ConceptDraw DIAGRAM 18 is

Application Compatibility
- Versions of MS Visio 2007/2010/2013/2016
- ConceptDrawPROJECT 15
- ConceptDraw MINDMAP 15
- ConceptDraw OFFICE 11
Diagramming Tools
Drawing Tools
Simple drawing tools: line, arc, spline, rectangle, oval that allow to create shape of custom form
Text Tools: Select Text tool, Quick text enter, Fit shape to text, Auto-expand mode, Text clipping,
Text editing and formatting tools predefined text styles, Rich text block format options.
Auto routing connectors
Any object can be transformed to connector
Connector Types: Direct, Smart, Curve, Round,
Bezier and Arc
Chain and Tree modes for automatic object connection
Adding two-sided margins (Fields),
or one-sided indent (Path)
makes a part of the connection invisible
Compatibility with ConceptDraw STORE
Set of the business specific diagramming solutions
Hundreds of stencils libraries for different activities
User-defined libraries and templates
Predefined templates, Samples for templates
Quick Diagramming
Vector stencil libraries
Rapid Draw for block diagrams
Live objects
Dynamic Snap
Auto-connect modes
Clone tool
Arrangement and alignment options
Substitute and replace commands
Customizing Objects
Line styles and arrows
Crop tool to remove unwanted parts of bitmap images
Fill styles, intelligence gradients, textures, shadows
Geometrical and placement commands
Hyperlinks and Notes
Properties lock options
Objects Special Behavior
User-defined properties
User-defined object behavior by double-click
Predefined objects actions
Objects control handles
Deep customizing objects using PowerEdit feature
Live Objects
Interactive objects with actions
Indicators changing view depend on data
Data sources for live objects
Multiple pages in a single document
Multiple background pages in a document
Page Navigator for page handling
Pages operations: reordering, drag&drop objects between pages, duplicate pages
Document Settings For Easy Work
Different units of measure
Grid and guides
Snap to grid, objects, guides
Layers (invisible, disabled from printing)
Create and show Presentations
Presentation mode
Presentation settings (display, auto-switching slides)
Save document as presentation (PowerPoint or Adobe SWF formats)
Hyperlinks for customizing presentation navigation
Dynamic presentation
Dashboard presentation
Document Output
Simple basic settings
Highly customized printing settings
Exclude objects and whole layers from printing
Popular Graphic Formats: PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF, TIFF import and export
Eps (Windows version only)
Adobe PDF
PowerPoint import and export
MS Visio 2021 Drawings (vdx, vsdx) import and export
MS Visio 2003 Drawings vsd import
MS Visio Stencils (vss, vssx) import
ConceptDraw Solutions
Looking for additional productivity tools?
ConceptDraw Solutions supply business
professionals with a big collection of visual solutions
These product extensions bring extra functionality to
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM 18 with sets of thematic stencil libraries, templates and samples.
You can preview and purchase contents of both free and paid solutions using ConceptDraw STORE.
3rd Party/ Corporate Developers
Development API available.