
AND gate
AND gate, AND gate,
Priority AND gate
Priority AND gate, priority AND gate,
OR gate
OR gate, OR gate,
Inhibit gate
Inhibit gate, inhibit gate,
XOR gate
XOR gate, exclusive OR gate,
Event, event,
Basic event
Basic event, basic event, basic initiating fault, failure event,
Undeveloped event
Undeveloped event, undeveloped event,
House event
House event, house event,
Conditional event
Conditional event, conditional event,
Transfer symbol
Transfer symbol, transfer,
Voting gate
Voting gate, voting gate,
The vector stencils library "SWOT" contains 19 SWOT and TOWS analysis matrix diagram templates. Use it to create your SWOT and TOWS matrices in the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the SWOT Analysis solution from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
SWOT Matrix
SWOT Matrix, SWOT matrix, SWOT,
TOWS Matrix
TOWS Matrix, TOWS matrix, TOWS,
SWOT Matrix, green
SWOT Matrix, green, SWOT matrix, SWOT,
TOWS Matrix, green
TOWS Matrix, green, TOWS matrix, TOWS,
SWOT Matrix, red
SWOT Matrix, red, SWOT matrix, SWOT,
TOWS Matrix, red
TOWS Matrix, red, TOWS matrix, TOWS,
SWOT Matrix, soft
SWOT Matrix, soft, SWOT matrix, SWOT,
TOWS Matrix, soft
TOWS Matrix, soft, TOWS matrix, TOWS,
SWOT, SWOT matrix, SWOT,
SWOT Matrix
SWOT Matrix, SWOT matrix, SWOT,
SWOT Matrix
SWOT Matrix, SWOT matrix, SWOT,
SWOT Matrix
SWOT Matrix, SWOT matrix, SWOT,
SWOT Analysis Matrix
SWOT Analysis Matrix, SWOT matrix, SWOT, SWOT analysis,
SWOT Analysis Matrix - black and white
SWOT Analysis Matrix - black and white, SWOT matrix, SWOT, SWOT analysis, SWOT analysis matrix,
Pentagons SWOT matrix
Pentagons SWOT matrix, pentagons SWOT matrix,
SWOT analysis template
SWOT analysis template, SWOT analysis template,
SWOT analysis positioning matrix
SWOT analysis positioning matrix, SWOT analysis positioning matrix,
SWOT matrix
SWOT matrix, SWOT matrix,
SWOT analysis
SWOT analysis, SWOT analysis,

Marketing Analysis Diagram

An example of marketing analysis diagram, can be used to analyse product market and define marketing strategy.

Spatial Data Analysis

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Pictorial Infographics Solution from the “Infographics” Area is the best for Spatial Data Analysis. You have a perfect possibility to make sure this right now.

TOWS Analysis Software

TOWS analysis is a method of strategic analysis which is oriented on the study of the threats (T) which are danger for the company and new opportunities (O) which are closely connected with weaknesses (W) and strengths (S) sides of its activity.
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams Solution from the Management Area is the best for realization TOWS analysis and for quick and easy construction TOWS Matrix.

Flowchart Example: Flow Chart of Marketing Analysis

An example flowchart of marketing analysis shows main steps you have to challenge writing a marketing analysis.

Fault Tree Analysis Example

Designing the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) Diagrams first of all it is important to have a powerful software. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Fault Tree Analysis Diagrams Solution from the Industrial Engineering Area is exactly what you need. It is also convenient to have professional looking Fault Tree Analysis example before the eyes, and it is excellent that this solution includes large collection of such examples.

Ishikawa Diagram

In almost every sphere of life and work the people time to time are faced with the fact that on their way there are certain obstacles and problems. But it is not always possible to identify the true cause of particular problem. To understand the basic causes of problems and eliminate them, it is convenient to use the chart of Kaoru Ishikawa - the technique specially designed for this.
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Fishbone Diagrams solution from the Management area can help you with construction the Fishbone Diagram also known as Ishikawa Diagram.
Ishikawa Diagram shows factors of Equipment, Process, People, Materials, Environment and Management, all affecting the overall problem in one drawing for the further analysis. It is a well effective way to analyze the business problems you must identify and solve.

Fault Tree Analysis Software

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM extended with Fault Tree Analysis Diagrams Solution from the Industrial Engineering Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park is the best Fault Tree Analysis Software.
First of all, Fault Tree Analysis Diagrams Solution provides a set of samples which are the good examples of easy drawing professional looking Fault Tree Analysis Diagrams.

Visualize Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder analysis in conflict resolution, project management, and business administration, is the process of identifying the individuals or groups that are likely to affect or be affected by a proposed action, and sorting them according to their impact on the action and the impact the action will have on them.
Use the ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software enhanced with powerful tools of Stakeholder Onion Diagrams Solution from the Management Area of ConceptDraw Solution Park to easy and effectively visualize stakeholder analysis.

Cause and Effect Analysis

When you have some problems you need first to explore the reasons which caused them. Cause and Effect Analysis is a perfect way to do this. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM software enhanced with Fishbone Diagrams solution from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park gives the ability to draw fast and easy Fishbone diagram that identifies many possible causes for an effect.

Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) with ConceptDraw DIAGRAM

Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method SSADM is the method which is used at projecting and analysis of information systems. SSADM is based on the data flow diagrams. At the description of data flows out of the system and into the system DFD, which denote boundaries of the system, are used.

SWOT Matrix Template

A SWOT analysis can be carried out for a product, place, industry or person. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective.

Fishbone Diagram Example

Fishbone Diagram, also referred as Cause and Effect diagram or Ishikawa diagram, is a fault finding and problem solving tool. Construction of Ishikawa diagrams is quite complicated process and has a number of features.
Fishbone Diagrams solution included to ConceptDraw Solution Park contains powerful drawing tools and a lot of examples, samples and templates. Each Fishbone diagram example is carefully thought-out by experts and is perfect source of inspiration for you.

TOWS Matrix

TOWS Matrix is an effective tool which allows to analize the external opportunities and threats by means of analyzing the internal strengths and weaknesses of a company. ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software extended with SWOT and TOWS Matrix Diagrams Solution from the Management Area will help design TOWS Matrix for your company without efforts.