Gantt Project Management
A Gantt chart is one of those types of bar charts that are common for using while managing a project. With the help of Gantt chart, a member of a project team such as a project manager can illustrate this project’s schedule. Some Gantt charts nowadays can also show the dependency relationships between the ongoing activities and current schedule status. In search of an appropriate Gantt project management software, the ConceptDraw PROJECT might become the best assistant of yours.
Being a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule, this chart lists those tasks that have to be performed on the vertical axis. At the same time, the time intervals should be represented on the horizontal axis. The width of the horizontal bars in each of the graphs are there to show the duration of each of the ongoing activities. Gantt charts can be used any time there is a need for illustrating both start and finish dates of each of the projects as well as the summary elements of all projects.
Thus, the so-called work breakdown structure of the project is constituted by both mentioned terminal and summary elements. Nowadays the Gantt charts are able to also show the dependency relationships between different activities. They can be used for showing the current schedule status.
Being a common charting technique, Gantt charts were originally considered revolutionary when they were introduced for the first time. The very first known tool of this particular type was developed by Karol Adamiecki in 1896. Not publishing his chart until 1931, he originally called it as a “harmonogram”.
Later, in 1912, Hermann Schürch published Gantt charts while discussing a construction project. Differing from later Gantt charts, his charts did not display interdependencies. Also, these were static representations of a planned schedule.
Being named after Henry Gantt, the Gantt chart was designed around the 1910–1915 years.
The earliest Gantt charts were drawn on paper but nowadays there is an opportunity for all ConceptDraw PROJECT Gantt project management application’s user to create them within only a few minutes as long as the mentioned software is downloaded on their desktop.

Pic 1. Gantt Project Management Software
Before, project managers used pieces of paper as Gantt chart bars. In this way, they could be adjusted the way it was needed. Personal computers in the 1980s allowed the creation of elaborate and complex Gantt charts and since recently it is possible to do with the help of the unique and innovative ConceptDraw PROJECT software.
The very first applications were originally intended to be used by project schedulers and project managers. Nowadays, Gantt charts are a common feature of web-based applications. It includes collaborative groupware. By 2012, most of the Gantt charts were already made by using software in order to easily adjust to schedule changes.
Being identified as the most widely used management tools for control and project scheduling, Gantt charts normally include tasks that are shaded in proportion to the degree of their completion.
Any task that is 60% complete is usually 60% shaded after. It starts to become shaded from the left side of the chart. A vertical line is usually drawn at the time index. This is when the progress Gantt chart needs to be created. This line can be compared with the shaded tasks after. In case everything is on schedule, all task portions that are left of the line will eventually be shaded. Thus, all the task portions on the right side of the line won’t be shaded. Such structure provides a visual representation of the way the project and so its tasks are either behind or ahead of schedule.
The so-called “linked Gantt chart” may be referred to the one that contains different lines usually used for indicating the dependencies between different tasks. Such charts quickly become cluttered in all the cases, but the simplest. Gantt charts are normally more preferred over network diagrams. The reason is they are easily interpreted with no training. At the same time, critical path diagrams require training to interpret so they are used less often to compare to the Gantt charts. The ConceptDraw PROJECT Gantt chart software provides its users with all the needed mechanisms to use for linking task dependencies.
Gantt charts are often used for the projects no matter whether they are simple or complex including many different tasks. Having a useful software application, such as the ConceptDraw PROJECT one, anyone can easily create the needed Gantt chart, either basic one or a linked one.
A software application that can be used for making the Gantt project management charts is the ConceptDraw PROJECT one. Having this tool, a project manager can cope with many tasks at the same time arranging people doing what needs to be done, on time.
Providing its users with the ability to track at least a few tasks at the same time, the ConceptDraw PROJECT application might become a useful assistant for project managers who deal with a few projects running at the same time.
Having such a full-featured project management tool as ConceptDraw PROJECT, you get all the needed features in order to successfully execute all the planned projects. The mentioned features include both task management, reporting, change control and resource management. As long as there is ConceptDraw Office installed on your desktop, you can always have the needed integration that helps improve project management in your organization. It can be done by leveraging the power of data visualization and mind mapping in particular.
It is usually needed to manage different resources over multiple projects from one particular place for many project managers. Viewing resource assignments on tasks in all the ongoing projects is possible in the ConceptDraw PROJECT application. Identifying resource overload areas in all those projects as well as an opportunity to adjust the from one view can be also done. Thus, the sooner the mentioned tool gets downloaded from this site, the sooner you can get a chance to use this unique product.