Gantt Chart Templates
Gantt Chart Templates - PM Easy Solution from the Project Management Area extends ConceptDraw PROJECT with the ability to quickly start a project. It lists task dependencies and relationships making the terative planning easy. ConceptDraw PROJECT lets you the useful possibility to create visual project dashboards and diagrams, generate various kinds of reports with one click. It provides also extensive capabilities of importing and exporting in various formats: Microsoft Project, ConceptDraw MINDMAP, Mindjet MindManager, PDF file.Gantt Chart Diagram
Gantt Chart is a popular type of bar charts and widely used projects planning method. It helps to illustrate the plan for some project, the progress of tasks, the resources planning, the schedule of works and working time. The Gantt Chart contains a set of intervals (bars) located on the time axis and reflects the use of resources by objects. Each bar represents a separate task in the project, its length is a duration of the work. The vertical axis of the graph represents the list of tasks. Besides, the chart can contain additional data, such as the percents of complete, the total tasks, the tasks dependencies, the key points (milestones), etc. The use of Gantt Chart greatly simplifies the project management and enables to visualize in visual and compressed view the most important information of the project, what resources are used for execution the certain tasks and which must to be the speed of their execution. ConceptDraw Office suite applications help to cope perfectly the project management tasks, to construct easily the basic structure of your project and create a Gantt Chart Diagram. PM Easy solution allows you to plan and execute the projects using the mind mapping technique, to implement planning using mind mapping, and track tasks using ConceptDraw Project.Gantt Chart Software
ConceptDraw PROJECT is a powerful Gantt Chart Software. The Gantt Charts are useful for displaying a large amount of detailed information, project tasks and timelines in a visually pleasing, easy-to-understand format. ConceptDraw PROJECT provides wide capabilities of importing and exporting in various formats: Microsoft Project, ConceptDraw MINDMAP, Mindjet MindManager, PDF file.How To Plan and Implement Projects Faster
ConceptDraw Office is the most effective tool for planning, tracking, and reporting all types of projects with strong management capabilities, user friendly functionality, and superior ease of use. In this tutorial video we will assist you in planning and managing a project using ConceptDraw Office.Construction Project Chart Examples
ConceptDraw PROJECT provides a set of construction Gantt chart examples. Project manager requires task tracking, and project examples best approach to start. Make your project applying one of our ready-made examples.HelpDesk
How to Input Data from MS Excel Into a Mind Map
Many people apply Excel documents to store data in the form of hierarchical lists. With ConceptDraw MINDMAP you can easily turn the linear structure of an Excel table in a radial structure of mind map ConceptDraw MINDMAP will create a mind map file (CDMZ) from your Excel (XLS) file. If you keep your information in the Microsoft Excel files, you can import them into ConceptDraw MINDMAP, converting the columns and rows to a hierarchical structured mind map. If you have multiple individual sheets in your Excel workbook, ConceptDraw MINDMAP will turn them into a single multi-page mind map. ConceptDraw MINDMAP lets you import an entire Microsoft® Excel file as well as insert data from the selected cells.What Constitutes a Project?
Separated into categories of Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced categories, the new instructional videos about ConceptDraw PROJECT cover a huge breadth of topics, explaining how to use project management software. Users new to ConceptDraw PROJECT will find the Basic lessons an essential platform for familiarizing themselves with the programs′s functions and found it simple project management software. This video lesson is the first in Basic lessons series tells about affordable simple project management software, it may be used as an intro for what is project management using simple project management sample. ConceptDraw PROJECT is excellent portfolio project management software, this lessons explains how to use project management software for small business in case of multi project environment.
How to Quickly Make a Project from a Mind Map
ConceptDraw MINDMAP allows you to view your mind map as a Gantt chart. You can do this by opening your map in ConceptDraw PROJECT. It is possible to proceed the same file in both ConceptDraw MINDMAP and ConceptDraw PROJECT.Project — Working With Costs
ConceptDraw PROJECT delivers a rich set of built-in functionalities and optional product extensions that support your daily workflow in time-saving and creative ways. This video lesson will teach you how to work with costs in your project document.Project — Working With Tasks
A full-featured project management solution with all the necessary functions right at your fingertips. Generates an extensive variety of reports on project and task statuses. These videos provide a series of lessons that will enhance the understanding of all our users, from people just starting out with the software, through to expert users.Project — Assigning Resources
Users new to ConceptDraw PROJECT will find the Basic lessons an essential platform for familiarizing themselves with the program′s functions. Learn how to assign resources to tasks in ConceptDraw PROJECT with this comprehensive video lesson.
How to Split a Complex Map to a Few Simple Maps
When using ConceptDraw MINDMAP, you can move each main topic of a large complex mind map to a separate page. Here is the instructions on how to create a multiple page mind map from a solid map.Project —Task Trees and Dependencies
Users new to ConceptDraw PROJECT will find the Basic lessons an essential platform for familiarizing themselves with the program′s functions. This video lesson will teach you how to set up task trees and dependencies.How To Create Project Report
ConceptDraw PROJECT contains an extensive tool set to help project managers. The rich data visualization capability that is provided by ConceptDraw products helps you create project dashboards, one-click reports, multi-project views, Gantt charts, and resource views. Let′s learn how to get maximum value using ConceptDraw PROJECT!HelpDesk
How to Import a PowerPoint Presentation to ConceptDraw MINDMAP
ConceptDraw MINDMAP supports the ability to import presentations from Microsoft® PowerPoint®.- Gantt chart examples | Gant Chart in Project Management | Gantt ...
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- How to Discover Critical Path on a Gantt Chart | Gantt chart ...
- Construction Project Chart Examples | Gantt Chart Templates | Gantt ...
- Gantt Chart Templates | Gantt chart examples | Gantt Chart Software ...
- Gant Chart | Examples of Flowcharts, Organizational Charts ...
- Gantt Chart Software | Cross-Functional Flowchart | Gantt Chart ...
- Gantt chart examples | Gant Chart in Project Management | Gantt ...
- Gant Chart in Project Management | Gantt chart examples | Gantt ...
- Gantt Chart Templates | Successful Strategic Plan | Gantt Chart ...
- Gantt Chart Templates | Construction Project Chart Examples | 3 ...
- Gant Chart in Project Management | How to Create Gantt Chart ...
- Construction Project Chart Examples | Gant Chart in Project ...
- How to Create Presentation of Your Project Gantt Chart | How to ...
- How to Discover Critical Path on a Gantt Chart | Gantt Chart ...
- Gantt chart examples | How to Create Presentation of Your Project ...
- How to Report Task's Execution with Gantt Chart | Gant Chart in ...
- Construction Project Chart Examples | Gantt chart examples | Gant ...
- Easy Gantt Chart Software