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How to Create a Fault Tree Analysis Diagram (FTD) in ConceptDraw PRO

Fault Tree Diagram are logic diagram that shows the state of an entire system in a relationship of the conditions of its elements. Fault Tree Diagram are used to analyze the probability of functional system failures and safety accidents. ConceptDraw PRO allows you to create professional Fault Tree Diagrams using the basic FTD symbols. An FTD visualize a model of the processes within a system that can lead to the unlikely event. A fault tree diagrams are created using standard logic symbols . The basic elements in a fault tree diagram are gates and events.

fault tree analysis, fishbone diagram, cause and effect diagrams, fault tree analysis software, fault tree analysis example Fault Tree Analysis Diagrams

fault tree analysis, fishbone diagram, cause and effect diagrams, fault tree analysis software, fault tree analysis example
This solution extends ConceptDraw PRO v9.5 or later with templates, fault tree analysis example, samples and a library of vector design elements for drawing FTA diagrams (or negative analytical trees), cause and effect diagrams and fault tree diagrams.
"A root cause is an initiating cause of a causal chain which leads to an outcome or effect of interest. Commonly, root cause is used to describe the depth in the causal chain where an intervention could reasonably be implemented to change performance and prevent an undesirable outcome." [Root cause. Wikipedia]
"Problem-solving consists of using generic or ad hoc methods, in an orderly manner, for finding solutions to problems. Some of the problem-solving techniques developed and used in artificial intelligence, computer science, engineering, mathematics, medicine, etc. are related to mental problem-solving techniques studied in psychology." [Problem solving. Wikipedia]
This root cause analysis (RCA) tree diagram example "Personal problem solution" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Seven Management and Planning Tools solution from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
Tree diagram
Tree diagram, root cause, problem, corrective action, cause,
"Root cause analysis (RCA) is a method of problem solving that tries to identify the root causes of faults or problems. ...
RCA (in steps 3, 4 and 5) forms the most critical part of successful corrective action, because it directs the corrective action at the true root cause of the problem. Knowing the root cause is secondary to the goal of prevention, but without knowing the root cause, it is not possible to determine what an effective corrective action for the defined problem would be. ...
3. Ask "why" and identify the causes associated with each step in the sequence towards the defined problem or event. "Why" is taken to mean "What were the factors that directly resulted in the effect?"
4. Classify causes into causal factors that relate to an event in the sequence and root causes, that if eliminated, can be agreed to have interrupted that step of the sequence chain.
5. Identify all other harmful factors that have equal or better claim to be called "root causes." If there are multiple root causes, which is often the case, reveal those clearly for later optimum selection." [Root cause analysis. Wikipedia]
This root cause analysis (RCA) tree diagram example "Sale problem solution" was created using the ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with the Seven Management and Planning Tools solution from the Management area of ConceptDraw Solution Park.
RCA diagram
RCA diagram, root cause, problem, cause,

PROBLEM ANALYSIS. Root Cause Analysis Tree Diagram

Root Cause Analysis Tree Diagram. Use the Root Cause Diagram to perform visual root cause analysis. Root Cause Analysis Tree Diagram is constructed separately for each highly prioritized factor. The goal of this is to find the root causes for the factor and list possible corrective action.
ConceptDraw Office suite is a software for problem analysis.
7MP Tools
7MP Tools

How to Manage Problem Solving Using Seven Management and Planning Tools

Stage by stage gouide on using visual tools to move toward solving the problem.
7 MP Tools
7 MP Tools


Risk Diagram (PDPC) - ConceptDraw Office suite is a software for Risks Diagram making. This diagram identifies possible risks in accomplishing corrective actions. With the Risks Diagram, one analyzes each action separately in a tree of all actions and develops a preventive action in response of each potential obstacles or circumstances which may be a risk.
7MP Tools
7MP Tools

Affinity Diagram

The Affinity Diagram shows the structure of large, complex factors that have an influence on a problem, and then divides them up into a smaller and simpler structure. The Affinity Diagram does not show a causal relationship between the factors. This diagram is designed to prepare the data for further analysis of the cause-effect relationships.

PROBLEM ANALYSIS. Relations Diagram

Use the Relations Diagram to create a relations factors map and to identify which factors are “drivers” and “indicators”. This diagram identifies causal relationships and determine what factors are causes or effects.
ConceptDraw Office suite is a software for relation diagram making.
7MP Tools
7MP Tools

Relationships Analysis

Relationships Analysis. Relations Diagram - factors analysis, factors relations. Create Relations Diagram with ConceptDraw PRO.
The Seven Management and Planning Tools is a tool for Interaction diagram drawing. This diagram identifies causal relationships. Determine what factors are causes and which factors are effects. Interaction diagram helps establish KPIs to monitor changes and the effectiveness of corrective actions in resolving the problem.